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Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Non-linear Beam Dynamics

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors W. Herr

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Non-linear effects in accelerator physics are important for both successful operation of accelerators and during the design stage. Since both of these aspects are closely related, they will be treated together in this overview. Some of the most important aspects are well described by methods established in other areas of physics and mathematics. The treatment will be focused on the problems in accelerators used for particle physics experiments. Although the main emphasis will be on accelerator physics issues, some of the aspects of more general interest will be discussed. In particular, we demonstrate that in recent years a framework has been built to handle the complex problems in a consistent form, technically superior and conceptually simpler than the traditional techniques. The need to understand the stability of particle beams has substantially contributed to the development of new techniques and is an important source of examples which can be verified experimentally. Unfortunately, the documentation of these developments is often poor or even unpublished, in many cases only available as lectures or conference proceedings.

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In this survey we consider mathematical models and methods recently developed to control crowd dynamics, with particular emphasis on egressing pedestrians. We focus on two control strategies: The first one consists in using special agents, called leaders, to steer the crowd towards the desired direction. Leaders can be either hidden in the crowd or recognizable as such. This strategy heavily relies on the power of the social influence (herding effect), namely the natural tendency of people to follow group mates in situations of emergency or doubt. The second one consists in modify the surrounding environment by adding in the walking area multiple obstacles optimally placed and shaped. The aim of the obstacles is to naturally force people to behave as desired. Both control strategies discussed in this paper aim at reducing as much as possible the intervention on the crowd. Ideally the natural behavior of people is kept, and people do not even realize they are being led by an external intelligence. Mathematical models are discussed at different scales of observation, showing how macroscopic (fluid-dynamic) models can be derived by mesoscopic (kinetic) models which, in turn, can be derived by microscopic (agent-based) models.
86 - V. Kain 2016
A basic introduction to transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics as well as the most relevant beam loss mechanisms in circular machines will be presented in this lecture. This lecture is intended for physicists and engineers with little or no knowledge of this subject.
151 - Jianping Li , Shouhong Wang 2007
In this article, we address both recent advances and open questions in some mathematical and computational issues in geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD) and climate dynamics. The main focus is on 1) the primitive equations (PEs) models and their related mathematical and computational issues, 2) climate variability, predictability and successive bifurcation, and 3) a new dynamical systems theory and its applications to GFD and climate dynamics.
178 - C. Baumgarten 2013
We take a new look at the details of symplectic motion in solenoid and bending magnets and rederive known (but not always well-known) facts. We start with a comparison of the general Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism of the harmonic oscillator and analyze the relation between the canonical momenta and the velocities (i.e. the first derivatives of the canonical coordinates). We show that the seemingly non-symplectic transfer maps at entrance and exit of solenoid magnets can be re-interpreted as transformations between the canonical and the mechanical momentum, which differ by the vector potential. In a second step we rederive the transfer matrix for charged particle motion in bending magnets from the Lorentz force equation in cartesic coordinates. We rediscover the geometrical and physical meaning of the local curvilinear coordinate system. We show that analog to the case of solenoids - also the transfer matrix of bending magnets can be interpreted as a symplectic product of 3 non-symplectic matrices, where the entrance and exit matrices are transformations between local cartesic and curvilinear coordinate systems. We show that these matrices are required to compare the second moment matrices of distributions obtained by numerical tracking in cartesic coordinates with those that are derived by the transfer a matrix method.
Our beam-beam parameter study using beam-beam simulations and PWFA (particle-driven plasma acceleration) beam parameters indicates that at 3 TeV, for examined electron beam lengths ${2~mumathrm{m}leqsigma_zleq 10~mumathrm{m}}$, the total luminosity, as well as the sharpness of the luminosity spectrum for a $gammagamma$ collider are independent of the beam length of the electron beams used to scatter the photons, given that the hourglass effect is avoided. The total luminosity can consequently be maximised by minimising the horizontal and vertical beta functions $beta_{x,y}^*$ at the interaction point. Furthermore, we performed background studies in GUINEA-PIG where we considered the smallest currently achievable $beta_{x,y}^*$ combined with PWFA beam parameters. Simulations results show that our proposed parameter set for a 3 TeV PWFA $gammagamma$ collider is able to deliver a total luminosity significantly higher than a $gammagamma$ collider based on CLIC parameters, but gives rise to more background particles.
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