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Baryon squishing in synthetic dimensions by effective $SU(M)$ gauge fields

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 Added by Vijay Shenoy B
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate few body physics in a cold atomic system with synthetic dimensions (Celi et al., PRL 112, 043001 (2014)) which realizes a Hofstadter model with long-ranged interactions along the synthetic dimension. We show that the problem can be mapped to a system of particles (with $SU(M)$ symmetric interactions) which experience an $SU(M)$ Zeeman field at each lattice site {em and} a non-Abelian $SU(M)$ gauge potential that affects their hopping from one site to another. This mapping brings out the possibility of generating {em non-local} interactions (interaction between particles at different physical sites). It also shows that the non-Abelian gauge field, which induces a flavor-orbital coupling, mitigates the baryon breaking effects of the Zeeman field. For $M$ particles, the $SU(M)$ singlet baryon which is site localized, is deformed to be a nonlocal object (squished baryon) by the combination of the Zeeman and the non-Abelian gauge potential, an effect that we conclusively demonstrate by analytical arguments and exact (numerical) diagonalization studies. These results not only promise a rich phase diagram in the many body setting, but also suggests possibility of using cold atom systems to address problems that are inconceivable in traditional condensed matter systems. As an example, we show that the system can be adapted to realize Hamiltonians akin to the $SU(M)$ random flux model.

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The non-Abelian gauge fields play a key role in achieving novel quantum phenomena in condensed-matter and high-energy physics. Recently, the synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields have been created in the neutral degenerate Fermi gases, and moreover, generate many exotic effects. All the previous predictions can be well understood by the microscopic Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory. In this work, we establish an SU(2) Ginzburg-Landau theory for degenerate Fermi gases with the synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields. We firstly address a fundamental problem how the non-Abelian gauge fields, imposing originally on the Fermi atoms, affect the pairing field with no extra electric charge by a local gauge-field theory,and then obtain the first and second SU(2) Ginzburg-Landau equations. Based on these obtained SU(2) Ginzburg-Landau equations, we find that the superfluid critical temperature of the intra- (inter-) band pairing increases (decreases) linearly, when increasing the strength of the synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields. More importantly, we predict a novel SU(2) non-Abelian Josephson effect, which can be used to design a new atomic superconducting quantum interference device.
We start by reviewing the concept of gauge invariance in quantum mechanics, for Abelian and Non-Ableian cases. Then we idescribe how the various gauge potential and field can be associated with the geometrical phase acquired by a quantum mechanical wave function while adiabatically evolving in a parameter space. Subsequently we show how this concept is exploited to generate light induced gauge field for neutral ultra cold bosonic atoms. As an example of such light induced Abelian and Non Abelian gauge field for ultra cold atoms we disucss ultra cold atoms in a rotating trap and creation of synthetic spin orbit coupling for ultra cold atomic systems using Raman lasers.
134 - Shuyuan Wu , Xizhou Qin , Jun Xu 2016
According to the famous Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM), the universality of spontaneous defect generation in continuous phase transitions (CPTs) can be understood by the critical slowing down. In most CPTs of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), the universality of spontaneous defect generations has been explained by the divergent relaxation time associated with the nontrivial gapless Bogoliubov excitations. However, for atomic BECs in synthetic gauge fields, their spontaneous superfluidity breakdown is resulted from the divergent correlation length associated with the zero Landau critical velocity. Here, by considering an atomic BEC ladder subjected to a synthetic magnetic field, we reveal that the spontaneous superfluidity breakdown obeys the KZM. The Kibble-Zurek scalings are derived from the Landau critical velocity which determines the correlation length. In further, the critical exponents are numerically extracted from the critical spatial-temporal dynamics of the bifurcation delay and the spontaneous vortex generation. Our study provides a general way to explore and understand the spontaneous superfluidity breakdown in CPTs from a single-well dispersion to a double-well one, such as, BECs in synthetic gauge fields, spin-orbit coupled BECs, and BECs in shaken optical lattices.
We reveal the universal effect of gauge fields on the existence, evolution, and stability of solitons in the spinor multidimensional nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equation. Focusing on the two-dimensional case, we show that when gauge field can be split in a pure gauge and a rtext{non-pure gauge} generating rtext{effective potential}, the roles of these components in soliton dynamics are different: the btext{localization characteristics} of emerging states are determined by the curvature, while pure gauge affects the stability of the modes. Respectively the solutions can be exactly represented as the envelopes independent of the pure gauge, modulating stationary carrier-mode states, which are independent of the curvature. Our central finding is that nonzero curvature can lead to the existence of unusual modes, in particular, enabling stable localized self-trapped fundamental and vortex-carrying states in media with constant repulsive interactions without additional external confining potentials and even in the expulsive external traps.
We study collective modes of vortex lattices in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates subject to synthetic magnetic fields in mutually parallel or antiparallel directions. By means of the Bogoliubov theory with the lowest-Landau-level approximation, we numerically calculate the excitation spectra for a rich variety of vortex lattices that appear commonly for parallel and antiparallel synthetic fields. We find that in all of these cases, there appear two distinct modes with linear and quadratic dispersion relations at low energies, which exhibit anisotropy reflecting the symmetry of each lattice structure. Remarkably, the low-energy spectra for the two types of fields are found to be related to each other by simple rescaling when vortices in different components overlap owing to an intercomponent attraction. These results are consistent with an effective field theory analysis. However, the rescaling relations break down for interlaced vortex lattices appearing with an intercomponent repulsion, indicating a nontrivial effect of an intercomponent vortex displacement beyond the effective field theory. We also find that high-energy parts of the excitation bands exhibit line or point nodes as a consequence of a fractional translation symmetry present in some of the lattice structures.
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