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Correcting for Leakage Energy in the SiD Silicon-Tungsten ECal

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 Added by Christopher Potter
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A dominant contribution to ECal resolution at high energy (eg. 100 GeV) comes from leakage beyond the containment of the calorimeter. We have studied the leakage energy for the SiD silicon-tungsten ECal and developed a neural network algorithm for estimating the leakage energy and correcting the energy measurement. The SiD TDR design calls for 20 thin 2.5 mm tungsten layers followed by 10 thick 5.0 mm tungsten layers. We have investigated the impact on the leakage energy of a reduced number of layers, and the ability of an optimized neutral network analysis to correct for the leakage with a reduced number of layers, and reduced material thickness. Reducing layer numbers is motivated by cost containment.

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Studies of the response of the SiD silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) are presented. Layers of highly granular (13 mm^2 pixels) silicon detectors embedded in thin gaps (~ 1 mm) between tungsten alloy plates give the SiD ECal the ability to separate electromagnetic showers in a crowded environment. A nine-layer prototype has been built and tested in a 12.1 GeV electron beam at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. This data was simulated with a Geant4 model. Particular attention was given to the separation of nearby incident electrons, which demonstrated a high (98.5%) separation efficiency for two electrons at least 1 cm from each other. The beam test study will be compared to a full SiD detector simulation with a realistic geometry, where the ECal calibration constants must first be established. This work is continuing, as the geometry requires that the calibration constants depend upon energy, angle, and absorber depth. The derivation of these constants is being developed from first principles.
141 - R. Frey , J. Brau , M. Breidenbach 2007
We summarize recent R&D progress for a silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) with integrated electronics, designed to meet the ILC physics requirements.
We are developing position sensitive silicon detectors (PSD) which have an electrode at each of four corners so that the incident position of a charged particle can be obtained using signals from the electrodes. It is expected that the position resolution the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the ILD detector will be improved by introducing PSD into the detection layers. In this study, we irradiated collimated laser beams to the surface of the PSD, varying the incident position. We found that the incident position can be well reconstructed from the signals if high resistance is implemented in the p+ layer. We also tried to observe the signal of particles by placing a radiative source on the PSD sensor.
We are developing position sensitive silicon detectors (PSDs) which have an electrode at each of four corners so that incident position of a charged particle can be obtained with signal from the electrodes. It is expected that the position resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the ILD detector will be improved by introducing PSDs to detection layers. We have been developing the PSDs for several years. In the previous production we found that the charge separation is not optimally done due to the readout impedance. To solve the issue, we produced new PSDs with higher surface resistance with an additional resistive layer on the surface. We also implemented several techniques to decrease position distortion and increase signal-to-noise ratio which are essential for the optimal position resolution. The measurements on the prototype sensors are ongoing, including radiation source measurement and laser measurement using an ASIC for silicon pad detectors.
416 - T. G. White 2011
Using the simulation framework of the SiD detector to study the Higgs -> mumu decay channel showed a considerable gain in signal significance could be achieved through an increase in charged particle momentum resolution. However more detailed simulations of theZ -> mumu decay channel demonstrated that significant improvement in the resolution could not be achieved through an increase in tracker granularity. Conversely detector stability studies into missing/dead vertex layers using longer lived particles displayed an increase in track resolution. The existing 9.15 cm x 25 {mu}m silicon strip geometry was replaced with 100 x 100 micrometers silicon pixels improving secondary vertex resolution by a factor of 100. Study into highly collimated events through the use of dense jets showed that momentum resolution can be increased by a factor of 2, greatly improving signal significance but requiring a reduction in pixel size to 25 micrometers. An upgrade of the tracker granularity from the 9.15 cm strips to micrometer sized pixels requires an increase in number and complexity of sensor channels yet provides only a small improvement in the majority of linear collider physics.
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