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Dark Hole Maintenance and A Posteriori Intensity Estimation in the Presence of Speckle Drift in a High-Contrast Space Coronagraph

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 Added by Leonid Pogorelyuk
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Direct exoplanet imaging via coronagraphy requires maintenance of high contrast in a dark hole for lengthy integration periods. Wavefront errors that change slowly over that time accumulate and cause systematic errors in the stars Point Spread Function (PSF) which limit the achievable signal-to-noise ratio of the planet. In this paper we show that estimating the speckle drift can be achieved via intensity measurements in the dark hole together with dithering of the deformable mirrors to increase phase diversity. A scheme based on an Extended Kalman Filter and Electric Field Conjugation is proposed for maintaining the dark hole during the integration phase. For the post-processing phase, an a posteriori approach is proposed to estimate the realization of the PSF drift process and the intensity of the planet light incoherent with the speckles.

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Due to the limited number of photons, directly imaging planets requires long integration times with a coronagraphic instrument. The wavefront must be stable on the same time scale, which is often difficult in space due to thermal variations and other mechanical instabilities. In this paper, we discuss the implications on future space mission observing conditions of our recent laboratory demonstration of a dark zone maintenance (DZM) algorithm. The experiments are performed on the High-contrast imager for Complex Aperture Telescopes (HiCAT) at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The testbed contains a segmented aperture, a pair of continuous deformable mirrors (DMs), and a lyot coronagraph. The segmented aperture injects high order wavefront aberration drifts into the system which are then corrected by the DMs downstream via the DZM algorithm. We investigate various drift modes including segmented aperture drift, all three DMs drift simultaneously, and drift correction at multiple wavelengths.
75 - Steven P. Bos 2020
Photometric and astrometric monitoring of directly imaged exoplanets will deliver unique insights into their rotational periods, the distribution of cloud structures, weather, and orbital parameters. As the host star is occulted by the coronagraph, a speckle grid (SG) is introduced to serve as astrometric and photometric reference. Speckle grids are implemented as diffractive pupil-plane optics that generate artificial speckles at known location and brightness. Their performance is limited by the underlying speckle halo caused by evolving uncorrected wavefront errors. The speckle halo will interfere with the coherent SGs, affecting their photometric and astrometric precision. Our aim is to show that by imposing opposite amplitude or phase modulation on the opposite polarization states, a SG can be instantaneously incoherent with the underlying halo, greatly increasing the precision. We refer to these as vector speckle grids (VSGs). We derive analytically the mechanism by which the incoherency arises and explore the performance gain in idealised simulations under various atmospheric conditions. We show that the VSG is completely incoherent for unpolarized light and that the fundamental limiting factor is the cross-talk between the speckles in the grid. In simulation, we find that for short-exposure images the VSG reaches a $sim$0.3-0.8% photometric error and $sim$$3-10cdot10^{-3}$ $lambda/D$ astrometric error, which is a performance increase of a factor $sim$20 and $sim$5, respectively. Furthermore, we outline how VSGs could be implemented using liquid-crystal technology to impose the geometric phase on the circular polarization states. The VSG is a promising new method for generating a photometric and astrometric reference SG that has a greatly increased astrometric and photometric precision.
High contrast imaging is the primary path to the direct detection and characterization of Earth-like planets around solar-type stars; a cleverly designed internal coronagraph suppresses the light from the star, revealing the elusive circumstellar companions. However, future large-aperture telescopes ($>$4~m in diameter) will likely have segmented primary mirrors, which causes additional diffraction of unwanted stellar light. Here we present the first high contrast laboratory demonstration of an apodized vortex coronagraph (AVC), in which an apodizer is placed upstream of a vortex focal plane mask to improve its performance with a segmented aperture. The gray-scale apodization is numerically optimized to yield a better sensitivity to faint companions assuming an aperture shape similar to the LUVOIR-B concept. Using wavefront sensing and control over a one-sided dark hole, we achieve a raw contrast of $2times10^{-8}$ in monochromatic light at 775~nm, and a raw contrast of $4times10^{-8}$ in a 10% bandwidth. These results open the path to a new family of coronagraph designs, optimally suited for next-generation segmented space telescopes.
195 - Pascal J. Borde 2005
High-contrast imaging from space must overcome two major noise sources to successfully detect a terrestrial planet angularly close to its parent star: photon noise from diffracted star light, and speckle noise from star light scattered by instrumentally-generated wavefront perturbation. Coronagraphs tackle only the photon noise contribution by reducing diffracted star light at the location of a planet. Speckle noise should be addressed with adaptative-optics systems. Following the tracks of Malbet, Yu and Shao (1995), we develop in this paper two analytical methods for wavefront sensing and control that aims at creating dark holes, i.e. areas of the image plane cleared out of speckles, assuming an ideal coronagraph and small aberrations. The first method, speckle field nulling, is a fast FFT-based algorithm that requires the deformable-mirror influence functions to have identical shapes. The second method, speckle energy minimization, is more general and provides the optimal deformable mirror shape via matrix inversion. With a NxN deformable mirror, the size of matrix to be inverted is either N^2xN^2 in the general case, or only NxN if influence functions can be written as the tensor product of two one-dimensional functions. Moreover, speckle energy minimization makes it possible to trade off some of the dark hole area against an improved contrast. For both methods, complex wavefront aberrations (amplitude and phase) are measured using just three images taken with the science camera (no dedicated wavefront sensing channel is used), therefore there are no non-common path errors. We assess the theoretical performance of both methods with numerical simulations, and find that these speckle nulling techniques should be able to improve the contrast by several orders of magnitude.
144 - Olivier Guyon 2009
The Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization (PIAA) coronagraph is a high performance coronagraph concept able to work at small angular separation with little loss in throughput. We present results obtained with a laboratory PIAA system including active wavefront control. The system has a 94.3% throughput (excluding coating losses) and operates in air with monochromatic light. Our testbed achieved a 2.27e-7 raw contrast between 1.65 lambda/D (inner working angle of the coronagraph configuration tested) and 4.4 lambda/D (outer working angle). Through careful calibration, we were able to separate this residual light into a dynamic coherent component (turbulence, vibrations) at 4.5e-8 contrast and a static incoherent component (ghosts and/or polarization missmatch) at 1.6e-7 contrast. Pointing errors are controlled at the 1e-3 lambda/D level using a dedicated low order wavefront sensor. While not sufficient for direct imaging of Earth-like planets from space, the 2.27e-7 raw contrast achieved already exceeds requirements for a ground-based Extreme Adaptive Optics system aimed at direct detection of more massive exoplanets. We show that over a 4hr long period, averaged wavefront errors have been controlled to the 3.5e-9 contrast level. This result is particularly encouraging for ground based Extreme-AO systems relying on long term stability and absence of static wavefront errors to recover planets much fainter than the fast boiling speckle halo.
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