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Creation and dynamics of two-dimensional skyrmions in antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates

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 Added by Emmi Ruokokoski
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We numerically simulate the creation process of two-dimensional skyrmionic excitations in antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose--Einstein condensates by solving the full three-dimensional dynamics of the system from the Gross--Pitaevskii equation. Our simulations reproduce quantitatively the experimental results of [Choi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 035301 (2012)] without any fitting parameters. Furthermore, we examine the stability of the skyrmion by computing the temporal evolution of the condensate in a harmonic potential. The presence of both the quadratic Zeeman effect and dissipation in the simulations is vital for reproducing the experimentally observed decay time.

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We introduce topologically stable three-dimensional skyrmions in the cyclic and biaxial nematic phases of a spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensate. These skyrmions exhibit exceptionally high mapping degrees resulting from the versatile symmetries of the corresponding order parameters. We show how these structures can be created in existing experimental setups and study their temporal evolution and lifetime by numerically solving the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equations for realistic parameter values. Although the biaxial nematic and cyclic phases are observed to be unstable against transition towards the ferromagnetic phase, their lifetimes are long enough for the skyrmions to be imprinted and detected experimentally.
Solitons in multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates have been paid much attention, due to the stability and wide applications of them. The exact soliton solutions are usually obtained for integrable models. In this paper, we present four families of exact spin soliton solutions for non-integrable cases in spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates. The whole particle density is uniform for the spin solitons, which is in sharp contrast to the previously reported solitons of integrable models. The spectrum stability analysis and numerical simulation indicate the spin solitons can exist stably. The spin density redistribution happens during the collision process, which depends on the relative phase and relative velocity between spin solitons. The non-integrable properties of the systems can bring spin solitons experience weak amplitude and location oscillations after collision. These stable spin soliton excitations could be used to study the negative inertial mass of solitons, the dynamics of soliton-impurity systems, and the spin dynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates.
The spinor dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates of 87Rb atoms with hyperfine spins 1 and 2 were investigated. A technique of simultaneous Ramsey interferometry was developed for individual control of the vectors of two spins with almost the same Zeeman splittings. The mixture of spinor condensates is generated in the transversely polarized spin-1 and the longitudinally polarized spin-2 states. The time evolution of the spin-1 condensate exhibits dephasing and rephasing of the Larmor precession due to the interaction with the spin-2 condensate. The scattering lengths between spin-1 and -2 atoms were estimated by comparison with the numerical simulation using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The proposed technique is expected to facilitate the further study of multiple spinor condensates.
We study spin fragmentation of an antiferromagnetic spin 1 condensate in the presence of a quadratic Zeeman (QZ) effect breaking spin rotational symmetry. We describe how the QZ effect turns a fragmented spin state, with large fluctuations of the Zeemans populations, into a regular polar condensate, where atoms all condense in the $m=0$ state along the field direction. We calculate the average value and variance of the Zeeman state $m=0$ to illustrate clearly the crossover from a fragmented to an unfragmented state. The typical width of this crossover is $q sim k_B T/N$, where $q$ is the QZ energy, $T$ the spin temperature and $N$ the atom number. This shows that spin fluctuations are a mesoscopic effect that will not survive in the thermodynamic limit $Nrightarrow infty$, but are observable for sufficiently small atom number.
We have computed phase diagrams for rotating spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates with long-range magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. Spin textures including vortex sheets, staggered half-quantum- and skyrmion vortex lattices and higher order topological defects have been found. These systems exhibit both superfluidity and magnetic crystalline ordering and they could be realized experimentally by imparting angular momentum in the condensate.
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