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Determining stellar parameters of asteroseismic targets: going beyond the use of scaling relations

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 Added by Leo Alberto Girardi
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Asteroseismic parameters allow us to measure the basic stellar properties of field giants observed far across the Galaxy. Most of such determinations are, up to now, based on simple scaling relations involving the large frequency separation, Delta u, and the frequency of maximum power, u$_{max}$. In this work, we implement Delta u and the period spacing, {Delta}P, computed along detailed grids of stellar evolutionary tracks, into stellar isochrones and hence in a Bayesian method of parameter estimation. Tests with synthetic data reveal that masses and ages can be determined with typical precision of 5 and 19 per cent, respectively, provided precise seismic parameters are available. Adding independent information on the stellar luminosity, these values can decrease down to 3 and 10 per cent respectively. The application of these methods to NGC 6819 giants produces a mean age in agreement with those derived from isochrone fitting, and no evidence of systematic differences between RGB and RC stars. The age dispersion of NGC 6819 stars, however, is larger than expected, with at least part of the spread ascribable to stars that underwent mass-transfer events.

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Stellar structure and evolution can be studied in great detail by asteroseismic methods, provided data of high precision are available. We determine the effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (log g), metallicity, and the projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of 44 Kepler asteroseismic targets using our high-resolution (R > 20,000) spectroscopic observations; these parameters will then be used to compute asteroseismic models of these stars and to interpret the Kepler light curves.We use the method of cross correlation to measure the radial velocity (RV) of our targets, while atmospheric parameters are derived using the ROTFIT code and spectral synthesis method. We discover three double-lined spectroscopic binaries, HIP 94924, HIP 95115, and HIP 97321 - for the last system, we provide the orbital solution, and we report two suspected single-lined spectroscopic binaries, HIP94112 and HIP 96062. For all stars from our sample we derive RV, v sin i, Teff, log g, and metallicity, and for six stars, we perform a detailed abundance analysis. A spectral classification is done for 33 targets. Finally, we show that the early-type star HIP 94472 is rotating slowly (v sin i = 13 kms/1) and we confirm its classification to the Am spectral type which makes it an interesting and promising target for asteroseismic modeling. The comparison of the results reported in this paper with the information in the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC) shows an urgent need for verification and refinement of the atmospheric parameters listed in the KIC. That refinement is crucial for making a full use of the data delivered by Kepler and can be achieved only by a detailed ground-based study.
154 - K. Belkacem 2012
Seismology of stars that exhibit solar-like oscillations develops a growing interest with the wealth of observational results obtained with the CoRoT and Kepler space-borne missions. In this framework, relations between asteroseismic quantities and stellar parameters provide a unique opportunity to derive model-independent determinations of stellar parameters (e.g., masses and radii) for a large sample of stars. I review those scaling relations with particular emphasis on the underlying physical processes governing those relations, as well as their uncertainties.
We present the ground-based activities within the different working groups of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC). The activities aim at the systematic characterization of the 5000+ KASC targets, and at the collection of ground-based follow-up time-series data of selected promising Kepler pulsators. So far, 36 different instruments at 31 telescopes on 23 different observatories in 12 countries are in use, and a total of more than 530 observing nights has been awarded. (Based on observations made with the Isaac Newton Telescope, William Herschel Telescope, Nordic Optical Telescope, Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Mercator Telescope (La Palma, Spain), and IAC-80 (Tenerife, Spain). Also based on observations taken at the observatories of Sierra Nevada, San Pedro Martir, Vienna, Xinglong, Apache Point, Lulin, Tautenburg, Loiano, Serra la Nave, Asiago, McDonald, Skinakas, Pic du Midi, Mauna Kea, Steward Observatory, Mt Wilson, Bialkow Observatory of the Wroclaw University, Piszkesteto Mountain Station, Observatoire de Haute Provence, and Centro Astronomico Hispano Aleman at Calar Alto. Based on data from the AAVSO International Database.)
CoRoT photometric measurements of asteroseismic targets need complementary ground-based spectroscopic observations. We are using the planet-hunter HARPS spectrograph attached to the 3.6m-ESO telescope in the framework of two consecutive Large Programmes. We discuss its use to study line-profile variations and we report on a specific result obtained for the Delta Sct star HD 170699.
The accuracy of stellar masses and radii determined from asteroseismology is not known! We examine this issue for giant stars by comparing classical measurements of detached eclipsing binary systems (dEBs) with asteroseismic measurements from the Kepler mission. For star clusters, we extrapolate measurements of dEBs in the turn-off region to the red giant branch and the red clump where we investigate the giants as an ensemble. For the field stars, we measure dEBs with an oscillating giant component. These measurements allow a comparison of masses and radii calculated from a classical eclipsing binary analysis to those calculated from asteroseismic scaling relations and/or other asteroseismic methods. Our first results indicate small but significant systematic differences between the classical and asteroseismic measurements. In this contribution we show our latest results and summarize the current status and future plans. We also stress the importance of realizing that for giant stars mass cannot always be translated to age, since an unknown fraction of these evolved through a blue straggler phase with mass transfer in a binary system. Rough estimates of how many such stars to expect are given based on our findings in the open clusters NGC6819 and NGC6791.
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