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Long-Term Optical Continuum Color Variability of Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei

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 Added by Yu Sakata
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Yu Sakata

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We examine whether the spectral energy distribution of optical continuum emission of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) changes during flux variation, based on accurate and frequent monitoring observations of 11 nearby Seyfert galaxies and QSOs carried out in the B, V, and I bands for seven years by the MAGNUM telescope. The multi-epoch flux data in any two different bands obtained on the same night show a very tight linear flux to flux relationship for all target AGNs. The flux of the host galaxy within the photometric aperture is carefully estimated by surface brightness fitting to available high-resolution HST images and MAGNUM images. The flux of narrow emission lines in the photometric bands is also estimated from available spectroscopic data. We find that the non-variable component of the host galaxy plus narrow emission lines for all target AGNs is located on the fainter extension of the linear regression line of multi-epoch flux data in the flux to flux diagram. This result strongly indicates that the spectral shape of AGN continuum emission in the optical region does not systematically change during flux variation. The trend of spectral hardening that optical continuum emission becomes bluer as it becomes brighter, which has been reported by many studies, is therefore interpreted as the domination of the variable component of the nearly constant spectral shape of an AGN as it brightens over the non-variable component of the host galaxy plus narrow lines, which is usually redder than AGN continuum emission.

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267 - S. Trippe 2011
We analyze the long-term evolution of the fluxes of six active galactic nuclei (AGN) - 0923+392, 3C 111, 3C 273, 3C 345, 3C 454.3, and 3C 84 - in the frequency range 80-267 GHz using archival calibration data of the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. Our dataset spans a long timeline of ~14 years with 974-3027 flux measurements per source. We find strong (factors ~2-8) flux variability on timescales of years for all sources. The flux density distributions of five out of six sources show clear signatures of bi- or even multimodality. Our sources show mostly steep (alpha~0.5-1), variable spectral indices that indicate outflow dominated emission; the variability is most probably due to optical depth variations. The power spectra globally correspond to red-noise spectra with five sources being located between the cases of white and flicker noise and one source (3C 111) being closer to the case of random walk noise. For three sources the low-frequency ends of their power spectra appear to be upscaled in spectral power by factors ~2-3 with respect to the overall powerlaws. In two sources, 3C 454.3 and 3C 84, the 1.3-mm emission preceeds the 3-mm emission by ~55 and ~300 days, respectively, probably due to (combinations of) optical depth and emission region geometry effects. We conclude that the source emission cannot be described by uniform stochastic emission processes; instead, a distinction of quiescent and (maybe multiple) flare states of the source emission appears to be necessary.
Most of the variability studies of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are based on ensemble analyses. Nevertheless, it is interesting to provide estimates of the individual variability properties of each AGN, in order to relate them with intrinsic physical quantities. A useful dataset is provided by the Catalina Surveys Data Release 2 (CSDR2), which encompasses almost a decade of photometric measurements of $sim500$ million objects repeatedly observed hundreds of times. We aim to investigate the individual optical variability properties of 795 AGNs originally included in the Multi-Epoch XMM Serendipitous AGN Sample 2 (MEXSAS2). Our goals consist in: (i) searching for correlations between variability and AGN physical quantities; (ii) extending our knowledge of the variability features of MEXSAS2 from the X-ray to the optical. We use the structure function (SF) to analyse AGN flux variations. We model the SF as a power-law, $text{SF}(tau)=A,(tau/tau_0)^gamma$, and we compute its variability parameters. We introduce the V-correction as a simple tool to correctly quantify the amount of variability in the rest frame of each source. We find a significant decrease of variability amplitude with increasing bolometric, optical and X-ray luminosity. We obtain the indication of an intrinsically weak positive correlation between variability amplitude and redshift, $z$. Variability amplitude is also positively correlated with $alpha_text{ox}$. The slope of the SF, $gamma$, is weakly correlated with the bolometric luminosity $L_text{bol}$ and/or with the black hole mass $M_text{BH}$. When comparing optical to X-ray variability properties, we find that X-ray variability amplitude is approximately the same for those AGNs with larger or smaller variability amplitude in the optical. On the contrary, AGNs with steeper SF in the optical do present steeper SF in the X-ray, and vice versa.
The observed relation between the X-ray radiation from AGNs, originating in the corona, and the optical/UV radiation from the disk is usually described by the anticorrelation between the UV to X-ray slope alpha_ox and the UV luminosity. Many factors can affect this relation, including: enhanced X-ray emission associated with the jets of radio-loud AGNs; X-ray absorption associated with the UV Broad Absorption Line (BAL) outflows; other X-ray absorption not associated with BALs; intrinsic X-ray weakness; UV and X-ray variability, and non-simultaneity of UV and X-ray observations. The separation of these effects provides information about the intrinsic alpha_ox-L_UV relation and its dispersion, constraining models of disk-corona coupling. We extract simultaneous data from the second XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue and the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor Serendipitous UV Source Survey Catalog, and derive the single-epoch alpha_ox indices. We use ensemble structure functions to analyse multi-epoch data. We confirm the anticorrelation of alpha_ox with L_UV, and do not find any evidence of a dependence of alpha_ox on z. The dispersion in our simultaneous data (0.12) is not significantly smaller than in previous non-simultaneous studies, suggesting that artificial alpha_ox variability introduced by non-simultaneity is not the main cause of dispersion. Intrinsic alpha_ox variability, i.e., the true variability of the X-ray to optical ratio, is instead important, and accounts for ~30% of the total variance, or more. Inter-source dispersion, due to intrinsic differences in the average alpha_ox values from source to source, is also important. The dispersion introduced by variability is mostly caused by the long timescale variations, which are expected to be driven by the optical variations.
237 - G. Orosz , S. Frey 2013
Context. It will soon become possible to directly link the most accurate radio reference frame with the Gaia optical reference frame using many common extragalactic objects. It is important to know the level of coincidence between the radio and optical positions of compact active galactic nuclei (AGN). Aims. Using the best catalogues available at present, we investigate how many AGN with significantly large optical-radio positional offsets exist as well as the possible causes of these offsets. Methods. We performed a case study by finding optical counterparts to the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF2) radio sources in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 9 (DR9). The ICRF2 catalogue was used as a reference because the radio positions determined by Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations are about two orders of magnitude more accurate than the optical positions. Results. We find 1297 objects in common for ICRF2 and SDSS DR9. Statistical analysis of the optical-radio differences verifies that the SDSS DR9 positions are accurate to ~55 mas in both coordinates, with no systematic offset with respect to ICRF2. We find 51 sources (~4% of the sample) for which the positional offset exceeds 170 mas (~3{sigma}). Astrophysical explanations must exist for most of these outliers. There are 3 known strong gravitational lenses among them. Dual AGN or recoiling supermassive black holes may also be possible. Conclusions. The most accurate Gaia-VLBI reference frame link will require a careful selection of a common set of objects by eliminating the outliers. On the other hand, the significant optical-radio positional non-coincidences may offer a new tool for finding e.g. gravitational lenses or dual AGN candidates. Detailed follow-up radio interferometric and optical spectroscopic observations are encouraged to investigate the outlier sources found in this study.
99 - M. Das 2017
Galaxy mergers play a crucial role in the formation of massive galaxies and the buildup of their bulges. An important aspect of the merging process is the in-spiral of the supermassive black-holes (SMBHs) to the centre of the merger remnant and the eventual formation of a SMBH binary. If both the SMBHs are accreting they will form a dual or binary active galactic nucleus (DAGN). The final merger remnant is usually very bright and shows enhanced star formation. In this paper we summarize the current sample of DAGN from previous studies and describe methods that can be used to identify strong DAGN candidates from optical and spectroscopic surveys. These methods depend on the Doppler separation of the double peaked AGN emission lines, the nuclear velocity dispersion of the galaxies and their optical/UV colours. We describe two high resolution, radio observations of DAGN candidates that have been selected based on their double peaked optical emission lines (DPAGN). We also examine whether DAGN host galaxies have higher star formation rates (SFRs) compared to merging galaxies that do not appear to have DAGN. We find that the SFR is not higher for DAGN host galaxies. This suggests that the SFRs in DAGN host galaxies is due to the merging process itself and not related to the presence of two AGN in the system.
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