This work proposes a rigorous and practical algorithm for generating meromorphic quartic differentials for the purpose of quad-mesh generation. The work is based on the Abel-Jacobi theory of algebraic curve. The algorithm pipeline can be summarized as follows: calculate the homology group; compute the holomorphic differential group; construct the period matrix of the surface and Jacobi variety; calculate the Abel-Jacobi map for a given divisor; optimize the divisor to satisfy the Abel-Jacobi condition by an integer programming; compute the flat Riemannian metric with cone singularities at the divisor by Ricci flow; isometric immerse the surface punctured at the divisor onto the complex plane and pull back the canonical holomorphic differential to the surface to obtain the meromorphic quartic differential; construct the motor-graph to generate the resulting T-Mesh. The proposed method is rigorous and practical. The T-mesh results can be applied for constructing T-Spline directly. The efficiency and efficacy of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated by experimental results.
This work discovers the equivalence relation between quadrilateral meshes and meromorphic quartic. Each quad-mesh induces a conformal structure of the surface, and a meromorphic differential, where the configuration of singular vertices correspond to the configurations the poles and zeros (divisor) of the meroromorphic differential. Due to Riemann surface theory, the configuration of singularities of a quad-mesh satisfies the Abel-Jacobi condition. Inversely, if a satisfies the Abel-Jacobi condition, then there exists a meromorphic quartic differential whose equals to the given one. Furthermore, if the meromorphic quadric differential is with finite, then it also induces a a quad-mesh, the poles and zeros of the meromorphic differential to the singular vertices of the quad-mesh. Besides the theoretic proofs, the computational algorithm for verification of Abel-Jacobi condition is explained in details. Furthermore, constructive algorithm of meromorphic quartic differential on zero surfaces is proposed, which is based on the global algebraic representation of meromorphic. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of the algorithm. This opens up a direction for quad-mesh generation using algebraic geometric approach.
We describe a high order technique to generate quadrilateral decompositions and meshes for complex two dimensional domains using spectral elements in a field guided procedure. Inspired by cross field methods, we never actually compute crosses. Instead, we compute a high order accurate guiding field using a continuous Galerkin (CG) or discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spectral element method to solve a Laplace equation for each of the field variables using the open source code Nektar++. The spectral method provides spectral convergence and sub-element resolution of the fields. The DG approximation allows meshing of corners that are not multiples of $pi/2$ in a discretization consistent manner, when needed. The high order field can then be exploited to accurately find irregular nodes, and can be accurately integrated using a high order separatrix integration method to avoid features like limit cycles. The result is a mesh with naturally curved quadrilateral elements that do not need to be curved a posteriori to eliminate invalid elements. The mesh generation procedure is implemented in the open source mesh generation program NekMesh.
We describe an adaptive version of a method for generating valid naturally curved quadrilateral meshes. The method uses a guiding field, derived from the concept of a cross field, to create block decompositions of multiply connected two dimensional domains. The a priori curved quadrilateral blocks can be further split into a finer high-order mesh as needed. The guiding field is computed by a Laplace equation solver using a continuous Galerkin or discontinuous Galerkin spectral element formulation. This operation is aided by using $p$-adaptation to achieve faster convergence of the solution with respect to the computational cost. From the guiding field, irregular nodes and separatrices can be accurately located. A first version of the code is implemented in the open source spectral element framework Nektar++ and its dedicated high order mesh generation platform NekMesh.
As an application of the theory of Lawson homology and morphic cohomology, Walker proved that the Abel-Jacobi map factors through another regular homomorphism. In this note, we give a direct proof of the theorem.
In this paper, we present two software packages, HexGen and Hex2Spline, that seamlessly integrate geometry design with isogeometric analysis (IGA) in LS-DYNA. Given a boundary representation of a solid model, HexGen creates a hexahedral mesh by utilizing a semi-automatic polycube-based mesh generation method. Hex2Spline takes the output hexahedral mesh from HexGen as the input control mesh and constructs volumetric truncated hierarchical splines. Through B{e}zier extraction, Hex2Spline transfers spline information to LS-DYNA and performs IGA therein. We explain the underlying algorithms in each software package and use a rod model to explain how to run the software. We also apply our software to several other complex models to test its robustness. Our goal is to provide a robust volumetric modeling tool and thus expand the boundary of IGA to volume-based industrial applications.