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Surface gravities for non-Killing horizons

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 Added by Bethan Cropp
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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There are many logically and computationally distinct characterizations of the surface gravity of a horizon, just as there are many logically rather distinct notions of horizon. Fortunately, in standard general relativity, for stationary horizons, most of these characterizations are degenerate. However, in modified gravity, or in analogue spacetimes, horizons may be non-Killing or even non-null, and hence these degeneracies can be lifted. We present a brief overview of the key issues, specifically focusing on horizons in analogue spacetimes and universal horizons in modified gravity.

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346 - Hideki Maeda 2021
Spherically, plane, or hyperbolically symmetric spacetimes with an additional hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector are often called static spacetimes even if they contain regions where the Killing vector is non-timelike. It seems to be widely believed that an energy-momentum tenor for a matter field compatible with these spacetimes in general relativity is of the Hawking-Ellis type I everywhere. We show in arbitrary $n(ge 3)$ dimensions that, contrary to popular belief, a matter field on a Killing horizon is not necessarily of type I but can be of type II. Such a type-II matter field on a Killing horizon is realized in the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger black hole in the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system and may be interpreted as a mixture of a particular anisotropic fluid and a null dust fluid.
The restoration of spin connection clarifies the long known local Lorentz invariance problem in telelparallel gravities. It is considered now that any tetrad together with the associated spin connection can be equally utilized. Among the tetrads there is a particular one, namely proper tetrad, in which all the spurious inertial effects are removed and the spin connection vanishes. A specific tetrad was proposed in the literature for spherically symmetric cases, which has been used in regularizing the action, as well as in searching solutions in various scenarios. We show in this paper that the this tetrad is not the unique choice for the proper tetrad. We construct a new tetrad that can be considered as the proper one, and it will lead to different behaviors of the field equation and results in different solutions. With this proper tetrad, it is possible to find solutions to teleparallel gravities in the strong field regime, which may have physical applications. In the flat spacetime limit, the new tetrad coincides with the aforementioned one.
350 - S. Deser , O. Sarioglu , B. Tekin 2007
We obtain the static spherically symmetric solutions of a class of gravitational models whose additions to the General Relativity (GR) action forbid Ricci-flat, in particular, Schwarzschild geometries. These theories are selected to maintain the (first) derivative order of the Einstein equations in Schwarzschild gauge. Generically, the solutions exhibit both horizons and a singularity at the origin, except for one model that forbids spherical symmetry altogether. Extensions to arbitrary dimension with a cosmological constant, Maxwell source and Gauss-Bonnet terms are also considered.
We find exact formulas for the Extended Uncertainty Principle (EUP) for the Rindler and Friedmann horizons and show that they can be expanded to obtain asymptotic forms known from the previous literature. We calculate the corrections to Hawking temperature and Bekenstein entropy of a black hole in the universe due to Rindler and Friedmann horizons. The effect of the EUP is similar to the canonical corrections of thermal fluctuations and so it rises the entropy signalling further loss of information.
We prove that under the dominant energy condition any non-degenerate smooth compact totally geodesic horizon admits a smooth tangent vector field of constant non-zero surface gravity. This result generalizes previous work by Isenberg and Moncrief, and by Bustamante and Reiris to the non-vacuum case, the vacuum case being given a largely independent proof. Moreover, we prove that any such achronal non-degenerate horizon is actually a Cauchy horizon bounded on one side by a chronology violating region.
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