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The same bulk two-dimensional topological phase can have multiple distinct, fully-chiral edge phases. We show that this can occur in the integer quantum Hall states at $ u=8$ and 12, with experimentally-testable consequences. We show that this can occur in Abelian fractional quantum Hall states as well, with the simplest examples being at $ u=8/7, 12/11, 8/15, 16/5$. We give a general criterion for the existence of multiple distinct chiral edge phases for the same bulk phase and discuss experimental consequences. Edge phases correspond to lattices while bulk phases correspond to genera of lattices. Since there are typically multiple lattices in a genus, the bulk-edge correspondence is typically one-to-many; there are usually many stable fully chiral edge phases corresponding to the same bulk. We explain these correspondences using the theory of integral quadratic forms. We show that fermionic systems can have edge phases with only bosonic low-energy excitations and discuss a fermionic generalization of the relation between bulk topological spins and the central charge. The latter follows from our demonstration that every fermionic topological phase can be represented as a bosonic topological phase, together with some number of filled Landau levels. Our analysis shows that every Abelian topological phase can be decomposed into a tensor product of theories associated with prime numbers $p$ in which every quasiparticle has a topological spin that is a $p^n$-th root of unity for some $n$. It also leads to a simple demonstration that all Abelian topological phases can be represented by $U(1)^N$ Chern-Simons theory parameterized by a K-matrix.
A given fractional quantum Hall state may admit multiple, distinct edge phases on its boundary. We explore the implications that multiple edge phases have for the entanglement spectrum and entropy of a given bulk state. We describe the precise manner in which the entanglement spectrum depends upon local (tunneling) interactions along an entanglement cut and throughout the bulk. The sensitivity to local conditions near the entanglement cut appears not only in gross features of the spectrum, but can also manifest itself in an additive, positive constant correction to the topological entanglement entropy, i.e., it increases its magnitude. A natural interpretation for this result is that the tunneling interactions across an entanglement cut can function as a barrier to certain types of quasiparticle transport across the cut, thereby, lowering the total entanglement between the two regions.
Topological qauntum field theory(TQFT) is a very powerful theoretical tool to study topological phases and phase transitions. In $2+1$D, it is well known that the Chern-Simons theory captures all the universal topological data of topological phases, e.g., quasi-particle braiding statistics, chiral central charge and even provides us a deep insight for the nature of topological phase transitions. Recently, topological phases of quantum matter are also intensively studied in $3+1$D and it has been shown that loop like excitation obeys the so-called three-loop-braiding statistics. In this paper, we will try to establish a TQFT framework to understand the quantum statistics of particle and loop like excitation in $3+1$D. We will focus on Abelian topological phases for simplicity, however, the general framework developed here is not limited to Abelian topological phases.
Abelian Chern-Simons theory, characterized by the so-called $K$ matrix, has been quite successful in characterizing and classifying Abelian fractional quantum hall effect (FQHE) as well as symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases, especially for bosonic SPT phases. However, there are still some puzzles in dealing with fermionic SPT(fSPT) phases. In this paper, we utilize the Abelian Chern-Simons theory to study the fSPT phases protected by arbitrary Abelian total symmetry $G_f$. Comparing to the bosonic SPT phases, fSPT phases with Abelian total symmetry $G_f$ has three new features: (1) it may support gapless majorana fermion edge modes, (2) some nontrivial bosonic SPT phases may be trivialized if $G_f$ is a nontrivial extention of bosonic symmetry $G_b$ over $mathbb{Z}_2^f$, (3) certain intrinsic fSPT phases can only be realized in interacting fermionic system. We obtain edge theories for various fSPT phases, which can also be regarded as conformal field theories (CFT) with proper symmetry anomaly. In particular, we discover the construction of Luttinger liquid edge theories with central charge $n-1$ for Type-III bosonic SPT phases protected by $(mathbb{Z}_n)^3$ symmetry and the Luttinger liquid edge theories for intrinsically interacting fSPT protected by unitary Abelian symmetry. The ideas and methods used here might be generalized to derive the edge theories of fSPT phases with arbitrary unitary finite Abelian total symmetry $G_f$.
We propose a general construction of commuting projector lattice models for 2D and 3D topological phases enriched by U(1) symmetry, with finite-dimensional Hilbert space per site. The construction starts from a commuting projector model of the topological phase and decorates U(1) charges to the state space in a consistent manner. We show that all 2D U(1) symmetry-enriched topological phases which allow gapped boundary without breaking symmetry, can be realized through our construction. We also construct a large class of 3D topological phases with U(1) symmetry fractionalized on particles or loop excitations.
In the past decades, topological concepts have emerged to classify matter states beyond the Ginzburg-Landau symmetry breaking paradigm. The underlying global invariants are usually characterized by integers, such as Chern or winding numbers. Very recently, band topology characterized by non-Abelian topological charges has been proposed, which possess non-commutative and fruitful braiding structures with multiple (>1) bandgaps entangled together. Despite many potential exquisite applications including quantum computations, no experimental observation of non-Abelian topological charges has been reported. Here, we experimentally observe the non-Abelian topological charges in a PT (parity and time-reversal) symmetric system. More importantly, we propose non-Abelian bulk-edge correspondence, where edge states are found to be described by non-Abelian charges. Our work opens the door towards non-Abelian topological phase characterization and manipulation.