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Searching for Novel Neutrino Interactions at NOvA and Beyond in Light of Large theta_13

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 Added by Alexander Friedland
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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We examine the prospects of probing nonstandard interactions (NSI) of neutrinos in the e-tau sector with upcoming long-baseline nu_mu -> nu_e oscillation experiments. First conjectured decades ago, neutrino NSI remain of great interest, especially in light of the recent 8B solar neutrino measurements by SNO, Super-Kamiokande, and Borexino. We observe that the recent discovery of large theta_13 implies that long-baseline experiments have considerable NSI sensitivity, thanks to the interference of the standard and new physics conversion amplitudes. In particular, in some parts of NSI parameter space, the upcoming NOvA experiment will be sensitive enough to see ~ 3sigma deviations from the SM-only hypothesis. On the flip side, NSI introduce important ambiguities in interpreting NOvA results as measurements of CP-violation, the mass hierarchy and the octant of theta_23. In particular, observed CP violation could be due to a phase coming from NSI, rather than the vacuum Hamiltonian. The proposed LBNE experiment, with its longer ~ 1300 km baseline, may break many of these interpretative degeneracies.

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We determine the four Fermi effective theory of neutrino interactions within the Standard Model including one-loop electroweak radiative corrections, in combination with the measured muon lifetime and precision electroweak data. Including two-loop matching and three-loop running corrections, we determine lepton coefficients accounting for all large logarithms through relative order $cal{O}(alpha alpha_s)$ and quark coefficients accounting for all large logarithms through ${cal{O}}(alpha)$. We present four-fermion coefficients valid in $n_f=3$ and $n_f=4$ flavor quark theories, as well as in the extreme low-energy limit. We relate the coefficients in this limit to neutrino charge radii governing matter effects via forward neutrino scattering on charged particles.
154 - A. Palazzo , J. W. F. Valle 2009
Solar and KamLAND data are in slight tension when interpreted in the standard two-flavor oscillations framework and this may be alleviated allowing for a non-zero value of the mixing angle theta_13. Here we show that, likewise, non-standard flavor-changing interactions (FCI), possibly intervening in the propagation of solar neutrinos, are equally able to alleviate this tension and therefore constitute a potential source of confusion in the determination of theta_13. By performing a full three-flavor analysis of solar and KamLAND data in presence of FCI we provide a quantitative description of the degeneracy existing between theta_13 and the vectorial coupling eps_etau^dV characterizing the non-standard transitions between nu_e and nu_tau in the forward scattering process with d-type quarks. We find that couplings with magnitude eps_etau^dV ~ 10%, compatible with the existing bounds, can mimic the non-zero values of theta_13 indicated by the latest analyses.
We study the impact of one light sterile neutrino on the prospective data expected to come from the two presently running long-baseline experiments T2K and NOvA when they will accumulate their full planned exposure. Introducing for the first time, the bi-probability representation in the 4-flavor framework, commonly used in the 3-flavor scenario, we present a detailed discussion of the behavior of the numu to nue and numubar to nuebar transition probabilities in the 3+1 scheme. We also perform a detailed sensitivity study of these two experiments (both in the stand-alone and combined modes) to assess their discovery reach in the presence of a light sterile neutrino. For realistic benchmark values of the mass-mixing parameters (as inferred from the existing global short-baseline fits), we find that the performance of both these experiments in claiming the discovery of the CP-violation induced by the standard CP-phase delta13 equivalent to delta, and the neutrino mass hierarchy get substantially deteriorated. The exact loss of sensitivity depends on the value of the unknown CP-phase delta14. Finally, we estimate the discovery potential of total CP-violation (i.e., induced simultaneously by the two CP-phases delta13 and delta14), and the capability of the two experiments of reconstructing the true values of such CP-phases. The typical (1 sigma level) uncertainties on the reconstructed phases are approximately 40 degree for delta13 and 50 degree for delta14.
The sensitivity to dark matter signals at neutrino experiments is fundamentally challenged by the neutrino rates, as they leave similar signatures in their detectors. As a way to improve the signal sensitivity, we investigate a dark matter search strategy which utilizes the timing and energy spectra to discriminate dark matter from neutrino signals at low-energy, pulsed-beam neutrino experiments. This strategy was proposed in our companion paper arXiv:1906.10745, which we apply to potential searches at COHERENT, JSNS$^2$, and CCM. These experiments are not only sources of neutrinos but also high intensity sources of photons. The dark matter candidate of interest comes from the relatively prompt decay of a dark sector gauge boson which may replace a Standard-Model photon, so the delayed neutrino events can be suppressed by keeping prompt events only. Furthermore, prompt neutrino events can be rejected by a cut in recoil energy spectra, as their incoming energy is relatively small and bounded from above while dark matter may deposit a sizable energy beyond it. We apply the search strategy of imposing a combination of energy and timing cuts to the existing CsI data of the COHERENT experiment as a concrete example, and report a mild excess beyond known backgrounds. We then investigate the expected sensitivity reaches to dark matter signals in our benchmark experiments.
88 - G.J. Stephenson , Jr. 2000
The interference of charge-changing interactions, weaker than the V-A Standard Model (SM) interaction and having a different Lorentz structure, with that SM interaction, can, in principle, produce effects near the end point of the Tritium beta decay spectrum which are of a different character from those produced by the purely kinematic effect of neutrino mass expected in the simplest extension of the SM. We show that the existence of more than one mass eigenstate can lead to interference effects at the end point that are stronger than those occurring over the entire spectrum. We discuss these effects both for the special case of Dirac neutrinos and the more general case of Majorana neutrinos and show that, for the present precision of the experiments, one formula should suffice to express the interference effects in all cases. Implications for sterile neutrinos are noted.
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