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The Solar Neighborhood XXXVI: The Long-Term Photometric Variability of Nearby Red Dwarfs in the VRI Optical Bands

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 Added by Todd J. Henry
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present an analysis of long-term photometric variability for nearby red dwarfs at optical wavelengths. The sample consists of 264 M dwarfs south of DEC = +30 with V-K = 3.96-9.16 and Mv~10-20 (spectral types M2V-M8V), most of which are within 25 pc. The stars have been observed in the VRI filters for ~4-14 years at the CTIO/SMARTS 0.9m telescope. Of the 238 red dwarfs within 25 pc, we find that only ~8% are photometrically variable by at least 20 mmag (~2%) in the VRI bands. We find that high variability at optical wavelengths over the long-term can be used to identify young stars. Overall, however, the fluxes of most red dwarfs at optical wavelengths are steady to a few percent over the long term. The low overall rate of photometric variability for red dwarfs is consistent with results found in previous work on similar stars on shorter timescales, with the body of work indicating that most red dwarfs are only mildly variable. We highlight 17 stars that show long-term changes in brightness, sometimes because of flaring activity or spots, and sometimes because of stellar cycles similar to our Suns solar cycle. Remarkably, two targets show brightnesses that monotonically increase (G 169-029) or decrease (WT 460AB) by several percent over a decade. We also provide long-term variability measurements for seven M dwarfs within 25 pc that host exoplanets, none of which vary by more than 20 mmag. Both as a population, and for the specific red dwarfs with exoplanets observed here, photometric variability is therefore often not a concern for planetary environments, at least at the optical wavelengths where they emit much of their light.

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We present ~800 days of photometric monitoring of Boyajians Star (KIC 8462852) from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) and ~4000 days of monitoring from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS). We show that from 2015 to the present the brightness of Boyajians Star has steadily decreased at a rate of 6.3 +/- 1.4 mmag yr^-1, such that the star is now 1.5% fainter than it was in February 2015. Moreover, the longer time baseline afforded by ASAS suggests that Boyajians Star has also undergone two brightening episodes in the past 11 years, rather than only exhibiting a monotonic decline. We analyze a sample of ~1000 comparison stars of similar brightness located in the same ASAS-SN field and demonstrate that the recent fading is significant at >99.4% confidence. The 2015-2017 dimming rate is consistent with that measured with Kepler data for the time period from 2009 to 2013. This long-term variability is difficult to explain with any of the physical models for the stars behavior proposed to date.
We present an analysis of the most massive white dwarf candidates in the Montreal White Dwarf Database 100 pc sample. We identify 25 objects that would be more massive than $1.3~M_{odot}$ if they had pure H atmospheres and CO cores, including two outliers with unusually high photometric mass estimates near the Chandrasekhar limit. We provide follow-up spectroscopy of these two white dwarfs and show that they are indeed significantly below this limit. We expand our model calculations for CO core white dwarfs up to $M=1.334 M_odot$, which corresponds to the high-density limit of our equation-of-state tables, $rho = 10^9$ g cm$^{-3}$. We find many objects close to this maximum mass of our CO core models. A significant fraction of ultramassive white dwarfs are predicted to form through binary mergers. Merger populations can reveal themselves through their kinematics, magnetism, or rapid rotation rates. We identify four outliers in transverse velocity, four likely magnetic white dwarfs (one of which is also an outlier in transverse velocity), and one with rapid rotation, indicating that at least 8 of the 25 ultramassive white dwarfs in our sample are likely merger products.
Probably, the long-term monitoring of the solar atmosphere started in Italy with the first telescopic observations of the Sun made by Galileo Galilei in the early $17^{mathrm{th}}$ century. His recorded observations and science results, as well as the work carried out by other following outstanding Italian astronomers inspired the start of institutional programs of regular solar observations at the Arcetri, Catania, and Rome Observatories. These programs have accumulated daily images of the solar photosphere and chromosphere taken at various spectral bands over a time span greater than 80 years. In the last two decades, regular solar observations were continued with digital cameras only at the Catania and Rome Observatories, which are now part of the INAF National Institute for Astrophysics. At the two sites, daily solar images are taken at the photospheric G-band, Blue ($lambda=409.4$ nm), and Red ($lambda=606.9$ nm) continua spectral ranges and at the chromospheric Ca II K and H$alpha$ lines, with a $2^{primeprime}$ spatial resolution. Solar observation in Italy, which benefits from over 2500 hours of yearly sunshine, currently aims at the operational monitoring of solar activity and long-term variability and at the continuation of the historical series as well. Existing instruments will be soon enriched by the SAMM double channel telescope equipped with magneto-optical filters that will enable the tomography of the solar atmosphere with simultaneous observations at the K I 769.9 nm and Na I D 589.0 nm lines. In this contribution, we present the available observations and outline their scientific relevance.
We present results from photometric monitoring of V900 Mon, one of the newly discovered and still under-studied object from FU Orionis type. FUor phenomenon is very rarely observed, but it is essential for stellar evolution. Since we only know about twenty stars of this type, the study of each new object is very important for our knowledge. Our data was obtained in the optical spectral region with BVRI Johnson-Cousins set of filters during the period from September 2011 to April 2021. In order to follow the photometric history of the object, we measured its stellar magnitudes on the available plates from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. The collected archival data suggests that the rise in brightness of V900 Mon began after January 1989 and the outburst goes so far. In November 2009, when the outburst was registered, the star had already reached a level of brightness close to the current one. Our observations indicate that during the period 2011-2017 the stellar magnitude increased gradually in each pass band. The observed amplitude of the outburst is about 4 magnitudes (R). During the last three years, the increase in brightness has stopped and there has even been a slight decline. The comparison of the light curves of the known FUor objects shows that they are very diverse and are rarely repeated. However, the photometric data we have so far shows that the V900 Mons light curve is somewhat similar to this of V1515 Cyg and V733 Cep.
162 - Yu Sakata 2010
We examine whether the spectral energy distribution of optical continuum emission of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) changes during flux variation, based on accurate and frequent monitoring observations of 11 nearby Seyfert galaxies and QSOs carried out in the B, V, and I bands for seven years by the MAGNUM telescope. The multi-epoch flux data in any two different bands obtained on the same night show a very tight linear flux to flux relationship for all target AGNs. The flux of the host galaxy within the photometric aperture is carefully estimated by surface brightness fitting to available high-resolution HST images and MAGNUM images. The flux of narrow emission lines in the photometric bands is also estimated from available spectroscopic data. We find that the non-variable component of the host galaxy plus narrow emission lines for all target AGNs is located on the fainter extension of the linear regression line of multi-epoch flux data in the flux to flux diagram. This result strongly indicates that the spectral shape of AGN continuum emission in the optical region does not systematically change during flux variation. The trend of spectral hardening that optical continuum emission becomes bluer as it becomes brighter, which has been reported by many studies, is therefore interpreted as the domination of the variable component of the nearly constant spectral shape of an AGN as it brightens over the non-variable component of the host galaxy plus narrow lines, which is usually redder than AGN continuum emission.
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