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Response of a tungsten powder target to an incident high energy proton beam

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The experiment described in this paper is the first study of the response of a static tungsten powder sample to an impinging high energy proton beam pulse. The experiment was carried out at the HiRadMat facility at CERN. Observations include high speed videos of a proton beam induced perturbation of the powder sample as well as data from a laser Doppler vibrometer measuring the oscillations of the powder container. A comparison with a previous analogous experiment which studied a proton beam interaction with mercury is made

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In the framework of the EUROnu design study, a new design for the CERN to Frejus neutrino beam based on the SPL is under development by the WP2 group. The main challenge of this project lies with the design of a multi-MW neutrino beam facility. The horn and the decay tunnel parameters have been optimized to maximize any potential discovery. The target design, thermo-mechanical analysis, and power supply design of the horn system as well as any safety issues are being studied to meet the MW power requirements for the proton-beam.
An extension of the TRIUMF M13 low-energy pion channel designed to suppress positrons based on an energy-loss technique is described. A source of beam channel momentum calibration from the decay pi+ --> e+ nu is also described.
The review of using of compton backscattering method for determination of the beam energy in collider experiments is given.
Calibration of the absolute energy scale at high-energy photon (gamma-gamma, gamma-electron) colliders is discussed. The luminosity spectrum at photon colliders is broad and has a rather sharp high-energy edge, which can be used, for example, to measure the mass of the Higgs boson in the process gamma-gamma to H or masses of charged scalars by observing the cross-section threshold. In addition to the precise knowledge of the edge energy of the luminosity spectrum, it is even more important to have a way to calibrate the absolute energy scale of the detector. At first sight, Compton scattering itself provides a unique way to determine the beam energies and produce particles of known energies that could be used for detector calibration. The energy scale is given by the electron mass m_e and laser photon energy omega_0. However, this does not work at realistic photon colliders due to large nonlinear effects in Compton scattering at the conversion region (xi^2 sim 0.3). It is argued that the process gamma-electron to eZ_0 provides the best way to calibrate the energy scale of the detector, where the energy scale is given by m_Z.
331 - Nobuhiro Shigyo 2012
Neutron energy spectrum from 120 GeV protons on a thick copper target was measured at the Meson Test Beam Facility (MTBF) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The data allows for evaluation of neutron production process implemented in theoretical simulation codes. It also helps exploring the reasons for some disagreement between calculation results and shielding benchmark data taken at high energy accelerator facilities, since it is evaluated separately from neutron transport. The experiment was carried out using a 120 GeV proton beam of 3E5 protons/spill. Since the spill duration was 4 seconds, proton-induced events were counted pulse by pulse. The intensity was maintained using diffusers and collimators installed in the beam line to MTBF. The protons hit a copper block target the size of which is 5cm x 5cm x 60 cm long. The neutrons produced in the target were measured using NE213 liquid scintillator detectors, placed about 5.5 m away from the target at 30^{circ} and 5 m 90^{circ} with respect to the proton beam axis. The neutron energy was determined by time-of-flight technique using timing difference between the NE213 and a plastic scintillator located just before the target. Neutron detection efficiency of NE213 was determined on basis of experimental data from the high energy neutron beam line at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The neutron spectrum was compared with the results of multi-particle transport codes to validate the implemented theoretical models. The apparatus would be applied to future measurements to obtain a systematic data set for secondary particle production on various target materials.
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