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Reconstructing the stellar mass distributions of galaxies using S4G IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 micron images: II. The conversion from light to mass

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 Added by Sharon Meidt
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a new approach for estimating the 3.6 micron stellar mass-to-light ratio in terms of the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of old stellar populations. Our approach avoids several of the largest sources of uncertainty in existing techniques. By focusing on mid-IR wavelengths, we gain a virtually dust extinction-free tracer of the old stars, avoiding the need to adopt a dust model to correctly interpret optical or optical/NIR colors normally leveraged to assign M/L. By calibrating a new relation between NIR and mid-IR colors of GLIMPSE giant stars we also avoid discrepancies in model predictions for the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of old stellar populations due to uncertainties in molecular line opacities. We find that the [3.6]-[4.5] color, which is driven primarily by metallicity, provides a tight constraint on M/L_3.6, which varies intrinsically less than at optical wavelengths. The uncertainty on M/L_3.6 of ~0.07 dex due to unconstrained age variations marks a significant improvement on existing techniques for estimating the stellar M/L with shorter wavelength data. A single M/L_3.6=0.6 (assuming a Chabrier IMF), independent of [3.6]-[4.5] color, is also feasible as it can be applied simultaneously to old, metal-rich and young, metal-poor populations, and still with comparable (or better) accuracy (~0.1 dex) as alternatives. We expect our M/L_3.6 to be optimal for mapping the stellar mass distributions in S4G galaxies, for which we have developed an Independent Component Analysis technique to first isolate the old stellar light at 3.6 micron from non-stellar emission (e.g. hot dust and the 3.3 PAH feature). Our estimate can also be used to determine the fractional contribution of non-stellar emission to global (rest-frame) 3.6 micron fluxes, e.g. in WISE imaging, and establishes a reliable basis for exploring variations in the stellar IMF.

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With the aim of constructing accurate 2D maps of the stellar mass distribution in nearby galaxies from S4G 3.6 and 4.5 micron images, we report on the separation of the light from old stars from the emission contributed by contaminants (e.g. hot dust and the 3.3 micron PAH feature). Results for a small sample of six disk galaxies (NGC 1566, NGC 2976, NGC 3031, NGC 3184, NGC 4321, and NGC 5194) with a range of morphological properties, dust contents and star formation histories are presented to demonstrate our approach. We use an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique designed to separate statistically independent source distributions, maximizing the distinction in the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of the sources. The technique also removes emission from intermediate-age evolved red objects with a low mass-to-light ratio, such as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars, revealing maps of the underlying old distribution of light with [3.6]-[4.5] colors consistent with the colors of K and M giants. Contaminants are identified via comparison to the non-stellar emission imaged at 8 microns, which is dominated by the broad PAH feature. Using the measured 3.6/8 micron ratio to select the individual contaminants, we find that hot dust and PAH together contribute between ~5-15% to the integrated light at 3.6 microns, while light from regions dominated by intermediate-age stars accounts for only 1-5%. Locally, however, the contribution from either contaminant can reach much higher levels; dust contributes on average 22% to the emission in star-forming regions throughout the sample, while intermediate age-stars contribute upwards of 50% in localized knots. The removal of these contaminants with ICA leaves maps of the old stellar disk that retain a high degree of structural information and are ideally suited for tracing the stellar mass, as will be the focus in a companion paper.
We use high spatial resolution maps of stellar mass and infrared flux of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) to calibrate a conversion between 3.6 and 4.5 micron fluxes and stellar mass, M_* = 10^{5.65} * F_{3.6}^{2.85} * F_{4.5}^{-1.85} * (D/0.05)^2 M_solar, where fluxes are in Jy and D is the luminosity distance to the source in Mpc, and to provide an approximate empirical estimate of the fractional internal uncertainty in M_* of 0.3*sqrt{N/10^6}, where N is the number of stars in the region. We find evidence that young stars and hot dust contaminate the measurements, but attempts to remove this contamination using data that is far superior than what is generally available for unresolved galaxies resulted in marginal gains in accuracy. The scatter among mass estimates for regions in the LMC is comparable to that found by previous investigators when modeling composite populations, and so we conclude that our simple conversion is as precise as possible for the data and models currently available. Our results allow for a reasonably bottom-heavy initial mass function, such as Salpeter or heavier, and moderately disfavor light
The Initial Mass Function (IMF) for massive galaxies can be constrained by combining stellar dynamics with strong gravitational lensing. However, this method is limited by degeneracies between the density profile of dark matter and the stellar mass-to-light ratio. In this work we reduce this degeneracy by combining weak lensing together with strong lensing and stellar kinematics. Our analysis is based on two galaxy samples: 45 strong lenses from the SLACS survey and 1,700 massive quiescent galaxies from the SDSS main spectroscopic sample with weak lensing measurements from the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. We use a Bayesian hierarchical approach to jointly model all three observables. We fit the data with models of varying complexity and show that a model with a radial gradient in the stellar mass-to-light ratio is required to simultaneously describe both galaxy samples. This result is driven by a subset of strong lenses with very steep total density profile, that cannot be fitted by models with no gradient. Our measurements are unable to determine whether $M_*/L$ gradients are due to variations in stellar population parameters at fixed IMF, or to gradients in the IMF itself. The inclusion of $M_*/L$ gradients decreases dramatically the inferred IMF normalisation, compared to previous lensing-based studies, with the exact value depending on the assumed dark matter profile. The main effect of strong lensing selection is to shift the stellar mass distribution towards the high mass end, while the halo mass and stellar IMF distribution at fixed stellar mass are not significantly affected.
The mid-infrared is an optimal window to trace stellar mass in nearby galaxies and the 3.6$mu m$ IRAC band has been exploited to this effect, but such mass estimates can be biased by dust emission. We present our pipeline to reveal the old stellar flux at 3.6$mu m$ and obtain stellar mass maps for more than 1600 galaxies available from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S$^{4}$G). This survey consists of images in two infrared bands (3.6 and 4.5$mu m$), and we use the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) method presented in Meidt et al. (2012) to separate the dominant light from old stars and the dust emission that can significantly contribute to the observed 3.6$mu m$ flux. We exclude from our ICA analysis galaxies with low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N < 10) and those with original [3.6]-[4.5] colors compatible with an old stellar population, indicative of little dust emission (mostly early Hubble types, which can directly provide good mass maps). For the remaining 1251 galaxies to which ICA was successfully applied, we find that as much as 10-30% of the total light at 3.6$mu m$ typically originates from dust, and locally it can reach even higher values. This contamination fraction shows a correlation with specific star formation rates, confirming that the dust emission that we detect is related to star formation. Additionally, we have used our large sample of mass estimates to calibrate a relationship of effective mass-to-light ratio ($M/L$) as a function of observed [3.6]-[4.5] color: $log(M/L)=-0.339 (pm 0.057) times ([3.6]-[4.5]) -0.336 (pm 0.002)$. Our final pipeline products have been made public through IRSA, providing the astronomical community with an unprecedentedly large set of stellar mass maps ready to use for scientific applications.
We quantify the systematic effects on the stellar mass function which arise from assumptions about the stellar population, as well as how one fits the light profiles of the most luminous galaxies at z ~ 0.1. When comparing results from the literature, we are careful to separate out these effects. Our analysis shows that while systematics in the estimated comoving number density which arise from different treatments of the stellar population remain of order < 0.5 dex, systematics in photometry are now about 0.1 dex, despite recent claims in the literature. Compared to these more recent analyses, previous work based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) pipeline photometry leads to underestimates of rho_*(> M_*) by factors of 3-10 in the mass range 10^11 - 10^11.6 M_Sun, but up to a factor of 100 at higher stellar masses. This impacts studies which match massive galaxies to dark matter halos. Although systematics which arise from different treatments of the stellar population remain of order < 0.5 dex, our finding that systematics in photometry now amount to only about 0.1 dex in the stellar mass density is a significant improvement with respect to a decade ago. Our results highlight the importance of using the same stellar population and photometric models whenever low and high redshift samples are compared.
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