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Holomorphic families of Fatou-Bieberbach domains and applications to Oka manifolds

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 Added by Franc Forstneric
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We construct holomorphically varying families of Fatou-Bieberbach domains with given centres in the complement of any compact polynomially convex subset $K$ of $mathbb C^n$ for $n>1$. This provides a simple proof of the recent result of Yuta Kusakabe to the effect that the complement $mathbb C^nsetminus K$ of any polynomially convex subset $K$ of $mathbb C^n$ is an Oka manifold. The analogous result is obtained with $mathbb C^n$ replaced by any Stein manifold with the density property.

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166 - Jun-Muk Hwang 2020
Nirenberg and Spencer posed the question whether the germ of a compact complex submanifold in a complex manifold is determined by its infinitesimal neighborhood of finite order when the normal bundle is sufficiently positive. To study the problem for a larger class of submanifolds, including free rational curves, we reformulate the question in the setting of families of submanifolds and their infinitesimal neighborhoods. When the submanifolds have no nonzero vector fields, we prove that it is sufficient to consider only first-order neighborhoods to have an affirmative answer to the reformulated question. When the submanifolds do have nonzero vector fields, we obtain an affirmative answer to the question under the additional assumption that submanifolds have certain nice deformation properties, which is applicable to free rational curves. As an application, we obtain a stronger version of the Cartan-Fubini type extension theorem for Fano manifolds of Picard number 1. We also propose a potential application on hyperplane sections of projective K3 surfaces.
Classically, theorems of Fatou and Julia describe the boundary regularity of functions in one complex variable. The former says that a complex analytic function on the disk has non-tangential boundary values almost everywhere, and the latter describes when a function takes an extreme value at a boundary point and is differentiable there non-tangentially. We describe a class of intermediate theorems in terms of averaged Julia-Fatou quotients. Boundary regularity is related to integrability of certain quantities against a special measure, the so-called Nevanlinna measure. Applications are given to spectral theory.
We extend the concept of a finite dimensional {it holomorphic homogeneous regular} (HHR) domain and some of its properties to the infinite dimensional setting. In particular, we show that infinite dimensional HHR domains are domains of holomorphy and determine completely the class of infinite dimensional bounded symmetric domains which are HHR. We compute the greatest lower bound of the squeezing function of all HHR bounded symmetric domains, including the two exceptional domains. We also show that uniformly elliptic domains in Hilbert spaces are HHR.
171 - David E. Barrett 2011
We show that the efficiency of a natural pairing between certain projectively invariant Hardy spaces on dual strongly C-linearly convex real hypersurfaces in complex projective space is measured by the norm of the corresponding Leray transform.
117 - Franc Forstneric 2021
In this paper we find big Euclidean domains in complex manifolds. We consider open neighbourhoods of sets of the form $Kcup M$ in a complex manifold $X$, where $K$ is a compact $mathscr O(U)$-convex set in an open Stein neighbourhood $U$ of $K$, $M$ is an embedded Stein submanifold of $X$, and $Kcap M$ is compact and $mathscr O(M)$-convex. We prove a Docquier-Grauert type theorem concerning biholomorphic equivalence of neighbourhoods of such sets, and we give sufficient conditions for the existence of Stein neighbourhoods of $Kcup M$, biholomorphic to domains in $mathbb C^n$ with $n=dim X$, such that $M$ is mapped onto a closed complex submanifold of $mathbb C^n$.
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