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Faint Standards for ZYJHK from the UKIDSS and VISTA Surveys

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 Added by Sandy Leggett
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The currently defined UKIRT Faint Standards have JHK magnitudes between 10 and 15, with K_median=11.2. These stars will be too bright for the next generation of large telescopes. We have used multi-epoch observations taken as part of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) and the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) surveys to identify non-variable stars with JHK magnitudes in the range 16-19. The stars were selected from the UKIDSS Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS) and Ultra Deep Survey (UDS), the WFCAM calibration data (WFCAMCAL08B), the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) and UltraVISTA. Sources selected from the near-infrared databases were paired with the Pan-STARRS Data Release 2 of optical to near-infrared photometry and the Gaia astrometric Data Release 2. Colour indices and other measurements were used to exclude sources that did not appear to be simple single stars. From an initial selection of 169 sources, we present a final sample of 81 standard stars with ZYJHK magnitudes, or a subset, each with 20 to 600 observations in each filter. The new standards have Ks_median=17.5. The relative photometric uncertainty for the sample is <0.006 mag and the absolute uncertainty is estimated to be <~0.02 mag. The sources are distributed equatorially and are accessible from both hemispheres.

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At present, the precision of deep ultraviolet photometry is somewhat limited by the dearth of faint ultraviolet standard stars. In an effort to improve this situation, we present a uniform catalog of eleven new faint (u sim17) ultraviolet standard stars. High-precision photometry of these stars has been taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Galaxy Evolution Explorer and combined with new data from the Swift Ultraviolet Optical Telescope to provide precise photometric measures extending from the Near Infrared to the Far Ultraviolet. These stars were chosen because they are known to be hot (20,000 < T_eff < 50,000 K) DA white dwarfs with published Sloan spectra that should be photometrically stable. This careful selection allows us to compare the combined photometry and Sloan spectroscopy to models of pure hydrogen atmospheres to both constrain the underlying properties of the white dwarfs and test the ability of white dwarf models to predict the photometric measures. We find that the photometry provides good constraint on white dwarf temperatures, which demonstrates the ability of Swift/UVOT to investigate the properties of hot luminous stars. We further find that the models reproduce the photometric measures in all eleven passbands to within their systematic uncertainties. Within the limits of our photometry, we find the standard stars to be photometrically stable. This success indicates that the models can be used to calibrate additional filters to our standard system, permitting easier comparison of photometry from heterogeneous sources. The largest source of uncertainty in the model fitting is the uncertainty in the foreground reddening curve, a problem that is especially acute in the UV.
The INT Galactic Plane Survey (IGAPS) is the merger of the optical photometric surveys, IPHAS and UVEX, based on data from the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) obtained between 2003 and 2018. Here, we present the IGAPS point source catalogue. It contains 295.4 million rows providing photometry in the filters, i, r, narrow-band Halpha, g and U_RGO. The IGAPS footprint fills the Galactic coordinate range, |b| < 5deg and 30deg < l < 215deg. A uniform calibration, referred to the Pan-STARRS system, is applied to g, r and i, while the Halpha calibration is linked to r and then is reconciled via field overlaps. The astrometry in all 5 bands has been recalculated on the Gaia DR2 frame. Down to i ~ 20 mag (Vega system), most stars are also detected in g, r and Halpha. As exposures in the r band were obtained within the IPHAS and UVEX surveys a few years apart, typically, the catalogue includes two distinct r measures, r_I and r_U. The r 10sigma limiting magnitude is ~21, with median seeing 1.1 arcsec. Between ~13th and ~19th magnitudes in all bands, the photometry is internally reproducible to within 0.02 magnitudes. Stars brighter than r=19.5 have been tested for narrow-band Halpha excess signalling line emission, and for variation exceeding |r_I-r_U| = 0.2 mag. We find and flag 8292 candidate emission line stars and over 53000 variables (both at >5sigma confidence). The 174-column catalogue will be available via CDS Strasbourg.
We have established a network of 19 faint (16.5 mag $< V < $19 mag) northern and equatorial DA white dwarfs as spectrophotometric standards for present and future wide-field observatories. Our analysis infers SED models for the stars that are tied to the three CALSPEC primary standards. Our SED models are consistent with panchromatic Hubble Space Telescope ($HST$) photometry to better than 1%. The excellent agreement between observations and models validates the use of non-local-thermodynamic-equilibrium (NLTE) DA white dwarf atmospheres extinguished by interstellar dust as accurate spectrophotometric references. Our standards are accessible from both hemispheres and suitable for ground and space-based observatories covering the ultraviolet to the near infrared. The high-precision of these faint sources make our network of standards ideally suited for any experiment that has very stringent requirements on flux calibration, such as studies of dark energy using the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope ($WFIRST$).
In this work we apply and expand on a recently introduced outlier detection algorithm that is based on an unsupervised random forest. We use the algorithm to calculate a similarity measure for stellar spectra from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). We show that the similarity measure traces non-trivial physical properties and contains information about complex structures in the data. We use it for visualization and clustering of the dataset, and discuss its ability to find groups of highly similar objects, including spectroscopic twins. Using the similarity matrix to search the dataset for objects allows us to find objects that are impossible to find using their best fitting model parameters. This includes extreme objects for which the models fail, and rare objects that are outside the scope of the model. We use the similarity measure to detect outliers in the dataset, and find a number of previously unknown Be-type stars, spectroscopic binaries, carbon rich stars, young stars, and a few that we cannot interpret. Our work further demonstrates the potential for scientific discovery when combining machine learning methods with modern survey data.
We present a series of new, publicly available mock catalogs of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs), non-active galaxies, and clusters of galaxies. They are based on up-to-date observational results on the demographic of extragalactic X-ray sources and their extrapolations.These mocks reach fluxes below 1E-20 erg s-1 cm-2 in the 0.5-2 keV band, i.e., more than an order of magnitude below the predicted limits of future deep fields, and therefore represent an important tool for simulating extragalactic X-ray surveys with both current and future telescopes. We use our mocks to perform a set of end-to-end simulations of X-ray surveys with the forthcoming Athena mission and with the AXIS probe, a sub-arcsecond resolution X-ray mission concept proposed to the Astro 2020 Decadal Survey. We find that these proposed, next generation surveys may transform our knowledge of the deep X-ray Universe. As an example, in a total observing time of 15,Ms, AXIS would detect ~225,000 AGNs and ~$50,000 non-active galaxies, reaching a flux limit f_0.5-2~5E-19 erg/s/cm2 in the 0.5-2 keV band, with an improvement of over an order of magnitude with respect to surveys with current X-ray facilities. Consequently, 90% of these sources would be detected for the first time in the X-rays. Furthermore, we show that deep and wide X-ray surveys with instruments like AXIS and Athena are expected to detect ~20,000 z>3 AGNs and ~250 sources at redshift z>6, thus opening a new window of knowledge on the evolution of AGNs over cosmic time and putting strong constraints on the predictions of theoretical models of black hole seed accretion in the early universe.
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