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We report on the implementation of a time-multiplexed click detection scheme to probe quantum correlations between different spatial optical modes. We demonstrate that such measurement setups can uncover nonclassical correlations in multimode light fields even if the single mode reductions are purely classical. The nonclassical character of correlated photon pairs, generated by a parametric down-conversion, is immediately measurable employing the theory of click counting instead of low-intensity approximations with photoelectric detection models. The analysis is based on second- and higher-order moments, which are directly retrieved from the measured click statistics, for relatively high mean photon numbers. No data postprocessing is required to demonstrate the effects of interest with high significance, despite low efficiencies and experimental imperfections. Our approach shows that such novel detection schemes are a reliable and robust way to characterize quantum-correlated light fields for practical applications in quantum communications.
Interferometers enable ultrasensitive measurement in a wide array of applications from gravitational wave searches to force microscopes. The role of quantum mechanics in the metrological limits of interferometers has a rich history, and a large number of techniques to surpass conventional limits have been proposed. In a typical measurement configuration, the tradeoff between the probes shot noise (imprecision) and its quantum backaction results in what is known as the standard quantum limit (SQL). In this work we investigate how quantum correlations accessed by modifying the readout of the interferometer can access physics beyond the SQL and improve displacement sensitivity. Specifically, we use an optical cavity to probe the motion of a silicon nitride membrane off mechanical resonance, as one would do in a broadband displacement or force measurement, and observe sensitivity better than the SQL dictates for our quantum efficiency. Our measurement illustrates the core idea behind a technique known as textit{variational readout}, in which the optical readout quadrature is changed as a function of frequency to improve broadband displacement detection. And more generally our result is a salient example of how correlations can aid sensing in the presence of backaction.
Time domain interferometry is a promising method to characterizes spatial and temporal correlations at x-ray energies, via the so-called intermediate scattering function and the related dynamical couple correlations. However, so far, it has only been analyzed for classical target systems. Here, we provide a quantum analysis, and suggest a scheme which allows to access quantum dynamical correlations. We further show how TDI can be used to exclude classical models for the target dynamics, and illustrate our results using a single particle in a double well potential.
Quantum computation promises applications that are thought to be impossible with classical computation. To realize practical quantum computation, the following three properties will be necessary: universality, scalability, and fault-tolerance. Universality is the ability to execute arbitrary multi-input quantum algorithms. Scalability means that computational resources such as logical qubits can be increased without requiring exponential increase in physical resources. Lastly, fault-tolerance is the ability to perform quantum algorithms in presence of imperfections and noise. A promising approach to scalability was demonstrated with the generation of one-million-mode 1-dimensional cluster state, a resource for one-input computation in measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC). The demonstration was based on time-domain multiplexing (TDM) approach using continuous-variable (CV) optical flying qumodes (CV analogue of qubit). Demonstrating universality, however, has been a challenging task for any physical system and approach. Here, we present, for the first time among any physical system, experimental realization of a scalable resource state for universal MBQC: a 2-dimensional cluster state. We also prove the universality and give the methodology for utilizing this state in MBQC. Our state is based on TDM approach that allows unlimited resource generation regardless of the coherence time of the system. As a demonstration of our method, we generate and verify a 2-dimensional cluster state capable of about 5,000 operation steps on 5 inputs.
As one of the most striking features of quantum mechanics, quantum correlations are at the heart of quantum information science. Detection of correlations usually requires access to all the correlated subsystems. However, in many realistic scenarios this is not feasible since only some of the subsystems can be controlled and measured. Such cases can be treated as open quantum systems interacting with an inaccessible environment. Initial system-environment correlations play a fundamental role for the dynamics of open quantum systems. Following a recent proposal, we exploit the impact of the correlations on the open-system dynamics to detect system-environment quantum correlations without accessing the environment. We use two degrees of freedom of a trapped ion to model an open system and its environment. The present method does not require any assumptions about the environment, the interaction or the initial state and therefore provides a versatile tool for the study of quantum systems.
Highly entangled quantum networks cluster states lie at the heart of recent approaches to quantum computing cite{Nielsen2006,Lloyd2012}. Yet, the current approach for constructing optical quantum networks does so one node at a time cite{Furusawa2008,Furusawa2009,Peng2012}, which lacks scalability. Here we demonstrate the emph{single-step} fabrication of a multimode quantum network from the parametric downconversion of femtosecond frequency combs. Ultrafast pulse shaping cite{weiner2000} is employed to characterize the combs spectral entanglement cite{vanLoock2003}. Each of the 511 possible bipartitions among ten spectral regions is shown to be entangled; furthermore, an eigenmode decomposition reveals that eight independent quantum channels cite{Braunstein2005} (qumodes) are subsumed within the comb. This multicolor entanglement imports the classical concept of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) to the quantum domain by playing upon frequency entanglement as a means to elevate quantum channel capacity. The quantum frequency comb is easily addressable, robust with respect to decoherence, and scalable, which renders it a unique tool for quantum information.