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Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities

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 Added by Daohong Song
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Topological properties of materials, as manifested in the intriguing phenomena of quantum Hall effect and topological insulators, have attracted overwhelming transdisciplinary interest in recent years. Topological edge states, for instance, have been realized in versatile systems including electromagnetic-waves. Typically, topological properties are revealed in momentum space, using concepts such as Chern number and Berry phase. Here, we demonstrate a universal mapping of the topology of Dirac-like cones from momentum space to real space. We evince the mapping by exciting the cones in photonic honeycomb (pseudospin-1/2) and Lieb (pseudospin-1) lattices with vortex beams of topological charge l, optimally aligned for a chosen pseudospin state s, leading to direct observation of topological charge conversion that follows the rule of l to l+2s. The mapping is theoretically accounted for all initial excitation conditions with the pseudospin-orbit interaction and nontrivial Berry phases. Surprisingly, such a mapping exists even in a deformed lattice where the total angular momentum is not conserved, unveiling its topological origin. The universality of the mapping extends beyond the photonic platform and 2D lattices: equivalent topological conversion occurs for 3D Dirac-Weyl synthetic magnetic monopoles, which could be realized in ultracold atomic gases and responsible for mechanism behind the vortex creation in electron beams traversing a magnetic monopole field.

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The winding number has been widely used as an invariant for diagnosing topological phases in one-dimensional chiral-symmetric systems. We put forward a real-space representation for the winding number. Remarkably, our method reproduces an exactly quantized winding number even in the presence of disorders that break translation symmetry but preserve chiral symmetry. We prove that our real-space representation of the winding number, the winding number defined through the twisted boundary condition, and the real-space winding number derived previously in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 046802 (2014)], are equivalent in the thermodynamic limit at half filling. Our method also works for the case of filling less than one half, where the winding number is not necessarily quantized. Around the disorder-induced topological phase transition, the real-space winding number has large fluctuations for different disordered samples, however, its average over an ensemble of disorder samples may well identify the topological phase transition. Besides, we show that our real-space winding number can be expressed as a Bott index, which has been used to represent the Chern number for two-dimensional systems.
Dirac plasmon polaritons in topological insulators (TIs),light coupled to massless Dirac electrons, have been attracting a large amount of attention, both from a fundamental perspective and for potential terahertz (THz) photonic applications. Although THz polaritons have been observed by far-field THz spectroscopy on TI microstructures, real-space imaging of propagating THz polaritons in unstructured TIs has been elusive so far. Here, we show the very first spectroscopic THz near-field images of thin Bi2Se3 layers (prototypical TIs) revealing polaritons with up to 12 times increased momenta as compared to photons of the same energy and decay times of about 0.24 ps, yet short propagation lengths. From the near-field images we determine the polariton dispersions in layers from 120 to 25 nm thickness and perform a systematic theoretical dispersion analysis, showing that the observed polaritons can be explained only by the simultaneous coupling of THz radiation to Dirac carriers at the TI surfaces, massive bulk carriers and optical phonons. Our work does not only provide critical insights into the nature of THz polaritons in TIs, but also establishes instrumentation of unprecedented sensitivity for imaging of THz polaritons.
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