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Communications and Networking Technologies for Intelligent Drone Cruisers

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 Added by Chuan-Chi Lai
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Future mobile communication networks require an Aerial Base Station (ABS) with fast mobility and long-term hovering capabilities. At present, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones do not have long flight times and are mainly used for monitoring, surveillance, and image post-processing. On the other hand, the traditional airship is too large and not easy to take off and land. Therefore, we propose to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Drone-Cruiser base station that can help 5G mobile communication systems and beyond quickly recover the network after a disaster and handle the instant communications by the flash crowd. The drone-cruiser base station can overcome the communications problem for three types of flash crowds, such as in stadiums, parades, and large plaza so that an appropriate number of aerial base stations can be accurately deployed to meet large and dynamic traffic demands. Artificial intelligence can solve these problems by analyzing the collected data, and then adjust the system parameters in the framework of Self-Organizing Network (SON) to achieve the goals of self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-healing. With the help of AI technologies, 5G networks can become more intelligent. This paper aims to provide a new type of service, On-Demand Aerial Base Station as a Service. This work needs to overcome the following five technical challenges: innovative design of drone-cruisers for the long-time hovering, crowd estimation and prediction, rapid 3D wireless channel learning and modeling, 3D placement of aerial base stations and the integration of WiFi front-haul and millimeter wave/WiGig back-haul networks.

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As one of the most promising applications in future Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has been acknowledged as a fundamental technology for developing the Intelligent Transportation Systems in smart cities. With the emergence of the sixth generation (6G) communications technologies, massive network infrastructures will be densely deployed and the number of network nodes will increase exponentially, leading to extremely high energy consumption. There has been an upsurge of interest to develop the green IoV towards sustainable vehicular communication and networking in the 6G era. In this paper, we present the main considerations for green IoV from five different scenarios, including the communication, computation, traffic, Electric Vehicles (EVs), and energy harvesting management. The literatures relevant to each of the scenarios are compared from the perspective of energy optimization (e.g., with respect to resource allocation, workload scheduling, routing design, traffic control, charging management, energy harvesting and sharing, etc.) and the related factors affecting energy efficiency (e.g., resource limitation, channel state, network topology, traffic condition, etc.). In addition, we introduce the potential challenges and the emerging technologies in 6G for developing green IoV systems. Finally, we discuss the research trends in designing energy-efficient IoV systems.
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The aerial-terrestrial communication system constitutes an efficient paradigm for supporting and complementing terrestrial communications. However, the benefits of such a system cannot be fully exploited, especially when the line-of-sight (LoS) transmissions are prone to severe deterioration due to complex propagation environments in urban areas. The emerging technology of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) has recently become a potential solution to mitigate propagation-induced impairments and improve wireless network coverage. Motivated by these considerations, in this paper, we address the coverage and link performance problems of the aerial-terrestrial communication system by proposing an RIS-assisted transmission strategy. In particular, we design an adaptive RIS-assisted transmission protocol, in which the channel estimation, transmission strategy, and data transmission are independently implemented in a frame. On this basis, we formulate an RIS-assisted transmission strategy optimization problem as a mixed-integer non-linear program (MINLP) to maximize the overall system throughput. We then employ multi-task learning to speed up the solution to the problem. Benefiting from multi-task learning, the computation time is reduced by about four orders of magnitude. Numerical results show that the proposed RIS-assisted transmission protocol significantly improves the system throughput and reduces the transmit power.
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Wireless technologies can support a broad range of smart grid applications including advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and demand response (DR). However, there are many formidable challenges when wireless technologies are applied to the smart gird, e.g., the tradeoffs between wireless coverage and capacity, the high reliability requirement for communication, and limited spectral resources. Relaying has emerged as one of the most promising candidate solutions for addressing these issues. In this article, an introduction to various relaying strategies is presented, together with a discussion of how to improve spectral efficiency and coverage in relay-based information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure for smart grid applications. Special attention is paid to the use of unidirectional relaying, collaborative beamforming, and bidirectional relaying strategies.

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