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The return to the hard state of GX 339-4 as seen by Suzaku

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 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The microquasar GX 339-4 was observed by Suzaku five times, spaced by a few days, during its transition back to the hard state at the end of its 2010-2011 outburst. The 2-10 keV source flux decreases by a factor ~10 between the beginning and the end of the monitoring. Simultaneous radio and OIR observations highlighted the re-ignition of the radio emission just before the beginning of the campaign, the maximum radio emission being reached between the two first Suzaku pointings, while the IR peaked a few weeks latter. A fluorescent iron line is always significantly detected. Fits with a gaussian or Laor profiles give statistically equivalent results. In the case of a Laor profile, fits of the five data sets simultaneously agree with a disk inclination angle of ~20 degrees. The disk inner radius is <10-30 R_g in the first two observations but almost unconstrained in the last three. A soft X-ray excess is also present in these two first observations. Fits with a multicolor disk component give disk inner radii in agreement with those obtained with the iron line fits. The use of a physically more realistic model, including a blurred reflection component and a comptonization continuum, give some hints of the increase of the disk inner radius but the significances are always weak. Interestingly, the addition of warm absorption significantly improves the fit of OBS1 while it is not needed in the other observations. The radio-jet re-ignition occurring between OBS1 and OBS2, these absorption features may indicate the natural evolution from a disk wind and a jet. The comparison with a long 2008 Suzaku observation of GX 339-4 in a persistent faint hard state where a narrow iron line clearly indicates a disk recession, is discussed.

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We analyze eleven NuSTAR and Swift observations of the black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4 in the hard state, six of which were taken during the end of the 2015 outburst, five during a failed outburst in 2013. These observations cover luminosities from 0.5%-5% of the Eddington luminosity. Implementing the most recent version of the reflection model relxillCp, we perform simultaneous spectral fits on both datasets to track the evolution of the properties in the accretion disk including the inner edge radius, the ionization, and temperature of the thermal emission. We also constrain the photon index and electron temperature of the primary source (the corona). We find the disk becomes more truncated when the luminosity decreases, and observe a maximum truncation radius of $37R_g$. We also explore a self-consistent model under the framework of coronal Comptonization, and find consistent results regarding the disk truncation in the 2015 data, providing a more physical preferred fit for the 2013 observations.
X-ray and near-infrared ($J$-$H$-$K_{rm s}$) observations of the Galactic black hole binary GX 339--4 in the low/hard state were performed with Suzaku and IRSF in 2009 March. The spectrum in the 0.5--300 keV band is dominated by thermal Comptonization of multicolor disk photons, with a small contribution from a direct disk component, indicating that the inner disk is almost fully covered by hot corona with an electron temperature of $approx$175 keV. The Comptonizing corona has at least two optical depths, $tau approx 1,0.4$. Analysis of the iron-K line profile yields an inner disk radius of $(13.3^{+6.4}_{-6.0}) R_{rm g}$ ($R_{rm g} $ represents the gravitational radius $GM/c^2$), with the best-fit inclination angle of $approx50^circ$. This radius is consistent with that estimated from the continuum fit by assuming the conservation of photon numbers in Comptonization. Our results suggest that the standard disk of GX 339--4 is likely truncated before reaching the innermost stable circular orbit (for a non rotating black hole) in the low/hard state at $sim$1% of the Eddington luminosity. The one-day averaged near-infrared light curves are found to be correlated with hard X-ray flux with $F_{rm Ks} propto F_{rm X}^{0.45}$. The flatter near infrared $ u F_{ u}$ spectrum than the radio one suggests that the optically thin synchrotron radiation from the compact jets dominates the near-infrared flux. Based on a simple analysis, we estimate the magnetic field and size of the jet base to be $5times10^4$ G and $6times 10^8$ cm, respectively. The synchrotron self Compton component is estimated to be approximately 0.4% of the total X-ray flux.
289 - F. Fuerst 2016
We present an analysis of NuSTAR observations of a hard intermediate state of the transient black hole GX 339-4 taken in January 2015. As the source softened significantly over the course of the 1.3 d-long observation we split the data into 21 sub-sets and find that the spectrum of all of them can be well described by a power-law continuum with an additional relativistically blurred reflection component. The photon index increases from ~1.69 to ~1.77 over the course of the observation. The accretion disk is truncated at around 9 gravitational radii in all spectra. We also perform timing analysis on the same 21 individual data sets, and find a strong type-C quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO), which increase in frequency from ~0.68 to ~1.05 Hz with time. The frequency change is well correlated with the softening of the spectrum. We discuss possible scenarios for the production of the QPO and calculate predicted inner radii in the relativistic precession model as well as the global disk mode oscillations model. We find discrepancies with respect to the observed values in both models unless we allow for a black hole mass of ~100 M_sun , which is highly unlikely. We discuss possible systematic uncertainties, in particular with the measurement of the inner accretion disk radius in the relativistic reflection model. We conclude that the combination of observed QPO frequencies and inner accretion disk radii, as obtained from spectral fitting, is difficult to reconcile with current models.
One of the popular models for the low/hard state of Black Hole Binaries is that the standard accretion disk is truncated and the hot inner region produces via Comptonization, the hard X-ray flux. This is supported by the value of the high energy photon index, which is often found to be small $sim$ 1.7 ($<$ 2) implying that the hot medium is seed photons starved. On the other hand, the suggestive presence of a broad relativistic Fe line during the hard state would suggest that the accretion disk is not truncated but extends all the way to the inner most stable circle orbit. In such a case, it is a puzzle why the hot medium would remain photon starved. The broad Fe line should be accompanied by a broad smeared reflection hump at $sim$ 30 keV and it may be that this additional component makes the spectrum hard and the intrinsic photon index is larger, i.e. $>$ 2. This would mean that the medium is not photon deficient, reconciling the presence of a broad Fe line in the observed hard state. To test this hypothesis, we have analyzed the RXTE observations of GX 339-4 from the four outbursts during 2002-2011 and identify the observations when the system was in the hard state and showed a broad Fe line. We have then attempted to fit these observations with models, which include smeared reflection to understand whether the intrinsic photon index can indeed be large. We find that, while for some observations the inclusion of reflection does increase the photon index, there are hard state observations with broad Fe line that have photon indices less than 2.
108 - A.K.H. Kong 2000
We report BeppoSAX and optical observations of the black hole candidate GX 339-4 during its X-ray `off state in 1999. The broad-band (0.8-50 keV) X-ray emission can be fitted by a single power law with spectral index, alpha ~1.6. The observed luminosity is 6.6e33 erg s^{-1} in the 0.5-10 keV band, which is at the higher end of the flux distribution of black hole soft X-ray transients in quiescence, comparable to that seen in GS 2023+338 and 4U 1630-47. An optical observation just before the BeppoSAX observation shows the source to be very faint at these wavelengths as well (B=20.1, V=19.2). By comparing with previously reported `off and low states (LS), we conclude that the `off state is actually an extension of the LS, i.e. a LS at lower intensities. We propose that accretion models such as the advection-dominated accretion flows are able to explain the observed properties in such a state.
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