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Trends in pressure-induced layer-selective half-collapsed tetragonal phases in the iron-based superconductor family $Ae{}A$Fe$_4$As$_4$

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 Added by Vladislav Borisov
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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By performing pressure simulations within density functional theory for the family of iron-based superconductors $Ae{}A$Fe$_4$As$_4$ with $Ae$ = Ca, Sr, Ba and $A$ = K, Rb, Cs we predict in these systems the appearance of two consecutive half-collapsed tetragonal transitions at pressures $P_{c_1}$ and $P_{c_2}$, which have a different character in terms of their effect on the electronic structure. We find that, similarly to previous studies for CaKFe$_4$As$_4$, spin-vortex magnetic fluctuations on the Fe sublattice play a key role for an accurate structure prediction in these materials at zero pressure. We identify clear trends of critical pressures and discuss the relevance of the collapsed phases in connection to magnetism and superconductivity. Finally, the intriguing cases of EuRbFe$_4$As$_4$ and EuCsFe$_4$As$_4$, where Eu magnetism coexists with superconductivity, are discussed as well in the context of half-collapsed phases.

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We report the temperature-pressure phase diagram of CaKFe$_4$As$_4$ established using high pressure electrical resistivity, magnetization and high energy x-ray diffraction measurements up to 6 GPa. With increasing pressure, both resistivity and magnetization data show that the bulk superconducting transition of CaKFe$_4$As$_4$ is suppressed and then disappears at $p$ $gtrsim$ 4 GPa. High pressure x-ray data clearly indicate a phase transition to a collapsed tetragonal phase in CaKFe$_4$As$_4$ under pressure that coincides with the abrupt loss of bulk superconductivity near 4 GPa. The x-ray data, combined with resistivity data, indicate that the collapsed tetragonal transition line is essentially vertical, occuring at 4.0(5) GPa for temperatures below 150 K. Band structure calculations also find a sudden transition to a collapsed tetragonal state near 4 GPa, as As-As bonding takes place across the Ca-layer. Bonding across the K-layer only occurs for $p$ $geq$ 12 GPa. These findings demonstrate a new type of collapsed tetragonal phase in CaKFe$_4$As$_4$: a half-collapsed-tetragonal phase.
The structural properties of EuCo2As2 have been studied up to 35 GPa, through the use of x-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell at a synchrotron source. At ambient conditions, EuCo2As2 (I4/mmm) has a tetragonal lattice structure with a bulk modulus of 48 +/-4 GPa. With the application of pressure, the a-axis exhibits negative compressibility with a concurrent sharp decrease in c-axis length. The anomalous compressibility of the a-axis continues until 4.7 GPa, at which point the structure undergoes a second-order phase transition to a collapsed tetragonal (CT) state with a bulk modulus of 111 +/- 2 GPa. We found a strong correlation between the ambient pressure volume of 122 parents of superconductors and the corresponding tetragonal to collapsed tetragonal phase transition pressures
We use polarized inelastic neutron scattering to study the spin-excitations anisotropy in the bilayer iron-based superconductor CaKFe$_4$As$_4$ ($T_c$ = 35 K). In the superconducting state, both odd and even $L-$modulations of spin resonance have been observed in our previous unpolarized neutron scattering experiments (T. Xie {it et al.} Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 120}, 267003 (2018)). Here we find that the high-energy even mode ($sim 18$ meV) is isotropic in spin space, but the low-energy odd modes consist of a $c-$axis polarized mode around 9 meV along with another partially overlapped in-plane mode around 12 meV. We argue that such spin anisotropy is induced by the spin-orbit coupling in the spin-vortex-type fluctuations of this unique compound. The spin anisotropy is strongly affected by the superconductivity, where it is weak below 6 meV in the normal state and then transferred to higher energy and further enhanced in the odd mode of spin resonance below $T_c$.
121 - B. Xu , Z. C. Wang , E. Sheveleva 2019
The optical properties of the new iron-based superconductor CsCa$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$F$_2$ with $T_c sim 29$~K have been determined. In the normal state a good description of the low-frequency response is obtained with a superposition of two Drude components of which one has a very low scattering rate (narrow Drude-peak) and the other a rather large one (broad Drude-peak). Well below $T_c sim 29$~K, a pronounced gap feature is observed which involves a complete suppression of the optical conductivity below $sim$ 110~cm$^{-1}$ and thus is characteristic of a nodeless superconducting state. The optical response of the broad Drude-component can be described with a dirty-limit Mattis-Bardeen-type response with a single isotropic gap of $2Delta simeq 14$~meV. To the contrary, the response of the narrow Drude-component is in the ultra-clean-limit and its entire spectral weight is transferred to the zero-frequency $delta(omega)$ function that accounts for the loss-free response of the condensate. These observations provide clear evidence for a band-selective coexistence of clean- and dirty-limit superconductivity with nodeless gaps in CsCa$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$F$_2$.
Recently, An electron-doped 12442-type iron-based superconductor BaTh$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$(N$_{0.7}$O$_{0.3}$)$_2$ has been successfully synthesized with high-temperature solid-state reactions on basis of a structural design. The inter-block-layer charge transfer between the constituent units of BaFe$_2$As$_2$ and ThFeAsN$_{0.7}$O$_{0.3}$ was found to be essential to stabilize the target compound. Dominant electron-type conduction and bulk superconducting transition at ~22 K were demonstrated.
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