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EPOS3-Jet is an integrated framework for jet modelling in heavy ion collisions, where the initial hard (jet) partons are produced along with soft (medium) partons in the initial state EPOS approach. The jet partons then propagate in the hydrodynamically expanding medium. The energy and momentum lost by the jet partons is added to the hydrodynamic medium via the source terms. The full evolution proceeds in a concurrent mode, without separating hydrodynamic and jet parts. In this report, we examine the medium recoil effects in Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}=2.76$ TeV LHC energy in the EPOS3-Jet framework.
We report on the first results for jet observables from a time-like parton cascade integrated with hydrodynamic evolution within the EPOS3-HQ framework. The hard (jet) partons are produced along with soft partons in the initial state EPOS approach. The soft partons, represented by strings, melt into a thermalized medium which is described by a 3 dimensional event-by-event viscous hydrodynamic approach. The jet partons then propagate in the hydrodynamically expanding medium. The total jet energy gets progressively `degraded when the partons reaching a thermal energy scale are melted into the hydrodynamic medium via the source terms. The full evolution proceeds in a parallel mode, without separating the thermalized and jet parts. We demonstrate how the transverse expansion of the medium affects the jet structure, and how the medium itself is affected by the jet recoil.
Within five different approaches to parton propagation and energy loss in dense matter, a phenomenological study of experimental data on suppression of large $p_T$ single inclusive hadrons in heavy-ion collisions at both RHIC and LHC was carried out. The evolution of bulk medium used in the study for parton propagation was given by 2+1D or 3+1D hydrodynamic models which are also constrained by experimental data on bulk hadron spectra. Values for the jet transport parameter $hat q$ at the center of the most central heavy-ion collisions are extracted or calculated within each model, with parameters for the medium properties that are constrained by experimental data on the hadron suppression factor $R_{AA}$. For a quark with initial energy of 10 GeV we find that $hat qapprox 1.2 pm 0.3$ GeV$^2$/fm at an initial time $tau_0=0.6$ fm/$c$ in Au+Au collisions at $sqrt{s}=200$ GeV/n and $hat qapprox 1.9 pm 0.7 $ GeV$^2$/fm in Pb+Pb collisions at $sqrt{s}=2.76 $ TeV/n. Compared to earlier studies, these represent significant convergence on values of the extracted jet transport parameter, reflecting recent advances in theory and the availability of new experiment data from the LHC.
Central lead-lead collisions at the LHC energies may pose a particular challenge for jet identification as multiple jets are produced per each collision event. We simulate the jet evolution in central Pb-Pb events at $sqrt{s_{rm NN}} = 2.76$ GeV collision energy with EPOS3 initial state, which typically contains multiple hard scatterings in each event. Therefore the partons from different jets have a significant chance to overlap in momentum space. We find that 30% of the jets with $p_perp > 50$ GeV, identified by the standard anti-$k_perp$ jet finding algorithm with jet cone size R=0.3, contain `intruder particles from overlapping generator-level jets. This fraction increases with increasing beam energy and increasing R. The reconstructed momentum of the jet differs from that of the modelled jet by the loss due to jet partons which are outside of the jet cone and by the gain due to intruder partons. The sum of both may be positive or negative. These intruder partons particularly affect the radial jet momentum distribution because they contribute mostly at large angles $Delta r$ with respect to the jet centre. The study stresses the importance of the jet overlap effect emerging in central lead-lead collisions at the LHC energies, while being negligible in peripheral PbPb or $p$Pb/$pp$ collisions.
The JETSCAPE Collaboration has recently announced the first release of the JETSCAPE package that provides a modular, flexible, and extensible Monte Carlo event generator. This innovative framework makes it possible to perform a comprehensive study of multi-stage high-energy jet evolution in the Quark-Gluon Plasma. In this work, we illustrate the performance of the event generator for different algorithmic approaches to jet energy loss, and reproduce the measurements of several jet and hadron observables as well as correlations between the hard and soft sector. We also carry out direct comparisons between different approaches to energy loss to study their sensitivity to those observables.
The modification of jet substructure in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied using JETSCAPE, a publicly available software package containing a framework for Monte Carlo event generators. Multi-stage jet evolution in JETSCAPE provides an integrated description of jet quenching by combining multiple models, with each becoming active at a different stage of the parton shower evolution. Jet substructure modification due to different aspects of jet quenching is studied using jet shape and jet fragmentation observables. Various combinations of jet energy loss models are exploed, with medium background provided by (2 + 1)-D VISHNU with TRENTo+freestreaming initial conditions. Results reported here are from simulations performed within JETSCAPE framework.