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Direct Transfer of Lights Orbital Angular Momentum onto Non-resonantly Excited Polariton Superfluid

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 Added by Hyoungsoon Choi
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Recently, exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity were found to condense into a coherent ground state much like a Bose-Einstein condensate and a superfluid. They have become a unique testbed for generating and manipulating quantum vortices in a driven-dissipative superfluid. Here, we generate exciton-polariton condensate with non-resonant Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) optical beam and verify the direct transfer of lights orbital angular momentum to exciton-polariton quantum fluid. Quantized vortices are found in spite of large energy relaxation involved in non-resonant pumping. We identified phase singularity, density distribution and energy eigenstates for the vortex states. Our observations confirm that non-resonant optical LG beam can be used to manipulate chirality, topological charge, and stability of non-equilibrium quantum fluid. These vortices are quite robust, only sensitive to the OAM of light and not other parameters such as energy, intensity, size or shape of the pump beam. Therefore, optical information can be transferred between photon and exciton-polariton with ease and the technique is potentially useful to form the controllable network of multiple topological charges even in the presence of spectral randomness in solid state system.

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Exciton-polaritons in a microcavity are composite two-dimensional bosonic quasiparticles, arising from the strong coupling between confined light modes in a resonant planar optical cavity and excitonic transitions, typically using excitons in semiconductor quantum wells (QWs) placed at the antinodes of the same cavity. Quantum phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), quantized vortices, and macroscopic quantum states have been reported at temperatures from tens of Kelvin up to room temperatures, and polaritonic devices such as spin switches cite{Amo2010} and optical transistors have also been reported. Many of these effects of exciton-polaritons depend crucially on the polariton-polariton interaction strength. Despite the importance of this parameter, it has been difficult to make an accurate experimental measurement, mostly because of the difficulty of determining the absolute densities of polaritons and bare excitons. Here we report the direct measurement of the polariton-polariton interaction strength in a very high-Q microcavity structure. By allowing polaritons to propagate over 40 $mu$m to the center of a laser-generated annular trap, we are able to separate the polariton-polariton interactions from polariton-exciton interactions. The interaction strength is deduced from the energy renormalization of the polariton dispersion as the polariton density is increased, using the polariton condensation as a benchmark for the density. We find that the interaction strength is about two orders of magnitude larger than previous theoretical estimates, putting polaritons squarely into the strongly-interacting regime. When there is a condensate, we see a sharp transition to a different dependence of the renormalization on the density, which is evidence of many-body effects.
140 - Simon Pigeon 2010
We present a theoretical study of the hydrodynamic properties of a quantum gas of exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity under a resonant laser excitation. The effect of a spatially extended defect on the superfluid flow is investigated as a function of the flow speed. The processes that are responsible for the nucleation of vortices and solitons in the wake of the defect are characterized, as well as the regimes where the superfluid flow remains unperturbed. Specific features due to the non-equilibrium nature of the polariton fluid are put in evidence.
Systems with competing attractive and repulsive interactions have a tendency to condense into droplets. This is the case for water in a sink, liquid helium and dipolar atomic gases. Here, we consider a photon fluid which is formed in the transverse plane of a monochromatic laser beam propagating in an attractive (focusing) nonlocal nonlinear medium. In this setting we demonstrate the formation of the optical analogue of matter wave droplets, and study their properties. The system we consider admits droplets that carry orbital angular momentum. We find bound states possessing liquid-like properties, such as bulk pressure and compressibility. Interestingly, these droplets of light, as opposed to optical vortices, form due to the competition between long-range s-wave (monopole) and d-wave (quadrupole) interactions as well as diffraction.
85 - Simon Pigeon 2020
We study the necessary condition under which a resonantly driven exciton polariton superfluid flowing against an obstacle can generate turbulence. The value of the critical velocity is well estimated by the transition from elliptic to hyperbolic of an operator following ideas developed by Frisch, Pomeau, Rica for a superfluid flow around an obstacle, though the nature of equations governing the polariton superfluid is quite different. We find analytical estimates depending on the pump amplitude and on the pump energy detuning, quite consistent with our numerical computations.
The Higgs amplitude mode is a collective excitation studied and observed in a broad class of matter, including superconductors, charge density waves, antiferromagnets, 3He p-wave superfluid, and ultracold atomic condensates. In all the observations reported thus far, the amplitude mode was excited by perturbing the condensate out of equilibrium. Studying an exciton-polariton condensate, here we report the first observation of this mode purely driven by intrinsic quantum fluctuations without such perturbations. By using an ultrahigh quality microcavity and a Raman spectrometer to maximally reject photoluminescence from the condensate, we observe weak but distinct photoluminescence at energies below the condensate emission. We identify this as the so-called ghost branches of the amplitude mode arising from quantum depletion of the condensate into this mode. These energies, as well as the overall structure of the photoluminescence spectra, are in good agreement with our theoretical analysis.
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