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The density distribution of flare loops and the mechanisms of their emission in the continuum are still open questions. On September 10, 2017 a prominent loop system appeared during the gradual phase of an X8.2 flare (SOL2017-09-10), visible in all passbands of SDO/AIA and in the white-light continuum of SDO/HMI. We investigate its electron density by taking into account all radiation processes in the flare loops, i.e. the Thomson continuum, hydrogen Paschen and Brackett recombination continua, as well as free-free continuum emission. We derive a quadratic function of the electron density for a given temperature and effective loop thickness. By absolutely calibrating SDO/HMI intensities, we convert the measured intensities into electron density at each pixel in the loops. For a grid of plausible temperatures between cool (6000 K) and hot (10^6 K) structures, the electron density is computed for representative effective thicknesses between 200 and 20 000 km. We obtain a relatively high maximum electron density, about 10^13 cm^-3. At such high electron densities, the Thomson continuum is negligible and therefore one would not expect a significant polarization degree in dense loops. We conclude that the Paschen and Brackett recombination continua are dominant in cool flare loops, while the free-free continuum emission is dominant for warmer and hot loops.
The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory has provided unique observations of off-limb flare emission. White-light (WL) continuum enhancements were detected in the continuum channel of the Fe 6173 A line during the impulsive phase of the observed flares. In this paper we aim to determine which radiation mechanism is responsible for such an enhancement being seen above the limb, at chromospheric heights around or below 1000 km. Using a simple analytical approach, we compare two candidate mechanisms, the hydrogen recombination continuum (Paschen) and the Thomson continuum due to scattering of disk radiation on flare electrons. Both mechanisms depend on the electron density, which is typically enhanced during the impulsive phase of a flare as the result of collisional ionization (both thermal and also non-thermal due to electron beams). We conclude that for electron densities higher than $10^{12}$ cm$^{-3}$, the Paschen recombination continuum significantly dominates the Thomson scattering continuum and there is some contribution from the hydrogen free-free emission. This is further supported by detailed radiation-hydrodynamical (RHD) simulations of the flare chromosphere heated by the electron beams. We use the RHD code FLARIX to compute the temporal evolution of the flare heating in a semi-circular loop. The synthesized continuum structure above the limb resembles the off-limb flare structures detected by HMI, namely their height above the limb, as well as the radiation intensity. These results are consistent with recent findings related to hydrogen Balmer continuum enhancements, which were clearly detected in disk flares by the IRIS near-ultraviolet spectrometer.
We present an analysis of off-limb cool flare loops observed by SDO/AIA during the gradual phase of SOL2017-09-10T16:06 X8.2-class flare. In the EUV channels starting from the 335 {AA} one, cool loops appear as dark structures against the bright loop arcade. These dark structures were precisely coaligned (spatially and temporally) with loops observed by SST in emission lines of hydrogen and ionized calcium. Recently published semi-empirical model of cool loops based on SST observations serves us to predict the level of hydrogen and helium recombination continua. The continua were synthesized using an approximate non-LTE approach and theoretical spectra were then transformed to AIA signals. Comparison with signals detected inside the dark loops shows that only in AIA 211 {AA} channel the computed level of recombination continua is consistent with observations for some models, while in all other channels which are more distant from the continua edges the synthetic continuum is far too low. In analogy with on-disk observations of flares we interpret the surplus emission as due to numerous EUV lines emitted from hot but faint loops in front of the cool ones. Finally we briefly comment on failure of the standard absorption model when used for analysis of the dark-loop brightness.
We perform multiwavelength time-distance analysis of a fan loop system anchored in an isolated sunspot region AR 12553. The active region was observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We measure the phase speeds of the propagating intensity disturbances by employing cross-correlation analysis, as well as by obtaining the slopes in xt-plots. We obtain original as well as de-trended light curves at different heights of the time-distance maps and characterize them by performing Fourier and Wavelet analysis, respectively. The time-distance maps reveal clear propagation of intensity oscillations in all the coronal EUV channels except AIA 94 and 335~{AA}. We determine the nature of the intensity disturbances as slow magnetoacoustic waves by measuring their phase speeds. The time-distance maps, as well as the de-trended light curves, show an increase and decrease in the amplitude of propagating 3-min oscillations over time. The amplitude variations appear most prominent in AIA 171~{AA}, though other EUV channels also show such signatures. Fourier power spectrum yield the presence of significant powers with several nearby frequencies between 2--3 minutes (5--8 mHz), along with many other smaller peaks between 2--4 minutes. Wavelet analysis shows an increase and decrease of oscillating power around 3-min simultaneous to the amplitude variations. We obtain the modulation period to be in the range of 20--30 minutes. Our results provide the viability of occurrence of phenomenon like `Beat among the nearby frequencies giving rise to the observed amplitude modulation. However, we cannot, at this stage, rule out the possibility that the modulation may be driven by variability of an underlying unknown source.
We present SDO/AIA observations of an eruptive X-class flare of July 12, 2012, and compare its evolution with the predictions of a 3D numerical simulation. We focus on the dynamics of flare loops that are seen to undergo slipping reconnection during the flare. In the AIA 131A observations, lower parts of 10 MK flare loops exhibit an apparent motion with velocities of several tens of km/s along the developing flare ribbons. In the early stages of the flare, flare ribbons consist of compact, localized bright transition-region emission from the footpoints of the flare loops. A DEM analysis shows that the flare loops have temperatures up to the formation of Fe XXIV. A series of very long, S-shaped loops erupt, leading to a CME observed by STEREO. The observed dynamics are compared with the evolution of magnetic structures in the standard solar flare model in 3D. This model matches the observations well, reproducing both the apparently slipping flare loops, S-shaped erupting loops, and the evolution of flare ribbons. All of these processes are explained via 3D reconnection mechanisms resulting from the expansion of a torus-unstable flux rope. The AIA observations and the numerical model are complemented by radio observations showing a noise storm in the metric range. Dm-drifting pulsation structures occurring during the eruption indicate plasmoid ejection and enhancement of reconnection rate. The bursty nature of radio emission shows that the slipping reconnection is still intermittent, although it is observed to persist for more than an hour.
This study on plasma heating considers the time-dependent ionization process during a large solar flare on September 10, 2017, observed by Hinode/EIS. The observed FeXXIV / FeXXIII ratios increase downstream of the reconnection outflow, and they are consistent with the time-dependent ionization effect at a constant electron temperature Te = 25 MK. Moreover, this study also shows that the non-thermal velocity, which can be related to the turbulent velocity, reduces significantly along the downstream of the reconnection outflow, even when considering the time-dependent ionization process.