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Strongly driven nonlinear quantum optics in microring resonators

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 Added by Zachary Vernon
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a detailed analysis of strongly driven spontaneous four-wave mixing in a lossy integrated microring resonator side-coupled to a channel waveguide. A nonperturbative, analytic solution within the undepleted pump approximation is developed for a cw pump input of arbitrary intensity. In the strongly driven regime self- and cross-phase modulation, as well as multi-pair generation, lead to a rich variety of power-dependent effects; the results are markedly different than in the low power limit. The photon pair generation rate, single photon spectrum, and joint spectral intensity (JSI) distribution are calculated. Splitting of the generated single photon spectrum into a doublet structure associated with both pump detuning and cross-phase modulation is predicted, as well as substantial narrowing of the generated signal and idler bandwidths associated with the onset of optical parametric oscillation at intermediate powers. Both the correlated and uncorrelated contributions to the JSI are calculated, and for sufficient powers the uncorrelated part of the JSI is found to form a quadruplet structure. The pump detuning is found to play a crucial role in all of these phenomena, and a critical detuning is identified which divides the system behaviour into distinct regimes, as well as an optimal detuning strategy which preserves many of the low-power characteristics of the generated photons for arbitrary input power.

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187 - Z. Vernon , J.E. Sipe 2015
We develop a general Hamiltonian treatement of spontaneous four-wave mixing in a microring resonator side-coupled to a channel waveguide. The effect of scattering losses in the ring is included, as well as parasitic nonlinear effects including self- and cross-phase modulation. A procedure for computing the output of such a system for arbitrary parameters and pump states is presented. For the limit of weak pumping an expression for the joint spectral intensity of generated photon pairs, as well as the singles-to-coincidences ratio, is derived.
The advent of dispersion-engineered and highly nonlinear nanophotonics is expected to open up an all-optical path towards the strong-interaction regime of quantum optics by combining high transverse field confinement with ultra-short-pulse operation. Obtaining a full understanding of photon dynamics in such broadband devices, however, poses major challenges in the modeling and simulation of multimode non-Gaussian quantum physics, highlighting the need for sophisticated reduced models that facilitate efficient numerical study while providing useful physical insight. In this manuscript, we review our recent efforts in modeling broadband optical systems at varying levels of abstraction and generality, ranging from multimode extensions of quantum input-output theory for sync-pumped oscillators to the development of numerical methods based on a field-theoretic description of nonlinear waveguides. We expect our work not only to guide ongoing theoretical and experimental efforts towards next-generation quantum devices but also to uncover essential physics of broadband quantum photonics.
194 - A. Javadi , I. Sollner , M. Arcari 2015
Strong nonlinear interactions between photons enable logic operations for both classical and quantum-information technology. Unfortunately, nonlinear interactions are usually feeble and therefore all-optical logic gates tend to be inefficient. A quantum emitter deterministically coupled to a propagating mode fundamentally changes the situation, since each photon inevitably interacts with the emitter, and highly correlated many-photon states may be created . Here we show that a single quantum dot in a photonic-crystal waveguide can be utilized as a giant nonlinearity sensitive at the single-photon level. The nonlinear response is revealed from the intensity and quantum statistics of the scattered photons, and contains contributions from an entangled photon-photon bound state. The quantum nonlinearity will find immediate applications for deterministic Bell-state measurements and single-photon transistors and paves the way to scalable waveguide-based photonic quantum-computing architectures.
409 - M. Menotti , B. Morrison , K. Tan 2018
We demonstrate a system composed of two resonators that are coupled solely through a nonlinear interaction, and where the linear properties of each resonator can be controlled locally. We show that this class of dynamical systems has peculiar properties with important consequences for the study of classical and quantum nonlinear optical phenomena. As an example we discuss the case of dual-pump spontaneous four-wave mixing.
Ultra-short pulses propagating in nonlinear nanophotonic waveguides can simultaneously leverage both temporal and spatial field confinement, promising a route towards single-photon nonlinearities in an all-photonic platform. In this multimode quantum regime, however, faithful numerical simulations of pulse dynamics naively require a representation of the state in an exponentially large Hilbert space. Here, we employ a time-domain, matrix product state (MPS) representation to enable efficient simulations by exploiting the entanglement structure of the system. In order to extract physical insight from these simulations, we develop an algorithm to unravel the MPS quantum state into constituent temporal supermodes, enabling, e.g., access to the phase-space portraits of arbitrary pulse waveforms. As a demonstration, we perform exact numerical simulations of a Kerr soliton in the quantum regime. We observe the development of non-classical Wigner-function negativity in the solitonic mode as well as quantum corrections to the semiclassical dynamics of the pulse. A similar analysis of $chi^{(2)}$ simultons reveals a unique entanglement structure between the fundamental and second harmonic. Our approach is also readily compatible with quantum trajectory theory, allowing full quantum treatment of propagation loss and decoherence. We expect this work to establish the MPS technique as part of a unified engineering framework for the emerging field of broadband quantum photonics.
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