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Nuclear spin-1/2 lattices where each spin has a small effective number of interacting neighbors represent a particular challenge for first-principles calculations of free induction decays (FIDs) observed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The challenge originates from the fact that these lattices are far from the limit where classical spin simulations perform well. Here we use the recently developed method of hybrid quantum-classical simulations to compute nuclear FIDs for $^{29}$Si-enriched silicon and fluorapatite. In these solids, small effective number of interacting neighbors is either due to the partition of the lattice into pairs of strongly coupled spins (silicon), or due to the partition into strongly coupled chains (fluorapatite). We find a very good overall agreement between the hybrid simulation results and the experiments. In addition, we introduce an extension of the hybrid method, which we call the method of coupled quantum clusters. It is tested on $^{29}$Si-enriched silicon and found to exhibit excellent performance.
In this paper, we study the electron spin decoherence of single defects in silicon carbide (SiC) nuclear spin bath. We find that, although the natural abundance of $^{29}rm{Si}$ ($p_{rm{Si}}=4.7%$) is about 4 times larger than that of $^{13}{rm C}$ ($p_{rm{C}}=1.1%$), the electron spin coherence time of defect centers in SiC nuclear spin bath in strong magnetic field ($B>300~rm{Gauss}$) is longer than that of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in $^{13}{rm C}$ nuclear spin bath in diamond. The reason for this counter-intuitive result is the suppression of heteronuclear-spin flip-flop process in finite magnetic field. Our results show that electron spin of defect centers in SiC are excellent candidates for solid state spin qubit in quantum information processing.
A single nuclear spin holds the promise of being a long-lived quantum bit or quantum memory, with the high fidelities required for fault-tolerant quantum computing. We show here that such promise could be fulfilled by a single phosphorus (31P) nuclear spin in a silicon nanostructure. By integrating single-shot readout of the electron spin with on-chip electron spin resonance, we demonstrate the quantum non-demolition, electrical single-shot readout of the nuclear spin, with readout fidelity better than 99.8% - the highest for any solid-state qubit. The single nuclear spin is then operated as a qubit by applying coherent radiofrequency (RF) pulses. For an ionized 31P donor we find a nuclear spin coherence time of 60 ms and a 1-qubit gate control fidelity exceeding 98%. These results demonstrate that the dominant technology of modern electronics can be adapted to host a complete electrical measurement and control platform for nuclear spin-based quantum information processing.
Magnetic fluctuations caused by the nuclear spins of a host crystal are often the leading source of decoherence for many types of solid-state spin qubit. In group-IV materials, the spin-bearing nuclei are sufficiently rare that it is possible to identify and control individual host nuclear spins. This work presents the first experimental detection and manipulation of a single $^{29}$Si nuclear spin. The quantum non-demolition (QND) single-shot readout of the spin is demonstrated, and a Hahn echo measurement reveals a coherence time of $T_2 = 6.3(7)$ ms - in excellent agreement with bulk experiments. Atomistic modeling combined with extracted experimental parameters provides possible lattice sites for the $^{29}$Si atom under investigation. These results demonstrate that single $^{29}$Si nuclear spins could serve as a valuable resource in a silicon spin-based quantum computer.
Nuclear spin systems in manganites, having separation of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, which are manifested as two lines in the NMR spectrum, are studied. Taking into account the Ising nuclear interaction, we obtain an analytical description of Rabi oscillations and free induction decay in two-component nuclear spin systems when a radio-frequency pulse non-resonantly excites the nuclei of one magnetic phase and resonantly the nuclei of the other phase. It is revealed that the nonlinearity of interaction between the nuclei of these phases results in additional harmonics in the Rabi oscillations of the non-resonantly excited subsystem. We also show that the Ising interaction inside this subsystem forms multiple echoes in the free induction decay, whereas their damping and amplitude modulation is caused by the spin coupling between the subsystems.
We show that pseudo-spin 1/2 degrees of freedom can be categorized in two types according to their behavior under time reversal. One type exhibits the properties of ordinary spin whose three Cartesian components are all odd under time reversal. For the second type, only one of the components is odd while the other two are even. We discuss several physical examples for this second type of pseudo-spin and highlight observable consequences that can be used to distinguish it from ordinary spin.