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The interstellar medium and the massive stellar content toward the SNR G18.1-0.1 and neighboring HII regions

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 Added by Sergio Paron
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We perform a multiwavelength study toward the SNR G18.1-0.1 and nearby several HII regions (infrared dust bubbles N21 and N22, and the HII regions G018.149-00.283 and G18.197-00.181). Our goal is to provide observational evidence supporting that massive stars usually born in clusters from the same molecular cloud, which then produce, along their evolution, different neighboring objects such as HII regions, interstellar bubbles and supernova remnants. We suggest that the objects analysed in this work belong to a same complex located at the distance of about 4 kpc. Using molecular data we inspected the interstellar medium toward this complex and from optical and X-ray observations we looked for OB-type stars in the region. Analysing public 13CO J=1--0 data we found several molecular structures very likely related to the HII region/SNR complex. We suggest that the molecular gas is very likely being swept and shaped by the expansion of the HII regions. From spectroscopic optical observations obtained with the 2.15 m telescope at CASLEO, Argentina, we discovered three O-type stars very likely exciting the bubbles N21 and N22, and an uncatalogued HII region northward bubble N22, respectively. Also we found four B0-5 stars, one toward the bubble N22 and the others within the HII region G18.149-0.283. By inspecting the Chandra Source Catalog we found two point X-ray sources and we suggest that one of them is an early O-type star. Finally we inspected the large scale interstellar medium around this region. We discovered a big molecular shell of about 70 pc x 28 pc in which the analysed complex appears to be located in its southern border.

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472 - Denis A. Leahy , Wenwu Tian 2007
New HI images from the VLA Galactic Plane Survey show prominent absorption features associated with the supernovae remnant G23.3-0.3 (SNR W41). We highlight the HI absorption spectra and the $^{13}$CO emission spectra of eight small regions on the face of W41, including four HII regions, three non-thermal emission regions and one unclassified region. The maximum velocity of absorption for W41 is 78$pm$2 km/s and the CO cloud at radial velocity 95$pm$5 km/s is behind W41. Because an extended TeV source, a diffuse X-ray enhancement and a large molecular cloud at radial velocity 77$pm$5 km/s are also projected at the center of W41, these yield the kinematic distance of 3.9 to 4.5 kpc for W41. For HII regions, our analyses reveal that both G23.42-0.21 and G23.07+0.25 are at the far kinematic distances ($sim$9.9 kpc and $sim$ 10.6 kpc respectively) of their recombination-line velocities (103$pm$0.5 km/s and 89.6$pm$2.1 km/s respectively), G23.07-0.37 is at the near kinematic distance (4.4$pm$0.3 kpc) of its recombination-line velocity (82.7$pm$2.0 km/s), and G23.27-0.27 is probably at the near kinematic distance (4.1$pm$0.3 kpc) of its recombination-line velocity (76.1$pm$0.6 km/s).
The four HII regions in the Sgr A East complex: A, B, C, and D, represent evidence of recent massive star formation in the central ten parsecs. Using Paschen-alpha images taken with HST and 8.4 GHz VLA data, we construct an extinction map of A-D, and briefly discuss their morphology and location.
56 - S.L. Lumsden 2002
We present observations and models of the behaviour of the HI and HeI lines between 1.6 and 2.2um in a small sample of compact HII regions. As in our previous papers on planetary nebulae, we find that the `pure 1.7007um 4^3D-3^3P and 2.16475um 7^(3,1)G-4^(3,1)F HeI recombination lines behave approximately as expected as the effective temperature of the central exciting star(s) increases. However, the 2.058um 2^1P-2^1S HeI line does not behave as the model predicts, or as seen in planetary nebulae. Both models and planetary nebulae showed a decrease in the HeI 2^1P-2^1S/HI Br gamma ratio above an effective temperature of 40000K. The compact HII regions do not show any such decrease. The problem with this line ratio is probably due to the fact that the photoionisation model does not account correctly for the high densities seen in these HII regions, and that we are therefore seeing more collisional excitation of the 2^1P level than the model predicts. It may also reflect some deeper problem in the assumed model stellar atmospheres. In any event, although the normal HeI recombination lines can be used to place constraints on the temperature of the hottest star present, the HeI 2^1P-2^1S/HI Br gamma ratio should not be used for this purpose in either Galactic HII regions or in starburst galaxies, and conclusions from previous work using this ratio should be regarded with extreme caution. We also show that the combination of the near infrared `pure recombination line ratios with mid-infrared forbidden line data provides a good discriminant of the form of the far ultraviolet spectral energy distribution of the exciting star(s). From this we conclude that CoStar models are a poor match to the available data for our sources, though the more recent WM-basic models are a better fit.
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are among the most numerous galaxy population in the Universe, but their main formation and evolution channels are still not well understood. The three dwarf spheroidal satellites (NGC147, NGC185, and NGC205) of the Andromeda galaxy are characterised by very different interstellar medium (ISM) properties, which might suggest them being at different galaxy evolutionary stages. While the dust content of NGC205 has been studied in detail by De Looze et al. (2012), we present new Herschel dust continuum observations of NGC147 and NGC185. The non-detection of NGC147 in Herschel SPIRE maps puts a strong constraint on its dust mass (< 128 Msun). For NGC185, we derive a total dust mass M_d = 5.1 x 10^3 Msun, which is a factor of ~2-3 higher than that derived from ISO and Spitzer observations and confirms the need for longer wavelength observations to trace more massive cold dust reservoirs. We, furthermore, estimate the dust production by asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and supernovae (SNe). For NGC147, the upper limit on the dust mass is consistent with expectations of the material injected by the evolved stellar population. In NGC185 and NGC205, the observed dust content is one order of magnitude higher compared to the estimated dust production by AGBs and SNe. Efficient grain growth, and potentially longer dust survival times (3-6 Gyr) are required to account for their current dust content. Our study confirms the importance of grain growth in the gas phase to account for the current dust reservoir in galaxies.
We have analyzed a uniform sample of 16 evolved HII regions located in a 2 deg X 2 deg Galactic field centered at (l,b) = (30 deg, 0 deg) and observed as part of the Herschel Hi-GAL survey. The evolutionary stage of these HII regions was established using ancillary radio continuum data. By combining Hi-GAL PACS (70 micron, 160 micron) and SPIRE (250 micron, 350 micron and 500 micron) measurements with MIPSGAL 24 micron data, we built Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of the sources and showed that a 2-component grey-body model is a good representation of the data. In particular, wavelengths > 70 micron appear to trace a cold dust component, for which we estimated an equilibrium temperature of the Big Grains (BGs) in the range 20 - 30 K, while for lambda < 70 micron, the data indicated the presence of a warm dust component at temperatures of the order of 50 - 90 K. This analysis also revealed that dust is present in the interior of HII regions, although likely not in a large amount. In addition, the data appear to corroborate the hypothesis that the main mechanism responsible for the (partial) depletion of dust in HII regions is radiation-pressure-driven drift. In this framework, we speculated that the 24 micron emission which spatially correlates with ionized gas might be associated with either Very Small Grain (VSG) or BG replenishment, as recently proposed for the case of Wind-Blown Bubbles (WBB). Finally, we found that evolved HII regions are characterized by distinctive far-IR and sub-mm colors, which can be used as diagnostics for their identification in unresolved Galactic and extragalactic regions.
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