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Davies-Gaffney-Grigoryan Lemma on Graphs

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 Added by Frank Bauer
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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We prove a variant of the Davies-Gaffney-Grigoryan Lemma for the continuous time heat kernel on graphs. We use it together with the Li-Yau inequality to obtain strong heat kernel estimates for graphs satisfying the exponential curvature dimension inequality.

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In this note, we prove the sharp Davies-Gaffney-Grigoryan lemma for minimal heat kernels on graphs.
Let $L$ be a one-to-one operator of type $omega$ in $L^2(mathbb{R}^n)$, with $omegain[0,,pi/2)$, which has a bounded holomorphic functional calculus and satisfies the Davies-Gaffney estimates. Let $p(cdot): mathbb{R}^nto(0,,1]$ be a variable exponent function satisfying the globally log-H{o}lder continuous condition. In this article, the authors introduce the variable Hardy space $H^{p(cdot)}_L(mathbb{R}^n)$ associated with $L$. By means of variable tent spaces, the authors establish the molecular characterization of $H^{p(cdot)}_L(mathbb{R}^n)$. Then the authors show that the dual space of $H^{p(cdot)}_L(mathbb{R}^n)$ is the BMO-type space ${rm BMO}_{p(cdot),,L^ast}(mathbb{R}^n)$, where $L^ast$ denotes the adjoint operator of $L$. In particular, when $L$ is the second order divergence form elliptic operator with complex bounded measurable coefficients, the authors obtain the non-tangential maximal function characterization of $H^{p(cdot)}_L(mathbb{R}^n)$ and show that the fractional integral $L^{-alpha}$ for $alphain(0,,frac12]$ is bounded from $H_L^{p(cdot)}(mathbb{R}^n)$ to $H_L^{q(cdot)}(mathbb{R}^n)$ with $frac1{p(cdot)}-frac1{q(cdot)}=frac{2alpha}{n}$ and the Riesz transform $ abla L^{-1/2}$ is bounded from $H^{p(cdot)}_L(mathbb{R}^n)$ to the variable Hardy space $H^{p(cdot)}(mathbb{R}^n)$.
We show that the deficiency indices of the minimal Gaffney Laplacian on an infinite locally finite metric graph are equal to the number of finite volume graph ends. Moreover, we provide criteria, formulated in terms of finite volume graph ends, for the Gaffney Laplacian to be closed.
178 - Shicheng Xu , Xuchao Yao 2019
We prove the generalized Margulis lemma with a uniform index bound on an Alexandrov $n$-space $X$ with curvature bounded below, i.e., small loops at $pin X$ generate a subgroup of the fundamental group of unit ball $B_1(p)$ that contains a nilpotent subgroup of index $le w(n)$, where $w(n)$ is a constant depending only on the dimension $n$. The proof is based on the main ideas of V.~Kapovitch, A.~Petrunin, and W.~Tuschmann, and the following results: (1) We prove that any regular almost Lipschitz submersion constructed by Yamaguchi on a collapsed Alexandrov space with curvature bounded below is a Hurewicz fibration. We also prove that such fibration is uniquely determined up to a homotopy equivalence. (2) We give a detailed proof on the gradient push, improving the universal pushing time bound given by V.~Kapovitch, A.~Petrunin, and W.~Tuschmann, and justifying in a specific way that the gradient push between regular points can always keep away from extremal subsets.
83 - Ara Basmajian 1992
We discuss two generalizations of the collar lemma. The first is the stable neighborhood theorem which says that a (not necessarily simple) closed geodesic in a hyperbolic surface has a lqlq stable neighborhoodrqrq whose width only depends on the length of the geodesic. As an application, we show that there is a lower bound for the length of a closed geodesic having crossing number $k$ on a hyperbolic surface. This lower bound tends to infinity with $k$. Our second generalization is to totally geodesic hypersurfaces of hyperbolic manifolds. Namely, we construct a tubular neighborhood function and show that an embedded closed totally geodesic hypersurface in a hyperbolic manifold has a tubular neighborhood whose width only depends on the area of the hypersurface (and hence not on the geometry of the ambient manifold). The implications of this result for volumes of hyperbolic manifolds is discussed. We also derive a (hyperbolic) quantitative version of the Klein-Maskit combination theorem (in all dimensions) for free products of fuchsian groups. Using this last theorem, we construct examples to illustrate the qualitative sharpness of the tubular neighborhood function.
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