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Lens Models Under the Microscope: Comparison of Hubble Frontier Field Cluster Magnification Maps

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using the power of gravitational lensing magnification by massive galaxy clusters, the Hubble Frontier Fields provide deep views of six patches of the high redshift Universe. The combination of deep Hubble imaging and exceptional lensing strength has revealed the greatest numbers of multiply-imaged galaxies available to constrain models of cluster mass distributions. However, even with $mathcal{O}(100)$ images per cluster, the uncertainties associated with the reconstructions are not negligible. The goal of this paper is to show the diversity of model magnification predictions. We examine 7 and 9 mass models of Abell 2744 and MACS J0416, respectively, submitted to the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes for public distribution in September 2015. The dispersion between model predictions increases from 30% at common low magnifications ($musim2$) to 70% at rare high magnifications ($musim40$). MACS J0416 exhibits smaller dispersions than Abell 2744 for $2<mu<10$. We show that magnification maps based on different lens inversion techniques typically differ from each other by more than their quoted statistical errors. This suggests that some models underestimate the true uncertainties, which are primarily due to various lensing degeneracies. Though the exact mass sheet degeneracy is broken, its generalized counterpart is not broken at least in Abell 2744. Other, local degeneracies are also present in both clusters. Our comparison of models is complementary to the comparison of reconstructions of known synthetic mass distributions. By focusing on observed clusters, we can identify those that are best constrained, and therefore provide the clearest view of the distant Universe.

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We present strong-lensing models, as well as mass and magnification maps, for the cores of the six HST Frontier Fields galaxy clusters. Our parametric lens models are constrained by the locations and redshifts of multiple image systems of lensed background galaxies. We use a combination of photometric redshifts and spectroscopic redshifts of the lensed background sources obtained by us (for Abell 2744 and Abell S1063), collected from the literature, or kindly provided by the lensing community. Using our results, we (1) compare the derived mass distribution of each cluster to its light distribution, (2) quantify the cumulative magnification power of the HFF clusters, (3) describe how our models can be used to estimate the magnification and image multiplicity of lensed background sources at all redshifts and at any position within the cluster cores, and (4) discuss systematic effects and caveats resulting from our modeling methods. We specifically investigate the effect of the use of spectroscopic and photometric redshift constraints on the uncertainties of the resulting models. We find that the photometric redshift estimates of lensed galaxies are generally in excellent agreement with spectroscopic redshifts, where available. However, the flexibility associated with relaxed redshift priors may cause the complexity of large-scale structure that is needed to account for the lensing signal to be underestimated. Our findings thus underline the importance of spectroscopic arc redshifts, or tight photometric redshift constraints, for high precision lens models. All products from our best-fit lens models (magnification, convergence, shear, deflection field) and model simulations for estimating errors are made available via the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes.
151 - J.Richard 2014
Extending over three Hubble Space Telescope (HST) cycles, the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) initiative constitutes the largest commitment ever of HST time to the exploration of the distant Universe via gravitational lensing by massive galaxy clusters. We here present models of the mass distribution in the six HFF cluster lenses, derived from a joint strong- and weak-lensing analysis anchored by a total of 88 multiple-image systems identified in existing HST data. The resulting maps of the projected mass distribution and of the gravitational magnification effectively calibrate the HFF clusters as gravitational telescopes. Allowing the computation of search areas in the source plane, these maps are provided to the community to facilitate the exploitation of forthcoming HFF data for quantitative studies of the gravitationally lensed population of background galaxies. Our models of the gravitational magnification afforded by the HFF clusters allow us to quantify the lensing-induced boost in sensitivity over blank-field observations and predict that galaxies at $z>10$ and as faint as m(AB)=32 will be detectable, up to 2 magnitudes fainter than the limit of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
In the context of strong gravitational lensing, the magnification of image is of crucial importance to constrain various lens models. For several commonly used quadruple lens models, the magnification invariants, defined as the sum of the signed magnifications of images, have been analytically derived when the image multiplicity is a maximum. In this paper, we further study the magnification of several disk lens models, including (a) exponential disk lens, (b) Gaussian disk lens, (c) modified Hubble profile lens, and another two of the popular three-dimensional symmetrical lens model, (d) NFW lens and (e) Einasto lens. We find that magnification invariant does also exist for each lens model. Moreover, our results show that magnification invariants can be significantly changed by the characteristic surface mass density $kappa_{rm c}$.
We examine the latest data on the cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745 from the Hubble Frontier Fields campaign. The critically lensed area is the largest known of any lens and very irregular making it a challenge for parametric modelling. Using our Free-Form method we obtain an accurate solution, identify here many new sets of multiple images, doubling the number of constraints and improving the reconstruction of the dark matter distribution. Our reconstructed mass map shows several distinct central substructures with shallow density profiles, clarifying earlier work and defining well the relation between the dark matter distribution and the luminous and X-ray peaks within the critically lensed region. Using our free-form method, we are able to meaningfully subtract the mass contribution from cluster members to the deflection field to trace the smoothly distributed cluster dark matter distribution. We find 4 distinct concentrations, 3 of which are coincident with the luminous matter. The fourth peak has a significant offset from both the closest luminous and X-ray peaks. These findings, together with dynamical data from the motions of galaxies and gas will be important for uncovering the potentially important implications of this extremely massive and intriguing system.
MACS J0717 is the most massive and extended of the Hubble Frontier Field clusters. It is one of the more difficult clusters to model, and we argue that this is in part due to the line of sight structure (LoS) at redshifts beyond 2. We show that the Grale mass reconstruction based on sources at 3<z_s<4.1 has at least 10^{13}M_sun more mass than that based on nearby sources, z_s<2.6, and attribute the excess mass to a putative LoS, which is at least 75 from the cluster center. Furthermore, the lens-model fitted z_ss of the recent Kawamata et al. reconstruction are biased systematically low compared to photometric z_ss, and the bias is a function of images distance from the cluster center. We argue that these mimic the effect of LoS. We conclude that even in the presence of 100-200 images, lens-model adjusted source redshifts can conceal the presence of LoS, demonstrating the existence of degeneracies between z_s and (sub)structure. Also, a very good fit to image positions is not a sufficient condition for having a high fidelity mass map: Kawamata et al. obtain an rms of 0.52 for 173 images of 60 sources; our Grale reconstruction of the exact same data yields a somewhat different map, but similarly low rms, 0.62. In contrast, a Grale model that uses reasonable, but fixed z_s gives a worse rms of 1.28 for 44 sources with 126 images. Unaccounted for LoS can bias the mass map, affecting the magnification and luminosity function estimates of high redshift sources.
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