Exact diagonalization (ED) of small model systems gives the thermodynamics of spin chains or quantum cell models at high temperature $T$. Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations of progressively larger systems are used to obtain excitations up to a cutoff $W_C$ and the low-$T$ thermodynamics. The hybrid approach is applied to the magnetic susceptibility $chi(T)$ and specific heat $C(T)$ of spin-$1/2$ chains with isotropic exchange such as the linear Heisenberg antiferromagnet (HAF) and the frustrated $J_1-J_2$ model with ferromagnetic (F) $J_1 < 0$ and antiferromagnetic (AF) $J_2 > 0$. The hybrid approach is fully validated by comparison with HAF results. It extends $J_1-J_2$ thermodynamics down to $T sim 0.01|J_1|$ for $J_2/|J_1| geq alpha_c = 1/4$ and is consistent with other methods. The criterion for the cutoff $W_C(N)$ in systems of $N$ spins is discussed. The cutoff leads to bounds for the thermodynamic limit that are best satisfied at a specific $T(N)$ at system size $N$.
Over the last three decades a large number of experimental studies on several quasi one-dimensional (1D) metals and quasi1D Mott-Hubbard insulators have produced evidence for distinct spectral features identified with charge-only and spin-only fractionalized particles. They can be also observed in ultra-cold atomic 1D optical lattices a nd quantum wires. 1D exactly solvable models provide nontrivial tests of the approaches for these systems relying on field theories. Different schemes such as the pseudofermion dynamical theory (PDT) and the mobile quantum impurity model (MQIM) have revealed that the 1D correlated models high-energy physics is qualitatively different from that of a low-energy Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL). This includes the momentum dependence of the exponents that control the one- and two-particle dynamical correlation functions near their spectra edges and in the vicinity of one-particle singular spectral features. On the one hand, the low-energy charge-only and spin-only fractionalized particles are usually identified with holons and spinons, respectively. On the other hand, `particle-like representations in terms of {it pseudoparticles}, related PDT {it pseudofermions}, and MQIM particles are suitable for the description of both the low-energy TLL physics and high-energy spectral and dynamical properties of 1D correlated systems. The main goal of this review is to revisit the usefulness of pseudoparticle and PDT pseudofermion representations for the study of both static and high-energy spectral and dynamical properties of the 1D Lieb-Liniger Bose gas, spin-$1/2$ isotropic Heisenberg chain, and 1D Hubbard model. Moreover, the relation between the PDT and the MQIM is clarified.
The low temperature thermodynamics of correlated 1D fermionic models with spin and charge degrees of freedom is obtained by exact diagonalization (ED) of small systems and followed by density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations that target the lowest hundreds of states ${E(N)}$ at system size $N$ instead of the ground state. Progressively larger $N$ reaches $T < 0.05t$ in correlated models with electron transfer $t$ between first neighbors and bandwidth $4t$. The size dependence of the many-fermion basis is explicitly included for arbitrary interactions by scaling the partition function. The remaining size dependence is then entirely due to the energy spectrum ${E(N)}$ of the model. The ED/DMRG method is applied to Hubbard and extended Hubbard models, both gapped and gapless, with $N_e = N$ or $N/2$ electrons and is validated against exact results for the magnetic susceptibility $chi(T)$ and entropy $S(T)$ per site. Some limitations of the method are noted. Special attention is given to the bond-order-wave phase of the extended Hubbard model with competing interactions and low $T$ thermodynamics sensitive to small gaps.
We study a class of spin-1/2 quantum antiferromagnetic chains using DMRG technique. The exchange interaction in these models decreases linearly as a function of the separation between the spins, $J_{ij} = R-|i-j|$ for $|i-j| le R$. For the separations beyond $R$, the interaction is zero. The range parameter $R$ takes positive integer values. The models corresponding to all the odd values of $R$ are known to have the same exact doubly degenerate dimer ground state as for the Majumdar-Ghosh (MG) model. In fact, R=3 is the MG model. For even $R$, the exact ground state is not known in general, except for R=2 (the Bethe ansatz solvable Heisenberg chain) and in the asymptotic limit of $R$ where the two MG dimer states again emerge as the exact ground state. In the present work, we numerically investigate the even-$R$ models whose ground state is not known analytically. In particular, for R=4, 6 and 8, we have computed a number of ground state properties. We find that, unlike R=2, the higher even-$R$ models are spin-gapped, and show strong dimer-dimer correlations of the MG type. Moreover, the spin-spin correlations decay very rapidly, albeit showing weak periodic revivals.
Quantum impurity models play an important role in many areas of physics from condensed matter to AMO and quantum information. They are important models for many physical systems but also provide key insights to understanding much more complicated scenarios. In this paper we introduce a simplified method to describe the thermodynamic properties of integrable quantum impurity models. We show this method explicitly using the anisotropic Kondo and the interacting resonant level models. We derive a simplified expression for the free energy of both models in terms of a single physically transparent integral equation which is valid at all temperatures and values of the coupling constants.
We present a unified framework for renormalization group methods, including Wilsons numerical renormalization group (NRG) and Whites density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG), within the language of matrix product states. This allows improvements over Wilsons NRG for quantum impurity models, as we illustrate for the one-channel Kondo model. Moreover, we use a variational method for evaluating Greens functions. The proposed method is more flexible in its description of spectral properties at finite frequencies, opening the way to time-dependent, out-of-equilibrium impurity problems. It also substantially improves computational efficiency for one-channel impurity problems, suggesting potentially emph{linear} scaling of complexity for $n$-channel problems.