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Chemical Pressure effect at the boundary of Mott insulator and itinerant electron limit of Spinel Vanadates

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 Added by Prashant Shahi
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The chemical pressure effect on the structural, transport, magnetic and electronic properties (by measuring X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) of ZnV2O4 has been investigated by doping Mn and Co on the Zinc site of ZnV2O4. With Mn doping the V-V distance increases and with Co doping it decreases. The resistivity and thermoelectric power data indicate that as the V-V distance decreases the system moves towards Quantum Phase Transition. The transport data also indicate that the conduction is due to the small polaron hopping. The chemical pressure shows the non-monotonous behaviour of charge gap and activation energy. The XPS study also supports the observation that with decrease of the V-V separation the system moves towards Quantum Phase Transition. On the other hand when Ti is doped on the V-site of ZnV2O4 the metal-metal distance decreases and at the same time the TN also increases.

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The intertwined charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom could endow 5d compounds with exotic properties. Current interest is focused on electromagnetic interactions in these materials, whereas the important role of lattice geometry remains to be fully recognized. For this sake, we investigate pressure-induced phase transitions in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7 with Raman, electrical resistance, and x-ray diffraction measurements. We reveal an interesting magnetic transition coinciding with a structural transition at 14.4 GPa, but without a concurrent insulator-metal transition. The conventional correlation between magnetic and Mott insulating states is thereby absent. The observed softening of the one-magnon mode can be explained by a reduced tetragonal distortion, while the actual magnetic transition is associated with tilting of the IrO6 octahedra. This work highlights the critical role of lattice frustration in determining the high-pressure phases of Sr3Ir2O7. The ability to control electromagnetic properties via manipulating the crystal structure with pressure promises a new way to explore new quantum states in spin-orbit Mott insulators.
The pressure-induced insulator to metal transition (IMT) of layered magnetic nickel phosphorous tri-sulfide NiPS3 was studied in-situ under quasi-uniaxial conditions by means of electrical resistance (R) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. This sluggish transition is shown to occur at 35 GPa. Transport measurements show no evidence of superconductivity to the lowest measured temperature (~ 2 K). The structure results presented here differ from earlier in-situ work that subjected the sample to a different pressure state, suggesting that in NiPS3 the phase stability fields are highly dependent on strain. It is suggested that careful control of the strain is essential when studying the electronic and magnetic properties of layered van der Waals solids.
X-ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES) and magnetization of Zn doped MnV2O4 have been measured and from the magnetic measurement the critical exponents and magnetocaloric effect have been estimated. The XANES study indicates that Zn doping does not change the valence states in Mn and V. It has been shown that the obtained values of critical exponents b{eta}, {gamma} and {delta} do not belong to universal class and the values are in between the 3D Heisenberg model and the mean field interaction model. The magnetization data follow the scaling equation and collapse into two branches indicating that the calculated critical exponents and critical temperature are unambiguous and intrinsic to the system. All the samples show large magneto-caloric effect. The second peak in magneto-caloric curve of Mn0.95Zn0.05V2O4 is due to the strong coupling between orbital and spin degrees of freedom. But 10% Zn doping reduces the residual spins on the V-V pairs resulting the decrease of coupling between orbital and spin degrees of freedom.
Calculations employing the local density approximation combined with static and dynamical mean-field theories (LDA+U and LDA+DMFT) indicate that the metal-insulator transition observed at 32 GPa in paramagnetic LaMnO3 at room temperature is not a Mott-Hubbard transition, but is caused by orbital splitting of the majority-spin eg bands. For LaMnO3 to be insulating at pressures below 32 GPa, both on-site Coulomb repulsion and Jahn-Teller distortion are needed.
We present a muon spin relaxation study of the Mott transition in BaCoS_2 using two independent control parameters: (i) pressure p to tune the electronic bandwidth and (ii) Ni-substitution x on the Co site to tune the band filling. For both tuning parameters, the antiferromagnetic insulating state first transitions to an antiferromagnetic metal and finally to a paramagnetic metal without undergoing any structural phase transition. BaCoS_2 under pressure displays minimal change in the ordered magnetic moment S_ord until it collapses abruptly upon entering the antiferromagnetic metallic state at p_cr ~ 1.3 GPa. In contrast, S_ord in the Ni-doped system Ba(Co_{1-x}Ni_{x})S_{2} steadily decreases with increasing x until the antiferromagnetic metallic region is reached at x_cr ~ 0.22. In both cases, significant phase separation between magnetic and nonmagnetic regions develops when approaching p_cr or x_cr, and the antiferromagnetic metallic state is characterized by weak, random, static magnetism in a small volume fraction. No dynamical critical behavior is observed near the transition for either tuning parameter. These results demonstrate that the quantum evolution of both the bandwidth- and filling-controlled metal-insulator transition at zero temperature proceeds as a first-order transition. This behavior is common to magnetic Mott transitions in RENiO_3 and V_2O_3, which are accompanied by structural transitions without the formation of an antiferromagnetic metal phase.
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