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The exchange of a pair of low-mass neutrinos between electrons, protons and neutrons produces a long-range $1/r^5$ potential, which can be sought for in phenomena originating on the atomic and sub-atomic length scales. We calculate the effects of neutrino-pair exchange on transition and binding energies in atoms and nuclei. In the case of atomic s-wave states, there is a large enhancement of the induced energy shifts due to the lack of a centrifugal barrier and the highly singular nature of the neutrino-mediated potential. We derive limits on neutrino-mediated forces from measurements of the deuteron binding energy and transition energies in positronium, muonium, hydrogen and deuterium, as well as isotope-shift measurements in calcium ions. Our limits improve on existing constraints on neutrino-mediated forces from experiments that search for new macroscopic forces by 18 orders of magnitude. Future spectroscopy experiments have the potential to probe long-range forces mediated by the exchange of pairs of standard-model neutrinos and other weakly-charged particles.
In the presence of P-violating interactions, the exchange of vector bosons between electrons and nucleons induces parity-nonconserving (PNC) effects in atoms and molecules, while the exchange of vector bosons between nucleons induces anapole moments of nuclei. We perform calculations of such vector-mediated PNC effects in Cs, Ba$^+$, Yb, Tl, Fr and Ra$^+$ using the same relativistic many-body approaches as in earlier calculations of standard-model PNC effects, but with the long-range operator of the weak interaction. We calculate nuclear anapole moments due to vector boson exchange using a simple nuclear model. From measured and predicted (within the standard model) values for the PNC amplitudes in Cs, Yb and Tl, as well as the nuclear anapole moment of $^{133}$Cs, we constrain the P-violating vector-pseudovector nucleon-electron and nucleon-proton interactions mediated by a generic vector boson of arbitrary mass. Our limits improve on existing bounds from other experiments by many orders of magnitude over a very large range of vector-boson masses.
Transformation of neutron to antineutron is a small effect that has not yet been experimentally observed. %cite{Phillips:2014fgb}. In principle, it can occur with free neutrons in the vacuum or with bound neutrons inside the nuclear environment different for neutrons and antineutrons and for that reason in the latter case it is heavily suppressed. Free neutron transformation also can be suppressed if environmental vector field exists destinguishing neutron from antineutron. We consider here the case of a vector field coupled to $B-L$ charge of the particles ($B-L$ photons) and study a possibility of this to lead to the observable suppression of neutron to antineutron transformation. The suppression effect however can be removed by applying external magnetic field. If the neutron--antineutron oscillation will be discovered in free neutron oscillation experiments, this will imply limits on $B-L$ photon coupling constant and interaction radius few order of magnitudes stronger than present limits form the tests of the equivalence principle. If $n-bar n$ oscillation will be discovered via nuclear instability, but not in free neutron oscillations in corresponding level, this would indicate to the presence of fifth-forces mediated by such baryophotons.
Postulating the existence of a fnite-mass mediator of T,P-odd coupling between atomic electrons and nucleons we consider its effect on permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of diamagnetic atoms. We present both numerical and analytical analysis for such mediator-induced EDMs and compare it with EDM results for the conventional contact interaction. Based on this analysis we derive limits on coupling strengths and carrier masses from experimental limits on EDM of 199Hg atom.
We apply renormalisation-group methods to two-body scattering by a combination of known long-range and unknown short-range potentials. We impose a cut-off in the basis of distorted waves of the long-range potential and identify possible fixed points of the short-range potential as this cut-off is lowered to zero. The expansions around these fixed points define the power countings for the corresponding effective field theories. Expansions around nontrivial fixed points are shown to correspond to distorted-wa
Enhanced sensitivity in electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) can be obtained by the use of noise correlation spectroscopy between the fields involved in the process. Here, we investigate EIT in a cold ($< 1$ mK) rubidium vapor and demonstrate sensitivity to detect weak light-induced forces on the atoms. A theoretical model is developed and shows good agreement with our measurements, enabling the attribution of the observed effects to the coupling of the atomic states to their motion. The effects remain unnoticed on the measurement of the mean fields but are clearly manifest in their correlations.