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We argue that the two-particle momentum correlation functions of high-multiplicity $p+p$ collisions at the LHC provide a signal for a ground state structure of a quasi equilibrium state of the longitudinally boost-invariant expanding quantum field which lies in the future light cone of a collision. The physical picture is that pions are produced by the expanding quantum emitter with two different scales approximately attributed to the expanding ideal gas in local equilibrium state and ground-state condensate. Specifically, we show that the effect of suppressing the two-particle Bose-Einstein momentum correlation functions increases with increasing transverse momentum of a like-sign pion pair due to different momentum-dependence of the corresponding particle emission regions.
Two-particle momentum correlations of $N$ identical bosons are studied in the quantum canonical ensemble. We define the latter as a properly selected subensemble of events associated with the grand canonical ensemble which is characterized by a constant temperature and a harmonic-trap chemical potential. The merits of this toy model are that it can be solved exactly, and that it demonstrates some interesting features revealed recently in small systems created in $p+p$ collisions at the LHC. We find that partial coherence can be observed in particle emission from completely thermal ensembles of events if instead of inclusive measurements one studies the two-boson distribution functions related to the events with particle numbers selected in some fixed multiplicity bins. The corresponding coherence effects increase with the multiplicity.
It is shown that $alpha_s(E)$, the strong coupling constant, can be determined in the non-perturbative regime from Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC). The obtained $alpha_s(E)$ is in agreement with the prescriptions dealt with in the Analytic Perturbative Theory approach. It also extrapolates smoothly to the standard perturbative $alpha_s(E)$ at higher energies. Our results indicate that BEC dimension can be considered as an alternative approach to the short range measure between hadrons.
The Quark Gluon String Model (QGSM) reproduces well the global characteristics of the $pp$ collisions at RHIC and LHC, e.g., the pseudorapidity and transverse momenta distributions at different centralities. The main goal of this work is to employ the Monte Carlo QGSM for description of femtoscopic characteristics in $pp$ collisions at RHIC and LHC. The study is concentrated on the low multiplicity and multiplicity averaged events, where no collective effects are expected. The different procedures for fitting the one-dimensional correlation functions of pions are studied and compared with the space-time distributions extracted directly from the model. Particularly, it is shown that the double Gaussian fit reveals the contributions coming separately from resonances and from directly produced particles. The comparison of model results with the experimental data favors decrease of particle formation time with rising collision energy.
A simple model of nonfemtoscopic particle correlations in proton-proton collisions is proposed. The model takes into account correlations induced by the conservation laws as well as correlations induced by minijets. It reproduces well the two-pion nonfemtoscopic correlations of like-sign and unlike-sign pions in proton-proton collision events at $sqrt{s} = 900$ GeV analyzed by the ALICE Collaboration. We also argue that similar nonfemtoscopic correlations can appear in the hydrodynamic picture with event-by-event fluctuating nonsymmetric initial conditions that are typically associated with nonzero higher-order flow harmonics.
We have performed a systematic study of $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ production in $p-p$ collisions at different LHC energies and at different rapidities using the leading order (LO) non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) model of heavy quarkonium production. We have included the contributions from $chi_{cJ}$ ($J$ = 0, 1, 2) and $psi(2S)$ decays to $J/psi$. The calculated values have been compared with the available data from the four experiments at LHC namely, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. In case of ALICE, inclusive $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ cross-sections have been calculated by including the feed-down from $B$ meson using Fixed-Order Next-to-Leading Logarithm (FONLL) formalism. It is found that all the experimental cross-sections are well reproduced for $p_T >$ 4 GeV within the theoretical uncertainties arising due to the choice of the factorization scale. We also predict the transverse momentum distributions of $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ both for the direct and feed-down processes at the upcoming LHC energies of $sqrt{s} =$ 5.1 TeV and 13 TeV for the year 2015.