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A new method to measure galaxy bias by combining the density and weak lensing fields

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 Added by Arnau Pujol
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a new method to measure the redshift-dependent galaxy bias by combining information from the galaxy density field and the weak lensing field. This method is based on Amara et al. (2012), where they use the galaxy density field to construct a bias-weighted convergence field kg. The main difference between Amara et al. (2012) and our new implementation is that here we present another way to measure galaxy bias using tomography instead of bias parameterizations. The correlation between kg and the true lensing field k allows us to measure galaxy bias using different zero-lag correlations, such as <kgk>/<kk> or <kgkg>/<kgk>. Our method measures the linear bias factor on linear scales under the assumption of no stochasticity between galaxies and matter. We use the MICE simulation to measure the linear galaxy bias for a flux-limited sample (i < 22.5) in tomographic redshift bins using this method. This paper is the first that studies the accuracy and systematic uncertainties associated with the implementation of the method, and the regime where it is consistent with the linear galaxy bias defined by projected 2-point correlation functions (2PCF). We find that our method is consistent with linear bias at the percent level for scales larger than 30 arcmin, while nonlinearities appear at smaller scales. This measurement is a good complement to other measurements of bias, since it does not depend strongly on sigma8 as the 2PCF measurements. We apply this method to the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data in a follow-up paper.

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We formulate the concept of non-linear and stochastic galaxy biasing in the framework of halo occupation statistics. Using two-point statistics in projection, we define the galaxy bias function, b_g(r_p), and the galaxy-dark matter cross-correlation function, R_{gm}(r_p), where r_p is the projected distance. We use the analytical halo model to predict how the scale dependence of b_g and R_{gm}, over the range 0.1 Mpc/h < r_p < 30 Mpc/h, depends on the non-linearity and stochasticity in halo occupation models. In particular we quantify the effect due to the presence of central galaxies, the assumption for the radial distribution of satellite galaxies, the richness of the halo, and the Poisson character of the probability to have a certain number of satellite galaxies in a halo of a certain mass. Overall, brighter galaxies reveal a stronger scale dependence, and out to a larger radius. In real-space, we find that galaxy bias becomes scale independent, with R_{gm} = 1, for radii r > 1 - 5 Mpc/h, depending on luminosity. However, galaxy bias is scale-dependent out to much larger radii when one uses the projected quantities defined in this paper. These projected bias functions have the advantage that they are more easily accessible observationally and that their scale dependence carries a wealth of information regarding the properties of galaxy biasing. To observationally constrain the parameters of the halo occupation statistics and to unveil the origin of galaxy biasing we propose the use of the bias function Gamma_{gm}(r_p)=b_g(r_p)/R_{gm}(r_p). This function is obtained via a combination of weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering, and it can be measured using existing and forthcoming imaging and spectroscopic galaxy surveys.
115 - G. Hurier , R. E. Angulo 2017
The cosmological parameters prefered by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) primary anisotropies predict many more galaxy clusters than those that have been detected via the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect. This tension has attracted considerable attention since it could be evidence of physics beyond the simplest $Lambda$CDM model. However, an accurate and robust calibration of the mass-observable relation for clusters is necessary for the comparison, which has been proven difficult to obtain so far. Here, we present new contraints on the mass-pressure relation by combining tSZ and CMB lensing measurements about optically-selected clusters. Consequently, our galaxy cluster sample is independent from the data employed to derive cosmological constrains. We estimate an average hydrostatic mass bias of $b = 0.26 pm 0.07$, with no significant mass nor redshift evolution. This value greatly reduces the tension between the predictions of $Lambda$CDM and the observed abundance of tSZ clusters while being in agreement with recent estimations from tSZ clustering. On the other hand, our value for $b$ is higher than the predictions from hydro-dynamical simulations. This suggests the existence of mechanisms driving large departures from hydrostatic equilibrium and that are not included in state-of-the-art simulations, and/or unaccounted systematic errors such as biases in the cluster catalogue due to the optical selection.
In Montero-Dorta et al. 2017, we show that luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) at $zsim0.55$ can be divided into two groups based on their star formation histories. So-called fast-growing LRGs assemble $80%$ of their stellar mass at $zsim5$, whereas slow-growing LRGs reach the same evolutionary state at $zsim1.5$. We further demonstrate that these two subpopulations present significantly different clustering properties on scales of $sim1 - 30 mathrm{Mpc}$. Here, we measure the mean halo mass of each subsample using the galaxy-galaxy lensing technique, in the $sim190deg^2$ overlap of the LRG catalogue and the CS82 and CFHTLenS shear catalogues. We show that fast- and slow-growing LRGs have similar lensing profiles, which implies that they live in haloes of similar mass: $logleft(M_{rm halo}^{rm fast}/h^{-1}mathrm{M}_{odot}right) = 12.85^{+0.16}_{-0.26}$ and $logleft(M_{rm halo}^{rm slow}/h^{-1}mathrm{M}_{odot}right) =12.92^{+0.16}_{-0.22}$. This result, combined with the clustering difference, suggests the existence of galaxy assembly bias, although the effect is too subtle to be definitively proven given the errors on our current weak-lensing measurement. We show that this can soon be achieved with upcoming surveys like DES.
461 - F. Feroz 2011
Weak gravitational lensing studies of galaxy clusters often assume a spherical cluster model to simplify the analysis, but some recent studies have suggested this simplifying assumption may result in large biases in estimated cluster masses and concentration values, since clusters are expected to exhibit triaxiality. Several such analyses have, however, quoted expressions for the spatial derivatives of the lensing potential in triaxial models, which are open to misinterpretation. In this paper, we give a clear description of weak lensing by triaxial NFW galaxy clusters and also present an efficient and robust method to model these clusters and obtain parameter estimates. By considering four highly triaxial NFW galaxy clusters, we re-examine the impact of simplifying spherical assumptions and found that while the concentration estimates are largely unbiased except in one of our traixial NFW simulated clusters, for which the concentration is only slightly biased, the masses are significantly biased, by up to 40%, for all the clusters we analysed. Moreover, we find that such assumptions can lead to the erroneous conclusion that some substructure is present in the galaxy clusters or, even worse, that multiple galaxy clusters are present in the field. Our cluster fitting method also allows one to answer the question of whether a given cluster exhibits triaxiality or a simple spherical model is good enough.
We developed a new method that uses ellipticity defined by 0th order moments (0th-ellipticity) for weak gravitational lensing shear analysis. Although there is a strong correlation between the ellipticity calculated using this approach and the usual ellipticity defined by the 2nd order moment, the ellipticity calculated here has a higher signal-to-noise ratio because it is weighted to the central region of the image. These results were confirmed using data for Abell 1689 from the Subaru telescope. For shear analysis, we adopted the ellipticity of re-smeared artificial image (ERA) method for point spread function (PSF) correction, and we tested the precision of this 0th-ellipticity with simple simulation, then we obtained the same level of precision with the results of ellipticity defined by quadrupole moments. Thus, we can expect that weak lensing analysis using 0 shear will be improved in proportion to the statistical error.
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