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The A-X infrared bands of Aluminum Oxide in stars: search and new detections

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We describe a search for the A-X infrared bands of AlO with a view to better understand the characteristics of this radical. These bands are infrequently encountered in astronomical sources but surprisingly were very prominent in the spectra of two well-known, nova-like variables (V838 Mon and V4332 Sgr) thereby motivating us to explore the physical conditions necessary for their excitation. In this study, we present the detection of A-X bands in the spectra of 13 out of 17 stars, selected on the basis of their J-K colors as potential candidates for detection of these bands. The majority of the AlO detections are in AGB stars viz. 9 OH/IR stars, 2 Mira variables and 2 bright infrared sources. Our study shows that the A-X bands are fairly prevalent in sources with low temperature and O-rich environments. Interesting variation in strength of the AlO bands in one of the sources (IRAS 18530+0817) is reported and the cause for this is examined. Possible applications of the present study are discussed in terms of the role of AlO in alumina dust formation, the scope for estimating the radioactive $^{26}$Al content in AGB stars from the A-X bands, and providing possible targets for further mm/radio studies of AlO which has recently been discovered at millimeter wavelengths.

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Using XMM-Newton, we undertook a dedicated project to search for X-ray bright wind-wind collisions in 18 WR+OB systems. We complemented these observations with Swift and Chandra datasets, allowing for the study of two additional systems. We also improved the ephemerides, for these systems displaying photometric changes, using TESS, Kepler, and ASAS-SN data. Five systems displayed a very faint X-ray emission ($log [L_{rm X}/L_{rm BOL}]<-8$) and three a faint one ($log [L_{rm X}/L_{rm BOL}]sim-7$), incompatible with typical colliding wind emission: not all WR binaries are thus X-ray bright. In a few other systems, X-rays from the O-star companion cannot be excluded as being the true source of X-rays (or a large contributor). In two additional cases, the emission appears faint but the observations were taken with the WR wind obscuring the line-of-sight, which could hide a colliding wind emission. Clear evidence of colliding winds was however found in the remaining six systems (WR19, 21, 31, 97, 105, 127). In WR19, increased absorption and larger emission at periastron are even detected, in line with expectations of adiabatic collisions.
We use the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope to obtain new high-quality spectra covering the 1900 to 2360 Angstrom wavelength range for two metal-poor stars, HD 108317 and HD 128279. We derive abundances of Cu II, Zn II, As I, Se I, Mo II, and Cd II, which have not been detected previously in either star. Abundances derived for Ge I, Te I, Os II, and Pt I confirm those derived from lines at longer wavelengths. We also derive upper limits from the non-detection of W II, Hg II, Pb II, and Bi I. The mean [As/Fe] ratio derived from these two stars and five others in the literature is unchanged over the metallicity range -2.8 < [Fe/H] < -0.6, <[As/Fe]> = +0.28 +/- 0.14 (std. dev. = 0.36 dex). The mean [Se/Fe] ratio derived from these two stars and six others in the literature is also constant, <[Se/Fe]> = +0.16 +/- 0.09 (std. dev. = 0.26 dex). The As and Se abundances are enhanced relative to a simple extrapolation of the iron-peak abundances to higher masses, suggesting that this mass region (75 < A < 82) may be the point at which a different nucleosynthetic mechanism begins to dominate the quasi-equilibrium alpha-rich freezeout of the iron peak. <[CuII/CuI]> = +0.56 +/- 0.23 in HD 108317 and HD 128279, and we infer that lines of Cu I may not be formed in local thermodynamic equilibrium in these stars. The [Zn/Fe], [Mo/Fe], [Cd/Fe], and [Os/Fe] ratios are also derived from neutral and ionized species, and each ratio pair agrees within the mutual uncertainties, which range from 0.15 to 0.52 dex.
We report the detection of 7 new Wolf-Rayet (WR) star locations in M81 using the Multi-Object Spectrograph of the OSIRIS instrument at Gran Telescopio Canarias. These detections are the result of a follow-up of an earlier study using the same instrumental set-up that resulted in the detection of 14 WR locations. We analyse the entire sample of 21 spectra to classify them to one of the known WR sub-types using template spectra of WR stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), with similar metallicity to M81. Taking into consideration the dispersion in the strengths of the bumps for a given WR sub-type, we found that 19 of the 21 locations correspond to individual stars, including all the 7 new detections, of sub-types: WNL, WNE, WCE and the transitional WN/C. None of the detections correspond to WCL or WO types. The positions of these stars in the red bump vs blue bump luminosity diagram agrees well with an evolutionary path according to the Conti scenario. Based on this, we propose this diagram as a straightforward tool for spectral classification of extragalactic WR sources. The detection of individual WR stars in M81, which is at a distance of 3.6 Mpc, opens up a new environment for testing the massive star evolutionary models.
Large fullerenes and fullerene-based molecules have been proposed as carriers of diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs). The recent detection of the most common fullerenes (C60 and C70) around some planetary nebulae (PNe) now enable us to study the DIBs towards fullerene-rich space environments. We search DIBs in the optical spectra towards three fullerene-containing PNe (Tc 1, M 1-20, and IC 418). Special attention is given to DIBs which are found to be unusually intense towards these fullerene sources. In particular, an unusually strong 4428A absorption feature is a common charateristic of fullerene PNe. Similar to Tc 1, the strongest optical bands of neutral C60 are not detected towards IC 418. Our high-quality (S/N > 300) spectra for PN Tc 1, together with its large radial velocity, permit us to search for the presence of diffuse bands of circumstellar origin, which we refer to as diffuse circumstellar bands (DCBs). We report the first tentative detection of two DCBs at 4428 and 5780 A in the fullerene-rich circumstellar environment around the PN Tc 1. Laboratory and theoretical studies of fullerenes in their multifarious manifestations (carbon onions, fullerene clusters, or even complex species formed by fullerenes and other molecules like PAHs or metals) may help solve the mystery of some of the diffuse band carriers.
132 - G. van Harten , F. Snik , 2009
In polarimetry it is important to characterize the polarization properties of the instrument itself to disentangle real astrophysical signals from instrumental effects. This article deals with the accurate measurement and modeling of the polarization properties of real aluminum mirrors, as used in astronomical telescopes. Main goals are the characterization of the aluminum oxide layer thickness at different times after evaporation and its influence on the polarization properties of the mirror. The full polarization properties of an aluminum mirror are measured with Mueller matrix ellipsometry at different incidence angles and wavelengths. The best fit of theoretical Mueller matrices to all measurements simultaneously is obtained by taking into account a model of bulk aluminum with a thin aluminum oxide film on top of it. Full Mueller matrix measurements of a mirror are obtained with an absolute accuracy of ~1% after calibration. The determined layer thicknesses indicate logarithmic growth in the first few hours after evaporation, but it remains stable at a value of 4.12+/-0.08 nm on the long term. Although the aluminum oxide layer is established to be thin, it is necessary to consider it to accurately describe the mirrors polarization properties.
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