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Phonon amplification in two coupled cavities containing one mechanical resonator

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 Added by Yu-Xi Liu
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study a general theory of phonon lasing [I. S. Grudinin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 083901 (2010)] in coupled optomechancial systems. We derive the dynamical equation of the phonon lasing using supermodes formed by two cavity modes. A general threshold condition for phonon lasing is obtained. We also show the differences between phonon lasing and photon lasing, generated by photonic supermodes and two-level atomic systems, respectively. We find that the phonon lasing can be realized in certain parameter regime near the threshold. The phase diagram and second-order correlation function of the phonon lasing are also studied to show some interesting phenomena that cannot be observed in the common photon lasing with the two-level systems.

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In the field of cavity optomechanics, proposals for quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements of phonon number provide a promising avenue by which one can study the quantum nature of nanoscale mechanical resonators. Here, we investigate these QND measurements for an optomechanical system whereby quadratic coupling arises due to shared symmetries between a single optical resonance and a mechanical mode. We establish a relaxed limit on the amount of linear coupling that can exist in this type of system while still allowing for a QND measurement of Fock states. This new condition enables optomechanical QND measurements, which can be used to probe the decoherence of mesoscopic mechanical Fock states, providing an experimental testbed for quantum collapse theories.
138 - R. Rossi Jr 2009
The dynamics of two coupled modes sharing one excitation is considered. A scheme to inhibit the evolution of any initial state in subspace ${|1_{a},0_{b} >, |0_{a},1_{b}>}$ is presented. The scheme is based on the unitary interactions with an auxiliary subsystem, and it can be used to preserve the initial entanglement of the system.
A room-temperature mechanical oscillator undergoes thermal Brownian motion with an amplitude much larger than the amplitude associated with a single phonon of excitation. This motion can be read out and manipulated using laser light using a cavity-optomechanical approach. By performing a strong quantum measurement, i.e., counting single photons in the sidebands imparted on a laser, we herald the addition and subtraction of single phonons on the 300K thermal motional state of a 4GHz mechanical oscillator. To understand the resulting mechanical state, we implement a tomography scheme and observe highly non-Gaussian phase-space distributions. Using a maximum likelihood method, we infer the density matrix of the oscillator and confirm the counter-intuitive doubling of the mean phonon number resulting from phonon addition and subtraction.
We investigate two coupled nonlinear cavities that are coherently driven in a dissipative environment. We perform semiclassical, numerical and analytical quantum studies of this dimer model when both cavities are symmetrically driven. In the semiclassical analysis, we find steady-state solutions with different photon occupations in two cavities. Such states can be considered analogs of the closed system double well symmetry breaking states. We analyze the occurrence and properties of these localized states in the system parameter space and examine how the symmetry breaking states, in form of a bistable pair, are associated to the single cavity bistable behavior. In a full quantum calculation of the master equation dynamics that includes quantum fluctuations, the symmetry breaking states and bistability disappear due to the quantum fluctuations. In quantum trajectory picture, we observe enhanced quantum jumps and switching which indicate the presence of the underlying semiclassical symmetry breaking states. Finally, we present a set of analytical solutions for the steady state correlation functions using the complex P-representation and discuss its regime of validity.
We theoretically study how to control transport, bound states, and resonant states of a single photon in a one-dimensional coupled-cavity array. We find that the transport of a single photon in the cavity array can be controlled by tuning the frequency of either one or two cavities. If one of the cavities in the array has a tunable frequency, and its frequency is tuned to be larger (or smaller) than those of other cavities, then there is a photon bound state above (or below) the energy band of the coupled cavity array. However, if two cavities in the array have tunable frequencies, then there exist both bound states and resonant states. When the frequencies of the two cavities are chosen to be much larger than those of other cavities and the hopping couplings between any two nearest-neighbor cavities are weak, a single photon with a resonant wave vector can be trapped in the region between the two frequency-tunable cavities. In this case, a quantum supercavity can be formed by these two frequency-tunable cavities. We also study how to apply this photon transport control to an array of coupled superconducting transmission line resonators.
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