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Accurate, nontrivial quantum operations on many qubits are experimentally challenging. As opposed to the standard approach of compiling larger unitaries into sequences of 2-qubit gates, we propose a protocol on Hamiltonian control fields which implements highly selective multi-qubit gates in a strongly-coupled many-body quantum system. We exploit the selectiveness of resonant driving to exchange only 2 out of $2^N$ eigenstates of some background Hamiltonian, and discuss a basis transformation, the eigengate, that makes this operation relevant to the computational basis. The latter has a second use as a Hahn echo which undoes the dynamical phases due to the background Hamiltonian. We find that the error of such protocols scales favourably with the gate time as $t^{-2}$, but the protocol becomes inefficient with a growing number of qubits N. The framework is numerically tested in the context of a spin chain model first described by Polychronakos, for which we show that an earlier solution method naturally gives rise to an eigengate. Our techniques could be of independent interest for the theory of driven many-body systems.
The spectral form factor (SFF), characterizing statistics of energy eigenvalues, is a key diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (pSFFs) can be defined which refer to subsystems of the many-body system. They provide unique insights into energy eigenstate statistics of many-body systems, as we show in an analysis on the basis of random matrix theory and of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. We propose a protocol which allows the measurement of SFF and pSFFs in quantum many-body spin models, within the framework of randomized measurements. Aimed to probe dynamical properties of quantum many-body systems, our scheme employs statistical correlations of local random operations which are applied at different times in a single experiment. Our protocol provides a unified testbed to probe many-body quantum chaotic behavior, thermalization and many-body localization in closed quantum systems which we illustrate with simulations for Hamiltonian and Floquet many-body spin-systems.
Eigenstates of fully many-body localized (FMBL) systems can be organized into spin algebras based on quasilocal operators called l-bits. These spin algebras define quasilocal l-bit measurement ($tau^z_i$) and l-bit flip ($tau^x_i$) operators. For a disordered Heisenberg spin chain in the MBL regime we approximate l-bit flip operators by finding them exactly on small windows of systems and extending them onto the whole system by exploiting their quasilocal nature. We subsequently use these operators to represent approximate eigenstates. We then describe a method to calculate products of local observables on these eigenstates for systems of size $L$ in $O(L^2)$ time. This algorithm is used to compute the error of the approximate eigenstates.
We demonstrate that arbitrary time evolutions of many-body quantum systems can be reversed even in cases when only part of the Hamiltonian can be controlled. The reversed dynamics obtained via optimal control --contrary to standard time-reversal procedures-- is extremely robust to external sources of noise. We provide a lower bound on the control complexity of a many-body quantum dynamics in terms of the dimension of the manifold supporting it, elucidating the role played by integrability in this context.
Thermodynamics of quantum systems out-of-equilibrium is very important for the progress of quantum technologies, however, the effects of many body interactions and their interplay with temperature, different drives and dynamical regimes is still largely unknown. Here we present a systematic study of these interplays: we consider a variety of interaction (from non-interacting to strongly correlated) and dynamical (from sudden quench to quasi-adiabatic) regimes, and draw some general conclusions in relation to work extraction and entropy production. As treatment of many-body interacting systems is highly challenging, we introduce a simple approximation which includes, for the average quantum work, many-body interactions only via the initial state, while the dynamics is fully non-interacting. We demonstrate that this simple approximation is surprisingly good for estimating both the average quantum work and the related entropy variation, even when many-body correlations are significant.
A quantum simulator is a restricted class of quantum computer that controls the interactions between quantum bits in a way that can be mapped to certain difficult quantum many-body problems. As more control is exerted over larger numbers of qubits, the simulator can tackle a wider range of problems, with the ultimate limit being a universal quantum computer that can solve general classes of hard problems. We use a quantum simulator composed of up to 53 qubits to study a non-equilibrium phase transition in the transverse field Ising model of magnetism, in a regime where conventional statistical mechanics does not apply. The qubits are represented by trapped ion spins that can be prepared in a variety of initial pure states. We apply a global long-range Ising interaction with controllable strength and range, and measure each individual qubit with near 99% efficiency. This allows the single-shot measurement of arbitrary many-body correlations for the direct probing of the dynamical phase transition and the uncovering of computationally intractable features that rely on the long-range interactions and high connectivity between the qubits.