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We consider the simultaneous propagation of a pair of Raman-resonant, frequency-modulated (chirped) laser pulses in an optically thick medium, modeled by an ensemble of $Lambda$-atoms. A self-organization (matching`) effect is shown for the chirped pulse pair, which leads to a quasi-lossless propagation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a well-defined coherent superposition of the atomic ground states and, correspondingly, a coherence is robustly created in the medium that can be controlled by amplitudes of the laser pulses. The proposed scheme can be applied to substantially increase the efficiency of the optical wave mixing processes, as well as in other nonlinear processes where the initial preparation of a spatially extended medium in a coherent superposition state is required.
An optically thick cold atomic cloud emits a coherent flash of light in the forward direction when the phase of an incident probe field is abruptly changed. Because of cooperativity, the duration of this phenomena can be much shorter than the excited lifetime of a single atom. Repeating periodically the abrupt phase jump, we generate a train of pulses with short repetition time, high intensity contrast and high efficiency. In this regime, the emission is fully governed by cooperativity even if the cloud is dilute.
We study the Fermi-Hubbard model in the strongly correlated Mott phase under the influence of a harmonically oscillating electric field, e.g., a pump laser. In the Peierls representation, this pump field can be represented as an oscillating phase of the hopping rate $J(t)$, such that the effective time-averaged rate $bar J$ is reduced, i.e., switching the pump laser suddenly is analogous to a quantum quench. Apart from this time-averaged rate $bar J$, it is well known that the oscillating component of $J(t)$ can resonantly create particle-hole pairs if the pump frequency $omega_{rm pump}$ equals (or a little exceeds) the Mott gap. In addition, we find that it is possible to create multiple pairs if $omega_{rm pump}$ is near an integer multiple of the gap. These findings should be relevant for pump-probe experiments.
We have observed the ultraslow propagation of matched pulses in nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a hot atomic vapor. Probe pulses as short as 70 ns can be delayed by a tunable time of up to 40 ns with little broadening or distortion. During the propagation, a probe pulse is amplified and generates a conjugate pulse which is faster and separates from the probe pulse before getting locked to it at a fixed delay. The precise timing of this process allows us to determine the key coefficients of the susceptibility tensor. The presence of gain in this system makes this system very interesting in the context of all-optical information processing.
The creation of matter and structure in our universe is currently described by an intricate interplay of quantum field theory and general relativity. Signatures of this process during an early inflationary period can be observed, while direct tests remain out of reach. Here, we study an experimental analog of the process based on trapped atomic ions. We create pairs of phonons by tearing apart quantum vacuum fluctuations. Thereby, we prepare ions in an entangled state of motion. Controlling timescales and the coupling to environments should permit optimizing efficiencies while keeping the effect robust via established tools in quantum information processing (QIP). This might also permit to cross-fertilize between concepts in cosmology and applications of QIP, such as, quantum metrology, experimental quantum simulations and quantum computing.
Using a single channel active Raman gain medium we show a $(220pm 20)$ns advance time for an optical pulse of $tau_{FWHM}=15.4 mu$s propagating through a 10 cm medium, a lead time that is comparable to what was reported previously. In addition, we have verified experimentally all the features associated with this single channel Raman gain system. Our results show that the reported gain-assisted superluminal propagation should not be attributed to the interference between the two frequencies of the pump field.