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A note on the Gaffney Laplacian on infinite metric graphs

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 Added by Aleksey Kostenko S.
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We show that the deficiency indices of the minimal Gaffney Laplacian on an infinite locally finite metric graph are equal to the number of finite volume graph ends. Moreover, we provide criteria, formulated in terms of finite volume graph ends, for the Gaffney Laplacian to be closed.

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192 - Fatihcan M. Atay , Bobo Hua 2014
We study the symmetry properties of the spectra of normalized Laplacians on signed graphs. We find a new machinery that generates symmetric spectra for signed graphs, which includes bipartiteness of unsigned graphs as a special case. Moreover, we prove a fundamental connection between the symmetry of the spectrum and the existence of damped two-periodic solutions for the discrete-time heat equation on the graph.
We prove a variant of the Davies-Gaffney-Grigoryan Lemma for the continuous time heat kernel on graphs. We use it together with the Li-Yau inequality to obtain strong heat kernel estimates for graphs satisfying the exponential curvature dimension inequality.
In this note, we prove the sharp Davies-Gaffney-Grigoryan lemma for minimal heat kernels on graphs.
We consider a generalization of the diffusion equation on graphs. This generalized diffusion equation gives rise to both normal and superdiffusive processes on infinite one-dimensional graphs. The generalization is based on the $k$-path Laplacian operators $L_{k}$, which account for the hop of a diffusive particle to non-nearest neighbours in a graph. We first prove that the $k$-path Laplacian operators are self-adjoint. Then, we study the transformed $k$-path Laplacian operators using Laplace, factorial and Mellin transforms. We prove that the generalized diffusion equation using the Laplace- and factorial-transformed operators always produce normal diffusive processes independently of the parameters of the transforms. More importantly, the generalized diffusion equation using the Mellin-transformed $k$-path Laplacians $sum_{k=1}^{infty}k^{-s}L_{k}$ produces superdiffusive processes when $1<s<3$.
We study the multiplicative Hilbert matrix, i.e. the infinite matrix with entries $(sqrt{mn}log(mn))^{-1}$ for $m,ngeq2$. This matrix was recently introduced within the context of the theory of Dirichlet series, and it was shown that the multiplicative Hilbert matrix has no eigenvalues and that its continuous spectrum coincides with $[0,pi]$. Here we prove that the multiplicative Hilbert matrix has no singular continuous spectrum and that its absolutely continuous spectrum has multiplicity one. Our argument relies on the tools of spectral perturbation theory and scattering theory. Finding an explicit diagonalisation of the multiplicative Hilbert matrix remains an interesting open problem.
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