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Consider an online facility assignment problem where a set of facilities $F = { f_1, f_2, f_3, cdots, f_{|F|} }$ of equal capacity $l$ is situated on a metric space and customers arrive one by one in an online manner on that space. We assign a customer $c_i$ to a facility $f_j$ before a new customer $c_{i+1}$ arrives. The cost of this assignment is the distance between $c_i$ and $f_j$. The objective of this problem is to minimize the sum of all assignment costs. Recently Ahmed et al. (TCS, 806, pp. 455-467, 2020) studied the problem where the facilities are situated on a line and computed competitive ratio of Algorithm Greedy which assigns the customer to the nearest available facility. They computed competitive ratio of algorithm named Algorithm Optimal-Fill which assigns the new customer considering optimal assignment of all previous customers. They also studied the problem where the facilities are situated on a connected unweighted graph. In this paper we first consider that $F$ is situated on the vertices of a connected unweighted grid graph $G$ of size $r times c$ and customers arrive one by one having positions on the vertices of $G$. We show that Algorithm Greedy has competitive ratio $r times c + r + c$ and Algorithm Optimal-Fill has competitive ratio $O(r times c)$. We later show that the competitive ratio of Algorithm Optimal-Fill is $2|F|$ for any arbitrary graph. Our bound is tight and better than the previous result. We also consider the facilities are distributed arbitrarily on a plane and provide an algorithm for the scenario. We also provide an algorithm that has competitive ratio $(2n-1)$. Finally, we consider a straight line metric space and show that no algorithm for the online facility assignment problem has competitive ratio less than $9.001$.
We consider the file maintenance problem (also called the online labeling problem) in which n integer items from the set {1,...,r} are to be stored in an array of size m >= n. The items are presented sequentially in an arbitrary order, and must be stored in the array in sorted order (but not necessarily in consecutive locations in the array). Each new item must be stored in the array before the next item is received. If r<=m then we can simply store item j in location j but if r>m then we may have to shift the location of stored items to make space for a newly arrived item. The algorithm is charged each time an item is stored in the array, or moved to a new location. The goal is to minimize the total number of such moves done by the algorithm. This problem is non-trivial when n=<m<r. In the case that m=Cn for some C>1, algorithms for this problem with cost O(log(n)^2) per item have been given [IKR81, Wil92, BCD+02]. When m=n, algorithms with cost O(log(n)^3) per item were given [Zha93, BS07]. In this paper we prove lower bounds that show that these algorithms are optimal, up to constant factors. Previously, the only lower bound known for this range of parameters was a lower bound of Omega(log(n)^2) for the restricted class of smooth algorithms [DSZ05a, Zha93]. We also provide an algorithm for the sparse case: If the number of items is polylogarithmic in the array size then the problem can be solved in amortized constant time per item.
In the streaming model, the order of the stream can significantly affect the difficulty of a problem. A $t$-semirandom stream was introduced as an interpolation between random-order ($t=1$) and adversarial-order ($t=n$) streams where an adversary intercepts a random-order stream and can delay up to $t$ elements at a time. IITK Sublinear Open Problem #15 asks to find algorithms whose performance degrades smoothly as $t$ increases. We show that the celebrated online facility location algorithm achieves an expected competitive ratio of $O(frac{log t}{log log t})$. We present a matching lower bound that any randomized algorithm has an expected competitive ratio of $Omega(frac{log t}{log log t})$. We use this result to construct an $O(1)$-approximate streaming algorithm for $k$-median clustering that stores $O(k log t)$ points and has $O(k log t)$ worst-case update time. Our technique generalizes to any dissimilarity measure that satisfies a weak triangle inequality, including $k$-means, $M$-estimators, and $ell_p$ norms. The special case $t=1$ yields an optimal $O(k)$ space algorithm for random-order streams as well as an optimal $O(nk)$ time algorithm in the RAM model, closing a long line of research on this problem.
We study an online linear programming (OLP) problem under a random input model in which the columns of the constraint matrix along with the corresponding coefficients in the objective function are generated i.i.d. from an unknown distribution and revealed sequentially over time. Virtually all pre-existing online algorithms were based on learning the dual optimal solutions/prices of the linear programs (LP), and their analyses were focused on the aggregate objective value and solving the packing LP where all coefficients in the constraint matrix and objective are nonnegative. However, two major open questions were: (i) Does the set of LP optimal dual prices learned in the pre-existing algorithms converge to those of the offline LP, and (ii) Could the results be extended to general LP problems where the coefficients can be either positive or negative. We resolve these two questions by establishing convergence results for the dual prices under moderate regularity conditions for general LP problems. Specifically, we identify an equivalent form of the dual problem which relates the dual LP with a sample average approximation to a stochastic program. Furthermore, we propose a new type of OLP algorithm, Action-History-Dependent Learning Algorithm, which improves the previous algorithm performances by taking into account the past input data as well as decisions/actions already made. We derive an $O(log n log log n)$ regret bound (under a locally strong convexity and smoothness condition) for the proposed algorithm, against the $O(sqrt{n})$ bound for typical dual-price learning algorithms, where $n$ is the number of decision variables. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and the action-history-dependent design.
We study the assignment problem of objects to agents with heterogeneous preferences under distributional constraints. Each agent is associated with a publicly known type and has a private ordinal ranking over objects. We are interested in assigning as many agents as possible. Our first contribution is a generalization of the well-known and widely used serial dictatorship. Our mechanism maintains several desirable properties of serial dictatorship, including strategyproofness, Pareto efficiency, and computational tractability while satisfying the distributional constraints with a small error. We also propose a generalization of the probabilistic serial algorithm, which finds an ordinally efficient and envy-free assignment, and also satisfies the distributional constraints with a small error. We show, however, that no ordinally efficient and envy-free mechanism is also weakly strategyproof. Both of our algorithms assign at least the same number of students as the optimum fractional assignment.
There has been a resurgence of interest in lower bounds whose truth rests on the conjectured hardness of well known computational problems. These conditional lower bounds have become important and popular due to the painfully slow progress on proving strong unconditional lower bounds. Nevertheless, the long term goal is to replace these conditional bounds with unconditional ones. In this paper we make progress in this direction by studying the cell probe complexity of two conjectured to be hard problems of particular importance: matrix-vector multiplication and a version of dynamic set disjointness known as Patrascus Multiphase Problem. We give improved unconditional lower bounds for these problems as well as introducing new proof techniques of independent interest. These include a technique capable of proving strong threshold lower bounds of the following form: If we insist on having a very fast query time, then the update time has to be slow enough to compute a lookup table with the answer to every possible query. This is the first time a lower bound of this type has been proven.