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Onset, timing, and exposure therapy of stress disorders: mechanistic insight from a mathematical model of oscillating neuroendocrine dynamics

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 Added by Tom Chou
 Publication date 2016
  fields Biology
and research's language is English

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The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a neuroendocrine system that regulates numerous physiological processes. Disruptions in the activity of the HPA axis are correlated with many stress-related diseases such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder. In this paper, we characterize normal and diseased states of the HPA axis as basins of attraction of a dynamical system describing the inhibition of peptide hormones such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by circulating glucocorticoids such as cortisol (CORT). In addition to including key physiological features such as ultradian oscillations in cortisol levels and self-upregulation of CRH neuron activity, our model distinguishes the relatively slow process of cortisol-mediated CRH biosynthesis from rapid trans-synaptic effects that regulate the CRH secretion process. Crucially, we find that the slow regulation mechanism mediates external stress-driven transitions between the stable states in novel, intensity, duration, and timing-dependent ways. These results indicate that the timing of traumatic events may be an important factor in determining if and how patients will exhibit hallmarks of stress disorders. Our model also suggests a mechanism whereby exposure therapy of stress disorders such as PTSD may act to normalize downstream dysregulation of the HPA axis.

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The human adaptive immune response is known to weaken in advanced age, resulting in increased severity of pathogen-born illness, poor vaccine efficacy, and a higher prevalence of cancer in the elderly. Age-related erosion of the T-cell compartment has been implicated as a likely cause, but the underlying mechanisms driving this immunosenescence have not been quantitatively modeled and systematically analyzed. T-cell receptor diversity, or the extent of pathogen-derived antigen responsiveness of the T-cell pool, is known to diminish with age, but inherent experimental difficulties preclude accurate analysis on the full organismal level. In this paper, we formulate a mechanistic mathematical model of T-cell population dynamics on the immunoclonal subpopulation level, which provides quantitative estimates of diversity. We define different estimates for diversity that depend on the individual number of cells in a specific immunoclone. We show that diversity decreases with age primarily due to diminished thymic output of new T-cells and the resulting overall loss of small immunoclones.
Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in neuron-glia communication. This interest stems from the realization that glia participates in cognitive functions and information processing and is involved in many brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. An important process in neuron-glia communications is astrocyte encoding of synaptic information transfer: the modulation of intracellular calcium dynamics in astrocytes in response to synaptic activity. Here, we derive and investigate a concise mathematical model for glutamate-induced astrocytic intracellular Ca2+ dynamics that captures the essential biochemical features of the regulatory pathway of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). Starting from the well-known two-state Li-Rinzel model for calcium-induced-calcium release, we incorporate the regulation of the IP3 production and phosphorylation. Doing so we extended it to a three-state model (referred as the G-ChI model), that could account for Ca2+ oscillations triggered by endogenous IP3 metabolism as well as by IP3 production by external glutamate signals. Compared to previous similar models, our three-state models include a more realistic description of the IP3 production and degradation pathways, lumping together their essential nonlinearities within a concise formulation. Using bifurcation analysis and time simulations, we demonstrate the existence of new putative dynamical features. The cross-couplings between IP3 and Ca2+ pathways endows the system with self-consistent oscillator properties and favor mixed frequency-amplitude encoding modes over pure amplitude modulation ones. These and additional results of our model are in general agreement with available experimental data and may have important implications on the role of astrocytes in the synaptic transfer of information.
Thanks to advancements in diagnosis and treatment, prostate cancer patients have high long-term survival rates. Currently, an important goal is to preserve quality-of-life during and after treatment. The relationship between the radiation a patient receives and the subsequent side effects he experiences is complex and difficult to model or predict. Here, we use machine learning algorithms and statistical models to explore the connection between radiation treatment and post-treatment gastro-urinary function. Since only a limited number of patient datasets are currently available, we used image flipping and curvature-based interpolation methods to generate more data in order to leverage transfer learning. Using interpolated and augmented data, we trained a convolutional autoencoder network to obtain near-optimal starting points for the weights. A convolutional neural network then analyzed the relationship between patient-reported quality-of-life and radiation. We also used analysis of variance and logistic regression to explore organ sensitivity to radiation and develop dosage thresholds for each organ region. Our findings show no connection between the bladder and quality-of-life scores. However, we found a connection between radiation applied to posterior and anterior rectal regions to changes in quality-of-life. Finally, we estimated radiation therapy dosage thresholds for each organ. Our analysis connects machine learning methods with organ sensitivity, thus providing a framework for informing cancer patient care using patient reported quality-of-life metrics.
In awake animals, the activity of the cerebral cortex is highly complex, with neurons firing irregularly with apparent Poisson statistics. One way to characterize this complexity is to take advantage of the high interconnectivity of cerebral cortex and use intracellular recordings of cortical neurons, which contain information about the activity of thousands of other cortical neurons. Identifying the membrane potential (Vm) to a stochastic process enables the extraction of important statistical signatures of this complex synaptic activity. Typically, one estimates the total synaptic conductances (excitatory and inhibitory) but this type of estimation requires at least two Vm levels and therefore cannot be applied to single Vm traces. We propose here a method to extract excitatory and inhibitory conductances (mean and variance) from single Vm traces. This VmT method estimates conductance parameters using maximum likelihood criteria, under the assumption are that synaptic conductances are described by Gaussian stochastic processes and are integrated by a passive leaky membrane. The method is illustrated using models and is tested on guinea-pig visual cortex neurons in vitro using dynamic-clamp experiments. The VmT method holds promises for extracting conductances from single-trial measurements, which has a high potential for in vivo applications.
The neuronal circuit that controls obsessive and compulsive behaviors involves a complex network of brain regions (some with known involvement in reward processing). Among these are cortical regions, the striatum and the thalamus (which compose the CSTC pathway), limbic areas such as the amygdala and the hippocampus, and well as dopamine pathways. Abnormal dynamic behavior in this brain network is a hallmark feature of patients with increased anxiety and motor activity, like the ones affected by OCD. There is currently no clear understanding of precisely what mechanisms generates these behaviors. We attempt to investigate a collection of connectivity hypotheses of OCD by means of a computational model of the brain circuitry that governs reward and motion execution. Mathematically, we use methods from ordinary differential equations and continuous time dynamical systems. We use classical analytical methods as well as computational approaches to study phenomena in the phase plane (e.g., behavior of the systems solutions when given certain initial conditions) and in the parameter space (e.g., sensitive dependence of initial conditions). We find that different obsessive-compulsive subtypes may correspond to different abnormalities in the network connectivity profiles. We suggest that it is combinations of parameters (connectivity strengths between regions), rather the than the value of any one parameter taken independently, that provides the best basis for predicting behavior, and for understanding the heterogeneity of the illness.
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