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Catalan numbers arise in many enumerative contexts as the counting sequence of combinatorial structures. In this work, we consider natural Markov chains on some of the realizations of the Catalan sequence. While our main result is in deriving an $O(n^2 log n)$ bound on the mixing time in $L_2$ (and hence total variation) distance for the random transposition chain on Dyck paths, we raise several open questions, including the optimality of the above bound. The novelty in our proof is in establishing a certain negative correlation property among random bases of lattice path matroids, including the so-called Catalan matroid which can be defined using Dyck paths.
Motivated by Grobner basis theory for finite point configurations, we define and study the class of standard complexes associated to a matroid. Standard complexes are certain subcomplexes of the independence complex that are invariant under matroid duality. For the lexicographic term order, the standard complexes satisfy a deletion-contraction-type recurrence. We explicitly determine the lexicographic standard complexes for lattice path matroids using classical bijective combinatorics.
We introduce delta-graphic matroids, which are matroids whose bases form graphic delta-matroids. The class of delta-graphic matroids contains graphic matroids as well as cographic matroids and is a proper subclass of the class of regular matroids. We give a structural characterization of the class of delta-graphic matroids. We also show that every forbidden minor for the class of delta-graphic matroids has at most $48$ elements.
Sparse graphs and their associated matroids play an important role in rigidity theory, where they capture the combinatorics of generically rigid structures. We define a new family called {bf graded sparse graphs}, arising from generically pinned (completely immobilized) bar-and-joint frameworks and prove that they also form matroids. We address five problems on graded sparse graphs: {bf Decision}, {bf Extraction}, {bf Components}, {bf Optimization}, and {bf Extension}. We extend our {bf pebble game algorithms} to solve them.
There is a trinity relationship between hyperplane arrangements, matroids and convex polytopes. We expand it as resolving the complexity issue expected by Mnevs universality theorem and conduct combinatorializing so the theory over fields becomes realization of our combinatorial theory. A main theorem is that for n less than or equal to 9 a specific and general enough kind of matroid tilings in the hypersimplex Delta(3,n) extend to matroid subdivisions of Delta(3,n) with the bound n=9 sharp. As a straightforward application to realizable cases, we solve an open problem in algebraic geometry proposed in 2008.
Cycle polytopes of matroids have been introduced in combinatorial optimization as a generalization of important classes of polyhedral objects like cut polytopes and Eulerian subgraph polytopes associated to graphs. Here we start an algebraic and geometric investigation of these polytopes by studying their toric algebras, called cycle algebras, and their defining ideals. Several matroid operations are considered which determine faces of cycle polytopes that belong again to this class of polyhedral objects. As a key technique used in this paper, we study certain minors of given matroids which yield algebra retracts on the level of cycle algebras. In particular, that allows us to use a powerful algebraic machinery. As an application, we study highest possible degrees in minimal homogeneous systems of generators of defining ideals of cycle algebras as well as interesting cases of cut polytopes and Eulerian subgraph polytopes.