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Pressure-induced Lifshitz transition in black phosphorus

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 Added by X. H. Chen
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In a semimetal, both electron and hole carriers contribute to the density of states at the Fermi level. The small band overlaps and multi-band effects give rise to many novel electronic properties, such as relativistic Dirac fermions with linear dispersion, titanic magnetoresistance and unconventional superconductivity. Black phosphorus has recently emerged as an exceptional semiconductor with high carrier mobility and a direct, tunable bandgap. Of particular importance is the search for exotic electronic states in black phosphorus, which may amplify the materials potential beyond semiconductor devices. Here we show that a moderate hydrostatic pressure effectively suppresses the band gap and induces a Lifshitz transition from semiconductor to semimetal in black phosphorus; a colossal magnetoresistance is observed in the semimetallic phase. Quantum oscillations in high magnetic field reveal the complex Fermi surface topology of the semimetallic black phosphorus. In particular, a Dirac-like fermion emerges at around 1.2 GPa, which is continuously tuned by external pressure. The observed semi-metallic behavior greatly enriches black phosphoruss material property, and sets the stage for the exploration of novel electronic states in this material. Moreover, these interesting behaviors make phosphorene a good candidate for the realization of a new two-dimensional relativistic electron system, other than graphene.

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The phase diagrams of correlated systems like cuprates or pnictides high-temperature superconductors are characterized by a topological change of the Fermi surface under continuous variation of an external parameter, the so-called Lifshitz transition. However, the large number of low-temperature instabilities and the interplay of multiple energy scales complicate the study of this phenomenon. Here we first identify the optical signatures of a pressure-induced Lifshitz transition in a clean elemental system, black phosphorus. By applying external pressures above 1.5 GPa, we observe a change in the pressure dependence of the Drude plasma frequency due to the appearance of massless Dirac fermions. At higher pressures, optical signatures of two structural phase transitions are also identified. Our findings suggest that a key fingerprint of the Lifshitz transition in solid state systems, and in absence of structural phase transitions, is a discontinuity of the Drude plasma frequency due to the change of Fermi surface topology.
99 - T. Fujii , Y. Nakai , Y. Akahama 2019
Two-dimensional layered semiconductor black phosphorus (BP), a promising pressure induced Dirac system as predicted by band structure calculations, has been studied by $^{31}$P-nuclear magnetic resonance. Band calculations have been also carried out to estimate the density of states $D(E)$. The temperature and pressure dependences of nuclear spin lattice relaxation rate $1/T_1$ in the semiconducting phase are well reproduced using the derived $D(E)$, and the resultant pressure dependence of semiconducting gap is in good accordance with previous reports, giving a good confirmation that the band calculation on BP is fairly reliable. The present analysis of $1/T_1$ data with the complemental theoretical calculations allows us to extract essential information, such as the pressure dependences of $D(E)$ and chemical potential, as well as to decompose observed $1/T_1$ into intrinsic and extrinsic contributions. An abrupt increase in $1/T_1$ at 1.63GPa indicates that the semiconducting gap closes, resulting in an enhancement of conductivity.
107 - Yan Zhang , Chenlu Wang , Li Yu 2016
The topological materials have attracted much attention recently. While three-dimensional topological insulators are becoming abundant, two-dimensional topological insulators remain rare, particularly in natural materials. ZrTe5 has host a long-standing puzzle on its anomalous transport properties; its underlying origin remains elusive. Lately, ZrTe5 has ignited renewed interest because it is predicted that single-layer ZrTe5 is a two-dimensional topological insulator and there is possibly a topological phase transition in bulk ZrTe5. However, the topological nature of ZrTe5 is under debate as some experiments point to its being a three-dimensional or quasi-two-dimensional Dirac semimetal. Here we report high-resolution laser-based angle-resolved photoemission measurements on ZrTe5. The electronic property of ZrTe5 is dominated by two branches of nearly-linear-dispersion bands at the Brillouin zone center. These two bands are separated by an energy gap that decreases with decreasing temperature but persists down to the lowest temperature we measured (~2 K). The overall electronic structure exhibits a dramatic temperature dependence; it evolves from a p-type semimetal with a hole-like Fermi pocket at high temperature, to a semiconductor around ~135 K where its resistivity exhibits a peak, to an n-type semimetal with an electron-like Fermi pocket at low temperature. These results indicate a clear electronic evidence of the temperature-induced Lifshitz transition in ZrTe5. They provide a natural understanding on the underlying origin of the resistivity anomaly at ~135 K and its associated reversal of the charge carrier type. Our observations also provide key information on deciphering the topological nature of ZrTe5 and possible temperature-induced topological phase transition.
Given the consensus that pressure improves cation order in most of known materials, a discovery of pressure-induced disorder could require reconsideration of order-disorder transition in solid state physics/chemistry and geophysics. Double perovskites Y2CoIrO6 and Y2CoRuO6 synthesized at ambient pressure show B-site order, while the polymorphs synthesized at 6 and 15 GPa are partially-ordered and disordered respectively. With the decrease of ordering degrees, the lattices are shrunken and the crystal structures alter from monoclinic to orthorhombic symmetry. Correspondingly, long-range ferrimagnetic order in the B-site ordered phases are gradually overwhelmed by B-site disorder. Theoretical calculations suggest that unusual unit cell compressions under external pressures unexpectedly stabilize the disordered phases of Y2CoIrO6 and Y2CoRuO6.
Cadmium arsenide Cd$_3$As$_2$ hosts massless Dirac electrons in its ambient-conditions tetragonal phase. We report X-ray diffraction and electrical resistivity measurements of Cd$_3$As$_2$ upon cycling pressure beyond the critical pressure of the tetragonal phase and back to ambient conditions. We find that at room temperature the transition between the low- and high-pressure phases results in large microstrain and reduced crystallite size both on rising and falling pressure. This leads to non-reversible electronic properties including self-doping associated with defects and a reduction of the electron mobility by an order of magnitude due to increased scattering. Our study indicates that the structural transformation is sluggish and shows a sizable hysteresis of over 1~GPa. Therefore, we conclude that the transition is first-order reconstructive, with chemical bonds being broken and rearranged in the high-pressure phase. Using the diffraction measurements we demonstrate that annealing at ~200$^circ$C greatly improves the crystallinity of the high-pressure phase. We show that its Bragg peaks can be indexed as a primitive orthorhombic lattice with a_HP~8.68 A b_HP~17.15 A and c_HP~18.58 A. The diffraction study indicates that during the structural transformation a new phase with another primitive orthorhombic structure may be also stabilized by deviatoric stress, providing an additional venue for tuning the unconventional electronic states in Cd3As2.
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