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Two new magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered in the 3XMM catalogue

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 Added by Natalie Webb
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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X-ray catalogues provide a wealth of information on many source types, ranging from compact objects to galaxies, clusters of galaxies, stars, and even planets. Thanks to the huge volume of X-ray sources provided in the 3XMM catalogue, along with many source specific products, many new examples from rare classes of sources can be identified. Through visualising spectra and lightcurves from about 80 observations included in the incremental part of the 3XMM catalogue, 3XMM-DR5, as part of the quality control of the catalogue, we identified two new X-ray sources, 3XMM J183333.1+225136 and 3XMM J184916.1+652943, that were highly variable. This work aims to investigate their nature. Through simple model fitting of the X-ray spectra and analysis of the X-ray lightcurves of 3XMM J183333.1+225136 and 3XMM J184916.1+652943, along with complementary photometry from the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor, Pan-Starrs and the Stella/WiFSIP and Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) spectra, we suggest that the two sources might be magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) of the polar type and we determine some of their properties. Both CVs have very hard spectra, showing no soft excess. They are both situated in the local neighbourhood, located within $sim$1 kpc. 3XMM J183333.1+225136 has an orbital period of 2.15 hours. It shows features in the lightcurve that may be a total eclipse of the white dwarf. 3XMM J184916.1+652943 has an orbital period of 1.6 hours. Given that only a small sky area was searched to identify these CVs, future sensitive all sky surveys such as the eROSITA project should be very successful at uncovering large numbers of such sources.

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Among hard X-ray galactic sources detected by INTEGRAL and Swift surveys, those discovered as accreting white dwarfs have surprisingly boosted in number, representing 20% of the galactic sample. The majority are identified as magnetic cataclysmic variabiles of the intermediate polar type suggesting this subclass as an important constituent of galactic population of X-ray sources. In this conference-proceeding, we review the X-ray emission properties as observed with our ongoing XMM-Newton programme of newly discovered INTEGRAL and/or Swift sources that enlarged almost by a factor of two, identifying cataclysmic variabiles commonalities and outliers.
The Palomar Transient Factory proves to be a prolific source of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, selected by their distinctive photometric variability, and followed up spectroscopically. Here, we present six new candidate systems, together with preliminary photometric periods and spectra.
In a series of recent papers, it has been proposed that high field magnetic white dwarfs are the result of close binary interaction and merging. Population synthesis calculations have shown that the origin of isolated highly magnetic white dwarfs is consistent with the stellar merging hypothesis. In this picture, the observed fields are caused by an alpha-Omega dynamo driven by differential rotation. The strongest fields arise when the differential rotation equals the critical break-up velocity and result from the merging of two stars (one of which has a degenerate core) during common envelope evolution or from the merging of two white dwarfs. We now synthesise a population of binary systems to investigate the hypothesis that the magnetic fields in the magnetic cataclysmic variables also originate during stellar interaction in the common envelope phase. Those systems that emerge from common envelope more tightly bound form the cataclysmic variables with the strongest magnetic fields. We vary the common envelope efficiency parameter and compare the results of our population syntheses with observations of magnetic cataclysmic variables. We find that common envelope interaction can explain the observed characteristics of these magnetic systems if the envelope ejection efficiency is low.
We use the complete, X-ray flux-limited ROSAT Bright Survey (RBS) to measure the space density of magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs). The survey provides complete optical identification of all sources with count rate >0.2/s over half the sky ($|b|>30^circ$), and detected 6 intermediate polars (IPs) and 24 polars. If we assume that the 30 mCVs included in the RBS are representative of the intrinsic population, the space density of mCVs is $8^{+4}_{-2} times 10^{-7},{rmpc^{-3}}$. Considering polars and IPs separately, we find $rho_{polar}=5^{+3}_{-2} times 10^{-7},{rm pc^{-3}}$ and $rho_{IP}=3^{+2}_{-1} times 10^{-7},{rm pc^{-3}}$. Allowing for a 50% high-state duty cycle for polars (and assuming that these systems are below the RBS detection limit during their low states) doubles our estimate of $rho_{polar}$ and brings the total space density of mCVs to $1.3^{+0.6}_{-0.4} times 10^{-6},{rm pc^{-3}}$. We also place upper limits on the sizes of faint (but persistent) mCV populations that might have escaped detection in the RBS. Although the large uncertainties in the $rho$ estimates prevent us from drawing strong conclusions, we discuss the implications of our results for the evolutionary relationship between IPs and polars, the fraction of CVs with strongly magnetic white dwarfs (WDs), and for the contribution of mCVs to Galactic populations of hard X-ray sources at $L_X ga 10^{31} {rm erg/s}$. Our space density estimates are consistent with the very simple model where long-period IPs evolve into polars and account for the whole short-period polar population. We find that the fraction of WDs that are strongly magnetic is not significantly higher for CV primaries than for isolated WDs. Finally, the space density of IPs is sufficiently high to explain the bright, hard X-ray source population in the Galactic Centre.
Some magnetic CVs like BY Cam are characterized by unusual CNO line ratios compared to other polars and non-solar abundances have been suggested to explain this anomaly. We present here a first attempt to constrain the elemental abundances in these systems by applying a specific ionisation model combined with a geometrical description of the accretion column where these lines are thought to be formed. The line luminosities have been computed using the CLOUDY plasma code for different ionisation spectra and column extension. We show here selected results and compare to the values observed in peculiar magnetic CVs. The model applied to BY Cam confirms that ionization models with solar abundances fail to reproduce the observed line intensity ratios. Assuming the model to be valid, the induced best abundances imply an overabundance of N (x25), underabundance of C (:8) and nearly solar O (:2), in line with CNO reprocessing.
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