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In this work we introduce the Dual Boson Diagrammatic Monte Carlo technique for strongly interacting electronic systems. This method combines the strength of dynamical mean-filed theory for non-perturbative description of local correlations with the systematic account of non-local corrections in the Dual Boson theory by the diagrammatic Monte Carlo approach. It allows us to get a numerically exact solution of the dual boson theory at the two-particle local vertex level for the extended Hubbard model. We show that it can be efficiently applied to description of single particle observables in a wide range of interaction strengths. We compare our exact results for the self-energy with the ladder Dual Boson approach and determine a physical regime, where description of collective electronic effects requires more accurate consideration beyond the ladder approximation. Additionally, we find that the order-by-order analysis of the perturbative diagrammatic series for the single-particle Greens function allows to estimate the transition point to the charge density wave phase.
The dual-fermion approach provides a formally exact prescription for calculating properties of a correlated electron system in terms of a diagrammatic expansion around dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Most practical implementations, however, neglect higher-order interaction vertices beyond two-particle scattering in the dual effective action and further truncate the diagrammatic expansion in the two-particle scattering vertex to a leading-order or ladder-type approximation. In this work we compute the dual-fermion expansion for the two-dimensional Hubbard model including all diagram topologies with two-particle interactions to high orders by means of a stochastic diagrammatic Monte Carlo algorithm. We benchmark the obtained self-energy against numerically exact Diagrammatic Determinant Monte Carlo simulations to systematically assess convergence of the dual-fermion series and the validity of these approximations. We observe that, from high temperatures down to the vicinity of the DMFT Neel transition, the dual-fermion series converges very quickly to the exact solution in the whole range of Hubbard interactions considered ($4 leq U/t leq 12$), implying that contributions from higher-order vertices are small. As the temperature is lowered further, we observe slower series convergence, convergence to incorrect solutions, and ultimately divergence. This happens in a regime where magnetic correlations become significant. We find however that the self-consistent particle-hole ladder approximation yields reasonable and often even highly accurate results in this regime.
We apply the recently developed dual fermion algorithm for disordered interacting systems to the Anderson-Hubbard model. This algorithm is compared with dynamical cluster approximation calculations for a one-dimensional system to establish the quality of the approximation in comparison with an established cluster method. We continue with a three-dimensional (3d) system and look at the antiferromagnetic, Mott and Anderson localization transitions. The dual fermion approach leads to quantitative as well as qualitative improvement of the dynamical mean-field results and it allows one to calculate the hysteresis in the double occupancy in 3d taking into account nonlocal correlations.
We present a simple trick that allows to consider the sum of all connected Feynman diagrams at fixed position of interaction vertices for general fermionic models. With our approach one achieves superior performance compared to Diagrammatic Monte Carlo, while rendering the algorithmic part dramatically simpler. As we consider the sum of all connected diagrams at once, we allow for cancellations between diagrams with different signs, alleviating the sign problem. Moreover, the complexity of the calculation grows exponentially with the order of the expansion, which should be constrasted with the factorial growth of the standard diagrammatic technique. We illustrate the efficiency of the technique for the two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model.
Using first-principle Hybrid-Monte-Carlo (HMC) simulations, we carry out an unbiased study of the competition between spin-density wave (SDW) and charge-density wave (CDW) order in the extended Hubbard model on the two dimensional hexagonal lattice at half filling. We determine the phase diagram in the space of on-site and nearest-neighbor couplings $U$ and $V$ in the region $V<U/3$, which can be simulated without a fermion sign problem, and find that a transition from semimetal to a SDW phase occurs at sufficiently large $U$ for basically all $V$. Tracing the corresponding phase boundary from $V=0$ to the $V=U/3$ line, we find evidence for critical scaling in the Gross-Neveu universality class for the entire boundary. With rather high confidence we rule out the existence of the CDW ordered phase anywhere in the range of parameters considered. We also discuss several improvements of the HMC algorithm which are crucial to reach these conclusions, in particular the improved fermion action with exact sublattice symmetry and the complexification of the Hubbard-Stratonovich field to ensure the ergodicity of the algorithm.
Diagrammatic expansions are a central tool for treating correlated electron systems. At thermal equilibrium, they are most naturally defined within the Matsubara formalism. However, extracting any dynamic response function from a Matsubara calculation ultimately requires the ill-defined analytical continuation from the imaginary- to the real-frequency domain. It was recently proposed [Phys. Rev. B 99, 035120 (2019)] that the internal Matsubara summations of any interaction-expansion diagram can be performed analytically by using symbolic algebra algorithms. The result of the summations is then an analytical function of the complex frequency rather than Matsubara frequency. Here we apply this principle and develop a diagrammatic Monte Carlo technique which yields results directly on the real-frequency axis. We present results for the self-energy $Sigma(omega)$ of the doped 32x32 cyclic square-lattice Hubbard model in a non-trivial parameter regime, where signatures of the pseudogap appear close to the antinode. We discuss the behavior of the perturbation series on the real-frequency axis and in particular show that one must be very careful when using the maximum entropy method on truncated perturbation series. Our approach holds great promise for future application in cases when analytical continuation is difficult and moderate-order perturbation theory may be sufficient to converge the result.