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EncDBDB: Searchable Encrypted, Fast, Compressed, In-Memory Database using Enclaves

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 Added by Benny Fuhry
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Data confidentiality is an important requirement for clients when outsourcing databases to the cloud. Trusted execution environments, such as Intel SGX, offer an efficient, hardware-based solution to this cryptographic problem. Existing solutions are not optimized for column-oriented, in-memory databases and pose impractical memory requirements on the enclave. We present EncDBDB, a novel approach for client-controlled encryption of a column-oriented, in-memory databases allowing range searches using an enclave. EncDBDB offers nine encrypted dictionaries, which provide different security, performance and storage efficiency tradeoffs for the data. It is especially suited for complex, read-oriented, analytic queries, e.g., as present in data warehouses. The computational overhead compared to plaintext processing is within a millisecond even for databases with millions of entries and the leakage is limited. Compressed encrypted data requires less space than a corresponding plaintext column. Furthermore, the resulting code - and data - in the enclave is very small reducing the potential for security-relevant implementation errors and side-channel leakages.

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Several cybersecurity domains, such as ransomware detection, forensics and data analysis, require methods to reliably identify encrypted data fragments. Typically, current approaches employ statistics derived from byte-level distribution, such as entropy estimation, to identify encrypted fragments. However, modern content types use compression techniques which alter data distribution pushing it closer to the uniform distribution. The result is that current approaches exhibit unreliable encryption detection performance when compressed data appears in the dataset. Furthermore, proposed approaches are typically evaluated over few data types and fragment sizes, making it hard to assess their practical applicability. This paper compares existing statistical tests on a large, standardized dataset and shows that current approaches consistently fail to distinguish encrypted and compressed data on both small and large fragment sizes. We address these shortcomings and design EnCoD, a learning-based classifier which can reliably distinguish compressed and encrypted data. We evaluate EnCoD on a dataset of 16 different file types and fragment sizes ranging from 512B to 8KB. Our results highlight that EnCoD outperforms current approaches by a wide margin, with accuracy ranging from ~82 for 512B fragments up to ~92 for 8KB data fragments. Moreover, EnCoD can pinpoint the exact format of a given data fragment, rather than performing only binary classification like previous approaches.
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables a simple, attractive framework for secure search. Compared to other secure search systems, no costly setup procedure is necessary; it is sufficient for the client merely to upload the encrypted database to the server. Confidentiality is provided because the server works only on the encrypted query and records. While the search functionality is enabled by the full homomorphism of the encryption scheme. For this reason, researchers have been paying increasing attention to this problem. Since Akavia et al. (CCS 2018) presented a framework for secure search on FHE encrypted data and gave a working implementation called SPiRiT, several more efficient realizations have been proposed. In this paper, we identify the main bottlenecks of this framework and show how to significantly improve the performance of FHE-base secure search. In particular, 1. To retrieve $ell$ matching items, the existing framework needs to repeat the protocol $ell$ times sequentially. In our new framework, all matching items are retrieved in parallel in a single protocol execution. 2. The most recent work by Wren et al. (CCS 2020) requires $O(n)$ multiplications to compute the first matching index. Our solution requires no homomorphic multiplication, instead using only additions and scalar multiplications to encode all matching indices. 3. Our implementation and experiments show that to fetch 16 matching records, our system gives an 1800X speed-up over the state of the art in fetching the query results resulting in a 26X speed-up for the full search functionality.
Reliable identification of encrypted file fragments is a requirement for several security applications, including ransomware detection, digital forensics, and traffic analysis. A popular approach consists of estimating high entropy as a proxy for randomness. However, many modern content types (e.g. office documents, media files, etc.) are highly compressed for storage and transmission efficiency. Compression algorithms also output high-entropy data, thus reducing the accuracy of entropy-based encryption detectors. Over the years, a variety of approaches have been proposed to distinguish encrypted file fragments from high-entropy compressed fragments. However, these approaches are typically only evaluated over a few, select data types and fragment sizes, which makes a fair assessment of their practical applicability impossible. This paper aims to close this gap by comparing existing statistical tests on a large, standardized dataset. Our results show that current approaches cannot reliably tell apart encryption and compression, even for large fragment sizes. To address this issue, we design EnCoD, a learning-based classifier which can reliably distinguish compressed and encrypted data, starting with fragments as small as 512 bytes. We evaluate EnCoD against current approaches over a large dataset of different data types, showing that it outperforms current state-of-the-art for most considered fragment sizes and data types.
69 - Shangqi Lai 2019
In this paper, we propose GraphSE$^2$, an encrypted graph database for online social network services to address massive data breaches. GraphSE$^2$ preserves the functionality of social search, a key enabler for quality social network services, where social search queries are conducted on a large-scale social graph and meanwhile perform set and computational operations on user-generated contents. To enable efficient privacy-preserving social search, GraphSE$^2$ provides an encrypted structural data model to facilitate parallel and encrypted graph data access. It is also designed to decompose complex social search queries into atomic operations and realise them via interchangeable protocols in a fast and scalable manner. We build GraphSE$^2$ with various queries supported in the Facebook graph search engine and implement a full-fledged prototype. Extensive evaluations on Azure Cloud demonstrate that GraphSE$^2$ is practical for querying a social graph with a million of users.
Enclaves, such as those enabled by Intel SGX, offer a powerful hardware isolation primitive for application partitioning. To become universally usable on future commodity OSes, enclave designs should offer compatibility with existing software. In this paper, we draw attention to 5 design decisions in SGX that create incompatibility with existing software. These represent concrete starting points, we hope, for improvements in future TEEs. Further, while many prior works have offered partial forms of compatibility, we present the first attempt to offer binary compatibility with existing software on SGX. We present Ratel, a system that enables a dynamic binary translation engine inside SGX enclaves on Linux. Through the lens of Ratel, we expose the fundamental trade-offs between performance and complete mediation on the OS-enclave interface, which are rooted in the aforementioned 5 SGX design restrictions. We report on an extensive evaluation of Ratel on over 200 programs, including micro-benchmarks and real applications such as Linux utilities.
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