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Flux calibrated emission line imaging of extended sources using GTC/OSIRIS Tunable Filters

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 Added by Y. D. Mayya
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Y. D. Mayya

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We investigate the utility of the Tunable Filters (TFs) for obtaining flux calibrated emission line maps of extended objects such as galactic nebulae and nearby galaxies, using the OSIRIS instrument at the 10.4-m GTC. Despite a relatively large field of view of OSIRIS (8x8), the change in the wavelength across the field (~80 Ang) and the long-tail of Tunable Filter (TF) spectral response function, are hindrances for obtaining accurate flux calibrated emission-line maps of extended sources. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that emission-line maps useful for diagnostics of nebula can be generated over the entire field of view of OSIRIS, if we make use of theoretically well-understood characteristics of TFs. We have successfully generated the flux-calibrated images of the nearby, large late-type spiral galaxy M101 in the emission lines of Halpha, [NII]6583, [SII]6716 and [SII]6731. We find that the present uncertainty in setting the central wavelength of TFs (~1 Ang), is the biggest source of error in the emission-line fluxes. By comparing the Halpha fluxes of HII regions in our images with the fluxes derived from Halpha images obtained using narrow-band filters, we estimate an error of ~11% in our fluxes. The flux calibration of the images was carried out by fitting the SDSS griz magnitudes of in-frame stars with the stellar spectra from the SDSS spectral database. This method resulted in an accuracy of 3% in flux calibration of any narrow-band image, which is as good as, if not better, to that is feasible using the observations of spectrophotometric standard stars. Thus time-consuming calibration images need not be taken. A user-friendly script under the IRAF environment was developed and is available on request.

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OSIRIS (Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy) is the first light instrument of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). It provides a flexible and competitive tunable filter (TF). Since it is based on a Fabry-Perot interferometer working in collimated beam, the TF transmission wavelength depends on the position of the target with respect to the optical axis. This effect is non-negligible and must be accounted for in the data reduction. Our paper establishes a wavelength calibration for OSIRIS TF with the accuracy required for spectrophotometric measurements using the full field of view (FOV) of the instrument. The variation of the transmission wavelength $lambda(R)$ across the FOV is well described by $lambda(R)=lambda(0)/sqrt{1+(R/f_2)^2}$, where $lambda(0)$ is the central wavelength, $R$ represents the physical distance from the optical axis, and $f_2=185.70pm0.17,$mm is the effective focal length of the camera lens. This new empirical calibration yields an accuracy better than 1,AA across the entire OSIRIS FOV ($sim$8arcmin$times$8arcmin), provided that the position of the optical axis is known within 45 $mu$m ($equiv$ 1.5 binned pixels). We suggest a calibration protocol to grant such precision over long periods, upon re-alignment of OSIRIS optics, and in different wavelength ranges. This calibration differs from the calibration in OSIRIS manual which, nonetheless, provides an accuracy $lesssim1$AA, for $Rlesssim 2arcmin$.
Tunable filters are a powerful way of implementing narrow-band imaging mode over wide wavelength ranges, without the need of purchasing a large number of narrow-band filters covering all strong emission or absorption lines at any redshift. However, one of its main features is a wavelength variation across the field of view, sometimes termed the phase effect. In this work, an anomalous phase effect is reported and characterized for the OSIRIS instrument at the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias. The transmitted wavelength across the field of view of the instrument depends, not only on the distance to the optical centre, but on wavelength. This effect is calibrated for the red tunable filter of OSIRIS by measuring both normal-incidence light at laboratory and spectral lamps at the telescope at non-normal incidence. This effect can be explained by taking into account the inner coatings of the etalon. In a high spectral resolution etalon, the gap between plates is much larger than the thickness of the inner reflective coatings. In the case of a tunable filter, like that in OSIRIS, the coatings thickness could be of the order of the cavity, which changes drastically the effective gap of the etalon. We show that by including thick and dispersive coatings into the interference equations, the observed anomalous phase effect can be perfectly reproduced. In fact, we find that, for the OSIRIS red TF, a two-coatings model fits the data with a rms of 0.5AA at all wavelengths and incidence angles. This is a general physical model that can be applied to other tunable-filter instruments.
The super-earth planet GJ 1214b has recently been the focus of several studies, using the transit spectroscopy technique, trying to determine the nature of its atmosphere. Here we focus on the Halpha line as a tool to further restrict the nature of GJ1214s atmosphere. We used the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) OSIRIS instrument to acquire narrow band photometry with tunable filters. With our observations, we were able to observe the primary transit of the super-Earth GJ 1214b in three bandpasses: two centered in the continuum around Halpha (653.5 nm and 662.0 nm) and one centered at the line core (656.3 nm). We measure the depth of the planetary transit at each wavelength interval.By fitting analytic models to the measured light curves we were able to compute the depth of the transit at the three bandpasses. Taking the difference in the computed planet to star radius ratio between the line and the comparison continuum filters, we find Delta (Rp/Rstar)_{Halpha-653.5} = (6.60 +/- 3.54) 10^-3 and Delta (Rp/Rstar)_{Halpha-662.0} = (3.30 +/- 3.61) 10^-3. Although the planet radius is found to be larger in the Halpha line than in the surrounding continuum, the quality of our observations and the sigma level of the differences (1.8 and 1.0, respectively) does not allow us to claim an Halpha excess in GJ1214s atmosphere. Further observations will be needed to resolve this issue.
OSIRIS is the optical Day One instrument, and so far the only Spanish instrument, currently operating at the GTC. Building and testing an instrument for a 8-10m-class telescope with non-previous commissioning in turn, has represented a truly unique experience. In this contribution, the current status, the last commissioning results and some future prospects are given.
Astrophysical sources such as radio halos and relics in galaxy clusters, supernova remnants and radio galaxies have angular sizes from a few to several $10$s of arcminutes. In radio interferometric imaging of such sources, the largest angular size of the source that can be imaged is limited by the shortest projected baseline towards the source. It is essential to determine the limitations of the recovery of the extended features on various angular scales in order to interpret the radio image. We simulated observations of a model extended source of Gaussian shape with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) using Common Astronomy Software Applications (CASA). The recovery in flux density and in morphology of the model source was quantified in a variety of observing cases with changing source properties and the uv-coverage. If $theta_{lar}$ is the largest angular scale sampled in an observation with the GMRT, then $>80%$ recovery of a source of size $0.3timestheta_{lar}$ is possible. The upgraded GMRT (U-GMRT) providing 200 MHz instantaneous bandwidth between 300 - 500 MHz will allow a factor of two better recovery of a source of size $theta_{lar}$ as compared to the GMRT at 300 MHz with 33 MHz bandwidth. We provide quantitative estimates for the improvement in extended source recovery in observations at low elevations and long durations. The presented simulations can be carried out for future radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) for optimisation of observing strategies to image extended radio sources.
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