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We study fourfold rotation invariant gapped topological systems with time-reversal symmetry in two and three dimensions ($d=2,3$). We show that in both cases nontrivial topology is manifested by the presence of the $(d-2)$-dimensional edge states, existing at a point in 2D or along a line in 3D. For fermion systems without interaction, the bulk topological invariants are given in terms of the Wannier centers of filled bands, and can be readily calculated using a Fu-Kane-like formula when inversion symmetry is also present. The theory is extended to strongly interacting systems through explicit construction of microscopic models having robust $(d-2)$-dimensional edge states.
Topological spin liquids are robust quantum states of matter with long-range entanglement and possess many exotic properties such as the fractional statistics of the elementary excitations. Yet these states, short of local parameters like all topological states, are elusive for conventional experimental probes. In this work, we combine theoretical analysis and quantum Monte Carlo numerics on a frustrated spin model which hosts a $mathbb Z_2$ topological spin liquid ground state, and demonstrate that the presence of symmetry-protected gapless edge modes is a characteristic feature of the state, originating from the nontrivial symmetry fractionalization of the elementary excitations. Experimental observation of these modes on the edge would directly indicate the existence of the topological spin liquids in the bulk, analogous to the fact that the observation of Dirac edge states confirmed the existence of topological insulators.
We use split-ring resonators to demonstrate topologically protected edge states in the Su-Schieffer-Heeger model experimentally, but in a slow-light wave with the group velocity down to $sim 0.1$ of light speed in free space. A meta-material formed by an array of complementary split-ring resonators with controllable hopping strength enables the direct observation in transmission and reflection of non-trivial topology eigenstates, including a negative phase velocity regime. By rotating the texture orientation of the diatomic resonators, we can explore all the band structures and unveil the onset of the trivial and non-trivial protected eigenmodes at GHz frequencies, even in the presence of non-negligible loss. Our system realizes a fully tunable and controllable artificial optical system to study the interplay between topology and slow-light towards applications in quantum technologies.
We use the bulk Hamiltonian for a three-dimensional topological insulator such as $rm Bi_2 Se_3$ to study the states which appear on its various surfaces and along the edge between two surfaces. We use both analytical methods based on the surface Hamiltonians (which are derived from the bulk Hamiltonian) and numerical methods based on a lattice discretization of the bulk Hamiltonian. We find that the application of a potential along an edge can give rise to states localized at that edge. These states have an unusual energy-momentum dispersion which can be controlled by applying a potential along the edge; in particular, the velocity of these states can be tuned to zero. The scattering across the edge is studied as a function of the edge potential. We show that a magnetic field in a particular direction can also give rise to zero energy states on certain edges. We point out possible experimental ways of looking for the various edge states.
Recently, it has been found that there exist symmetry-protected topological phases of fermions, which have no realizations in non-interacting fermionic systems or bosonic models. We study the edge states of such an intrinsically interacting fermionic SPT phase in two spatial dimensions, protected by $mathbb{Z}_4timesmathbb{Z}_2^T$ symmetry. We model the edge Hilbert space by replacing the internal $mathbb{Z}_4$ symmetry with a spatial translation symmetry, and design an exactly solvable Hamiltonian for the edge model. We show that at low-energy the edge can be described by a two-component Luttinger liquid, with nontrivial symmetry transformations that can only be realized in strongly interacting systems. We further demonstrate the symmetry-protected gaplessness under various perturbations, and the bulk-edge correspondence in the theory.
Symmetry is fundamental to topological phases. In the presence of a gauge field, spatial symmetries will be projectively represented, which may alter their algebraic structure and generate novel topological phases. We show that the $mathbb{Z}_2$ projectively represented translational symmetry operators adopt a distinct commutation relation, and become momentum dependent analogous to twofold nonsymmorphic symmetries. Combined with other internal or external symmetries, they give rise to many exotic band topology, such as the degeneracy over the whole boundary of the Brillouin zone, the single fourfold Dirac point pinned at the Brillouin zone corner, and the Kramers degeneracy at every momentum point. Intriguingly, the Dirac point criticality can be lifted by breaking one primitive translation, resulting in a topological insulator phase, where the edge bands have a M{o}bius twist. Our work opens a new arena of research for exploring topological phases protected by projectively represented space groups.