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Generation of 30-fs pulses from a diode-pumped graphene mode-locked Yb:CaYAlO4 laser

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 Added by Jie Ma
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Stable 30 fs pulses centered at 1068 nm (less than 10 optical cycles) are demonstrated in a diode pumped Yb:CaYAlO4 laser by using high-quality chemical vapor deposited monolayer graphene as the saturable absorber. The mode locked 8.43 optical-cycle pulses have a spectral bandwidth of ~ 50 nm and a pulse repetition frequency of ~ 113.5 MHz. To our knowledge, this is the shortest pulse ever reported for graphene mode-locked lasers and mode-locked Yb-doped bulk lasers. Our experimental results demonstrate that graphene mode locking is a very promising practical technique to generate few-cycle optical pulses directly from a laser oscillator.

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Continuous-wave mode-locked femtosecond 2 um solid-state laser with a c-cut Tm:CaYAlO4 as gain medium was experimentally demonstrated. The mode locked laser generated stable pulses with average output power as high as 531 mW, pulse duration of 496 fs, and repetition rate of 97 MHz at 1975 nm. The research results show that Tm:CaYAlO4 is an excellent gain medium for femtosecond pulse generation at 2um wavelength.
217 - Nathalie Nagl 2019
Lasers based on Cr$^{2+}$-doped II-VI material, often known as the Ti:Sapphire of the mid-infrared, can directly provide few-cycle pulses with super-octave-spanning spectra, and serve as efficient drivers for generating broadband mid-infrared radiation. It is expected that the wider adoption of this technology benefits from more compact and cost-effective embodiments. Here, we report the first directly diode-pumped, Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr$^{2+}$-doped II-VI oscillator pumped by a single InP diode, providing average powers of over 500 mW and pulse durations of 45 fs - shorter than six optical cycles at 2.4 $mu$m. These correspond to a sixty-fold increase in peak power compared to the previous diode-pumped record, and are at similar levels with respect to more mature fiber-pumped oscillators. The diode-pumped femtosecond oscillator presented here constitutes a key step towards a more accessible alternative to synchrotron-like infrared radiation, and is expected to accelerate research in laser spectroscopy and ultrafast infrared optics.
Quantum cascade lasers (QCL) have revolutionized the generation of mid-infrared light. Yet, the ultrafast carrier transport in mid-infrared QCLs has so far constituted a seemingly insurmountable obstacle for the formation of ultrashort light pulses. Here, we demonstrate that careful quantum design of the gain medium and control over the intermode beat synchronization enable transform-limited picosecond pulses from QCL frequency combs. Both an interferometric radio-frequency technique and second-order autocorrelation shed light on the pulse dynamics and confirm that mode-locked operation is achieved from threshold to rollover current. Being electrically pumped and compact, mode-locked QCLs pave the way towards monolithically integrated non-linear photonics in the molecular fingerprint region beyond 6 $mu$m wavelength.
We demonstrate that the intrinsic properties of monolayer graphene allow it to act as a more effective saturable absorber for mode-locking fiber lasers compared to multilayer graphene. The absorption of monolayer graphene can be saturated at lower excitation intensity compared to multilayer graphene, graphene with wrinkle-like defects, and functionalized graphene. Monolayer graphene has a remarkable large modulation depth of 95.3%, whereas the modulation depth of multilayer graphene is greatly reduced due to nonsaturable absorption and scattering loss. Picoseconds ultrafast laser pulse (1.23 ps) can be generated using monolayer graphene as saturable absorber. Due to the ultrafast relaxation time, larger modulation depth and lower scattering loss of monolayer graphene, it performs better than multilayer graphene in terms of pulse shaping ability, pulse stability and output energy.
200 - Z. Sun , T. Hasan , F. Torrisi 2009
Graphene is at the center of a significant research effort. Near-ballistic transport at room temperature and high mobility make it a potential material for nanoelectronics. Its electronic and mechanical properties are also ideal for micro and nanomechanical systems, thin-film transistors and transparent and conductive composites and electrodes. Here we exploit the optoelectronic properties of graphene to realize an ultrafast laser. A graphene-polymer composite is fabricated using wet-chemistry techniques. Pauli blocking following intense illumination results in saturable absorption, independent of wavelength. This is used to passively mode-lock an Erbium-doped fibre laser working at 1559nm, with a 5.24nm spectral bandwidth and ~460fs pulse duration, paving the way to graphene-based photonics.
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