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Existence of solutions to principal-agent problems with adverse selection under minimal assumptions

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Economy
and research's language is English

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We prove an existence result for the principal-agent problem with adverse selection under general assumptions on preferences and allocation spaces. Instead of assuming that the allocation space is finite-dimensional or compact, we consider a more general coercivity condition which takes into account the principals cost and the agents preferences. Our existence proof is simple and flexible enough to adapt to partial participation models as well as to the case of type-dependent budget constraints.

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83 - Samir Wadhwa , Roy Dong 2020
The advent of machine learning tools has led to the rise of data markets. These data markets are characterized by multiple data purchasers interacting with a set of data sources. Data sources have more information about the quality of data than the data purchasers; additionally, data itself is a non-rivalrous good that can be shared with multiple parties at negligible marginal cost. In this paper, we study the multiple-principal, multiple-agent problem with non-rivalrous goods. Under the assumption that the principals payoff is quasilinear in the payments given to agents, we show that there is a fundamental degeneracy in the market of non-rivalrous goods. Specifically, for a general class of payment contracts, there will be an infinite set of generalized Nash equilibria. This multiplicity of equilibria also affects common refinements of equilibrium definitions intended to uniquely select an equilibrium: both variational equilibria and normalized equilibria will be non-unique in general. This implies that most existing equilibrium concepts cannot provide predictions on the outcomes of data markets emerging today. The results support the idea that modifications to payment contracts themselves are unlikely to yield a unique equilibrium, and either changes to the models of study or new equilibrium concepts will be required to determine unique equilibria in settings with multiple principals and a non-rivalrous good.
We investigate the probabilistic feasibility of randomized solutions to two distinct classes of uncertain multi-agent optimization programs. We first assume that only the constraints of the program are affected by uncertainty, while the cost function is arbitrary. Leveraging recent a posteriori developments of the scenario approach, we provide probabilistic guarantees for all feasible solutions of the program under study. This result is particularly useful in cases where numerical difficulties related to the convergence of the solution-seeking algorithm hinder the exact quantification of the optimal solution. Furthermore, it can be applied to cases where the agents incentives lead to a suboptimal solution, e.g., under a non-cooperative setting. We then focus on optimization programs where the cost function admits an aggregate representation and depends on uncertainty while constraints are deterministic. By exploiting the structure of the program under study and leveraging the so called support rank notion, we provide agent-independent robustness certificates for the optimal solution, i.e., the constructed bound on the probability of constraint violation does not depend on the number of agents, but only on the dimension of the agents decision. This substantially reduces the number of samples required to achieve a certain level of probabilistic robustness as the number of agents increases. All robustness certificates provided in this paper are distribution-free and can be used alongside any optimization algorithm. Our theoretical results are accompanied by a numerical case study involving a charging control problem of a fleet of electric vehicles.
In this paper, we are interested in the existence of Pareto solutions to vector polynomial optimization problems over a basic closed semi-algebraic set. By invoking some powerful tools from real semi-algebraic geometry, we first introduce the concept called {it tangency varieties}; then we establish connections of the Palais--Smale condition, Cerami condition, {it M}-tameness, and properness related to the considered problem, in which the condition of regularity at infinity plays an essential role in deriving these connections. According to the obtained connections, we provide some sufficient conditions for existence of Pareto solutions to the problem in consideration, and we also give some examples to illustrate our main findings.
354 - Diego Maldonado 2011
We prove a Harnack inequality for solutions to $L_A u = 0$ where the elliptic matrix $A$ is adapted to a convex function satisfying minimal geometric conditions. An application to Sobolev inequalities is included.
Electronic countermeasures (ECM) against a radar are actions taken by an adversarial jammer to mitigate effective utilization of the electromagnetic spectrum by the radar. On the other hand, electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) are actions taken by the radar to mitigate the impact of electronic countermeasures (ECM) so that the radar can continue to operate effectively. The main idea of this paper is to show that ECCM involving a radar and a jammer can be formulated as a principal-agent problem (PAP) - a problem widely studied in microeconomics. With the radar as the principal and the jammer as the agent, we design a PAP to optimize the radars ECCM strategy in the presence of a jammer. The radar seeks to optimally trade-off signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the target measurement with the measurement cost: cost for generating radiation power for the pulse to probe the target. We show that for a suitable choice of utility functions, PAP is a convex optimization problem. Further, we analyze the structure of the PAP and provide sufficient conditions under which the optimal solution is an increasing function of the jamming power observed by the radar; this enables computation of the radars optimal ECCM within the class of increasing affine functions at a low computation cost. Finally, we illustrate the PAP formulation of the radars ECCM problem via numerical simulations. We also use simulations to study a radars ECCM problem wherein the radar and the jammer have mismatched information.
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